Disparities Between Cook and Will County of Illinois

Disparities Between Cook and Will County of Illinois

Cook County


Will County


Cook County


Will County 2020
Population size Population est. as of 2015 (CB)

5,238, 216

Population est. as of 2015 (CB)


Population est. as of 2020 (CB)

5,150, 233

Population est. as of 2020 (CB)


Length of Life
Premature Deaths

Age 75 per 100,000

340.4 per 100,000

Race/Ethnicity data was not provided during this time

278.2 per 100,00

Race/Ethnicity data was not provided during this time

340 per 100,000

AIAN- 190

Asian- 140

Black- 600

Hispanic- 220

White- 270

290 per 100,000


Asian- 120

Black- 390

Hispanic- 200

White- 300

Infant Mortality 7.6 per 1,000 live births

Race/Ethnicity data was not provided during this time

6.8 per 1,000 live births

Race/Ethnicity data was not provided during this time

7 per 1,000 live births


Asian- 5 per 1,000

Black- 13 per 1,000

Hispanic- 5 per 1,000

White- 4 per 1,000

5 per 1,000 live births


Asian- N/A

Black- 12 per 1,000

Hispanic- 4 per 1,000

White- 4 per 1,000

Child Mortality under age 18 64.4 per 100,000

Race/Ethnicity data was not provided during this time

41.6 per 100,000

Race/Ethnicity data was not provided during this time

60 per 100,000


Asian- 40

Black- 110

Hispanic- 40

White- 40

40 per 100,000


Asian- 20

Black- 90

Hispanic- 40

White- 30

Quality of Life Indicators
Poor/Fair health 17% 13% 17% 15%
Poor Mental health days 3.5 per 30 days 3.2 per 30 days 3.7 per 30 days 3.7 per 30 days
Low Birthweight 9.1%

Race/Ethnicity data was not provided during this time


Race/Ethnicity data was not provided during this time


AIAN- 8%

Asian- 9%

Black- 14%

Hispanic- 7%

White- 7%



Asian- 8%

Black- 13%

Hispanic- 7%

White- 7%

Health Behaviors
Food Environment index Limited access to health foods 2%

Food Insecurity 15%

Limited access to health foods 6%

Food Insecurity10%

Limited access to health foods 2%

Food Insecurity 12%

Limited access to health foods 6%

Food Insecurity 7%

Physical inactivity 21% 23% 21% 23%
Access to exercise opportunities 99% 96% 99% 97%
Adult obesity 25% 29% 28% 32%
Adult smoking 18% 18% 14% 13%
Clinical Care
Primary care physicians 1,088:1 1,967:1 1,070:1 1,830:1
Dentists 1,250:1 1,997:1 1,100:1 1,820:1
Mental health providers 576:1 1,366:1 370:1 880:1
Mammography screening 62.4%

Race/Ethnicity data was not provided during this time


Race/Ethnicity data was not provided during this time


AIAN- 31%

Asian- 35%

Black- 38%

Hispanic- 37%

White- 42%



Asian- 36%

Black- 44%

Hispanic- 35%

White- 43%

Social and Economic Factors
Suicides N/A N/A 8 per 100,000


Asain-5 per 100,000

Black- 6 per 100,000

Hispanic- 5 per 100,000

White- 11 per 100,000

11 per 100,000


Asian- N/A

Black- 5 per 100,000

Hispanic- 6 per 100,000

White- 13 per 100,000

Children in Poverty 26%

Race/Ethnicity data was not provided during this time


Race/Ethnicity data was not provided during this time


AIAN- 21%

Asian- 12%

Black- 38%

Hispanic- 25%

White- 8%



Asian- 6%

Black- 21%

Hispanic- 18%

White- 5%

Injury death 46 per 100,000

Race/Ethnicity data was not provided during this time

39 per 100,000

Race/Ethnicity data was not provided during this time

60 per 100,000

AIAN- 21 per 100,000

Asian- 17 per 100,000

Black- 104 per 100,000

Hispanic- 36 per 100,000

White- 54 per 100,000

40 per 100,000


Asian- 17 per 100,000

Black- 56 per 100,000

Hispanic- 30 per 100,000

White- 56 per 100,000

Physical Environment
Air pollution (particulate matteravg. 2.5 ) 13.1 13.1 15.0 13.3
Severe housing problems 24% 16% 22%

