Assessment of HEENT System

You may conduct the assessment on a fellow student, friend, or family member. Remember to secure their permission.

Collect both subjective and objective data using the process described in the textbook.

Write a summary of the assessment and the skills utilized. Refer to the questions below. Do not disclose any patient identifiers.

  1. What skills (assessment techniques) were utilized during the assessment?
  2. What subjective data did you collect? (list your findings)
  3. What objective data did you collect? (list your finding)

NO apa referencing required

Answer preview

During HEENT assessment, the expected objective data include looking around skull that has no lesions, bumps, and masses. A facial examination reveals the patient’s facial expressions either during a touch. On the contrary, assessments of the neck show head positioning and its motion, while the external structures of the ocular will help reveal symmetry between the eyes. Based on the review I did, the objective data I gathered is that the eyes had no sign of redness, inflammation, or other anomalies. During the palpation assessment, I did not detect any soreness or lumps. Her head and neck exhibited a complete range of motion, and both pupils appeared normal and the same size. Her eyes normally respond to light, and the eye’s sclera appears white, with clear conjunctiva. Based on the ear assessments, her ears are equal in size, with no visual abnormalities. The tympanic membrane appears shiny, translucent and emits a pearly-gray color. She also has no hearing problems.

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Assessment of HEENT System