Communication and Brand Awareness in International Trade

Changes in advancement to technology with the advent of internet have created business across national boundaries with challenges as well as opportunities. However, effective communication between customers and employees present problems with call centers (language or dialect), and interpreting website marketing and promotions, along with social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn).

Research how communication is impacted between customers and employees in problems with call centers (language or dialect), and the role social media play today in international business for a competitive advantage. Consider – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc. with website marketing – advertising and promotions. In other words, how can these tools and mediums promote a business?

Write 8 or more full pages of text (content – which does NOT include cover page, references or table of contents) addressing the above, with at least 6 references in APA Format

Remember, you can go over 8 pages but not under. You will need:

Cover page

Table of Contents

Introduction to Effective Communication

Call Center Communication

Social Media

Conclusion / Recommendation

References will be provided but need to research peer review articles.

Requirements: 8 pages


This week main idea is to understand the importance of brand awareness marketing and traffic from social media channels (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest).

Identify best practices for Social Media Marketing, including platform level best practices.

Explain and demonstrate the effective use Communicate with clarity.


Main Book: Chapter 15: Entry Strategy and Strategic Alliances

Chapter 16: Exporting, Importing, and Countertrade

Chapter 18: Global Marketing and R&D

Videos on Communication:

Wk 7: Business Communication and social media

Social Media in the Workplace

Call Center Challenges

Week 7 Videos on Communication, Social Media and Call Centers

Wk 7: Business Communication and social media………

Social Media in the Workplace…

Call Center Challenges…

Answer preview

As highlighted earlier in the paper, trade has taken new dimensions with the advent of technology that allows businesses to overcome language and even geographical distance barriers. International trade volume has increased massively as buyers and sellers can connect easily by leveraging technology. From the onset, it is vital to evaluate international trade using standard criteria on economic viability. Foreign expansion is not an easy decision because organizations seeking to take this route must commit vast amounts of resources and create elaborate frameworks to account for the complicated logistics involved. Once the foundation is set, the involved organization must narrow down its focus and assess different business environments (Hill, 2014a). At the most fundamental decision-making level, the entity must decide the foreign market to make forays. It must schedule their entry during a favorable economic period and determine the scale of their business in the new country. The need to determine the most appropriate market entry mode and identify befitting strategic alliances adds more layers of complexity to business decision-making.

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Communication and Brand Awareness in International Trade