Cost Burden 19%

Overcrowding 4%

Inadequate Facilities 1%


Cost Burden 13%

Overcrowding 2%

Inadequate Facilities 1%

Driving alone to work 63% 82% 61%

AIAN- 58%

Asian- 55%

Black- 59%

Hispanic- 63%

White- 62%




Black- 81%

Hispanic- 80%

White- 85%

Long commute – driving alone to work 49% 50% 53% 50%

Reference citation(s)

Cook County Public Health (n.d.). Retrieved June 5, 2021


County Health Ranking Roadmaps (n.d.). Retrieved June 5, 2021, from


County Health Ranking Roadmaps (n.d.). Retrieved May 24, 2021, from


Quick facts.(n.d.). Retrieved June 6, 2021, from


Quick facts.(n.d.). Retrieved May 24, 2021, from

https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/willcountyillino… (CB)

Will County Health (n.d.). Retrieved May 24, 2021, from


Will County Health Annual reports (n.d.). Retrieved May 24, 2021, from


Part 2In one paragraph summarize data and identifytrends from the data in your table (across person, place and time variables). What further information/data would you like to have to analyze these trends?

Part 3After reviewing the data in the table, choose one specific difference in the data (by person, place and/or time). In 1-2 paragraphs, analyze why this difference in the data exists and factors, including social determinants of health, that may contribute to this difference. Refer back to short assignment 1 as needed to support your analysis as well as review related literature.

Requirements: 3 Paragraph

APA. 7 is needed. And please use citations that I provide
Answer preview

 From the analysis, one identifiable difference in the data is the rate of premature death between Cook and Will counties.   Considering its population, will the county population has a higher rate of premature deaths.  The higher rate of premature in this county is caused by numerous factors, including a higher poverty rate, few numbers of health professionals, lifestyle, and environment (Quick facts.n.d.).   In particular, lifestyle is one of the causes of premature deaths in Will County.  The county records a high rate of inactivity and adult obesity which are major causes of chronic illnesses and sometimes premature deaths. Also, inadequate health providers may another cause of premature death in the county.

[589 Words]

Disparities Between Cook and Will County of Illinois

Child nutrition

Health of women and children is influenced by many factors but a primary driver is economic and social equality. In this assignment, we ask you to examine rates of malnutrition, maternal health and the social progress index. Here we are going to look at child nutrition and maternal health as markers of overall public health.

Requirements: All questions should be answered

Answer preview

Vitamin A (%) 15% of the preschool children have inadequate levels of Vitamin A. The deficiency is hidden in the hunger factor affecting the country. Many children cannot access the right vitamins and minerals because they eat very little food and whatever they find to ingest is lacking in all necessary nutrients. 20% of pregnant women and 10% of preschool children have vitamin A deficiencies. This is attributed to the lack of enough food types needed to reach the recommended threshold.
Iron (%) Pregnant mothers and infants have iron deficiency. Again, the problem is rooted in the little or poor food intake especially eating balanced diets. But, the government has made steps to ensure that pregnant mothers access iron supplements from prenatal care to the 24th month of the infant. 82% of preschool aged children and 55% of pregnant mothers have iron deficiencies. The best recommendation offered for Maldives is to increase supplementation for pregnant mothers and children who are 24 months and below.
Iodine (%) There is a 37% iodine deficiency among pregnant mothers which causes the risk of anemia among them. During birth, anemia threatens e life of both the infant and mother especially in cases where blood transfusion is necessary. It also leads to diminished productivity among the affected. Two-thirds of Maldives households do not consume iodized salts. Most rely on the salt found in processed foods like canned tuna. As such, it is recommended that iodized salt is added during food processing.
Breast Milk (%) 60% of the infant are not exclusively breastfed between zero to six months. In addition, during the transition to solid food between 6-9 months, many infants are not provided with enough food and breast milk. Only 10% of children under six months are exclusively breastfed. And between 6-9 months 15% of children do not receive adequate breast milk and food supply.
Food Insecure Households (%) Over one-third of child deaths are caused by malnutrition. Children are born with low birth and others become sick and gradually lose weight. For adults, the affordability of westernized unhealthy foods have made such households to suffer overweight and obesity health related issues. 26% of children under five are malnourished because of low food intake. In addition, the cost of healthcare because of undernutrition cause about 2-5% of adult wages further intensifying the risk of food insecurity among households.


Here please write 100 to 150 words comparing and contrasting the nutritional state for the two countries. Please use a proper thesis statement, provide 2 examples of how the countries compare or contrast, a proper conclusion, and in-text citations and references in APA proper formatting. (5 points)

Each country has its strengths and weaknesses, but Maldives is a few steps ahead of Ecuador in average maternal and child health. According to World Bank (2013), Maldives performs better than many other countries in its region. They have lower levels of vitamin and nutrients deficiency among pregnant women and children below 2 years. However, Ecuador is also doing better than Maldives in some sectors. World Bank (2013) notes that Ecuador has a lower rate of stunting than Maldives. This shows that even though Ecuador citizens have an averagely lower income than Maldives’, they have taken adequate strategies to reduce their health vulnerabilities. Concerning health issues like overweight and obesity among children over 5 years and adults, both countries have high rate of prevalence which necessitates prompt lifestyle changes to reduce the health burden on the individuals and government.

[1369 Words]

Child nutrition

Recommended diet

This paper will include all of the components you have developed over the course

The requirements for your work include the following:

  • Must be 6-8 pages.
  • Must include an introductory paragraph that describes the entire topic.
  • The work must have all of the following: identification of the alteration in health (disease), the role nutrition plays in the prevention of this disease, its etiology, progression, treatment, recommended diet, type of nursing assessment and nursing interventions needed with regard to nutrition, outline of what should be included in client education and two strategies to help ensure adherence (overcome barriers) to the recommended diet.
  • Must have a title page and an APA Editorial formatted Reference page with at least three scholarly peer-reviewed references. There must also be appropriate APA Editorial formatted in-text citations.

please APA REFERNCING is mostly important

also, i attached a document to the question, this document has the assignment topic, the outline, referencing rough done that i have done on the topic. please you are to use them in making a whole of this assignment.

Requirements: 7pages

Answer preview

This type of diabetes occurs when the insulin that produces pancreas beta cells is attacked and destroyed by the body’s immune system. It is not well known what causes this type of diabetes, but scientifically it is believed to be caused by genes and environmental factors such as viruses that might trigger the disease (McIntyre, Catalano, Zhang, Desoye, & Mathiesen, 2019). Although the disease affects people in all age gaps, it is most common in children and teenagers due to gene transfer from parents linked with the disease. Some of the risk factors include environmental factors such as exposure to viral illnesses that can trigger the development of the disease and the presence of autoantibodies that damage immune system cells. Other things, such as geographical areas which are away from the equator, can lead to diabetes development.

[2283 Words]

Recommended diet

Immune system in older adults

After studying Module 3: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following:

Submission Instructions:

Requirements: 500 words


  • Meiner, S.E., Yeager, J.J. (2019).

Answer preview

The immune system of the body helps protect it from foreign substances such as bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and tissues from other people that may harm it. The immune system helps make antibodies that help fight these harmful substances. Aging is usually associated with chronic diseases due to less immune functioning, which is associated with poor health, inflammation, and other nutritional factors. Nutritional factors improve the immune system of people, especially the youth. However, older adults are choosier when it comes to food which results in consuming less nutritious foods, which reduces their immune system making them prone to diseases such as flu (Medications Work Differently in Older Adults | HealthInAging.org, 2020). Psychological factors such as emotions, stress, and other life experiences can cause abnormality in the immune functioning through the medication of the neuroendocrine system, which results in exerting control over the immune system.

[710 Words]

Immune system in older adults

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

i need help with a writing essay about the Application for benefits eligibilty pick one section of the application from Cash Assistance – Medical Assistance – Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Write a one page summary of the selected section and one page of a reflection of the section focusing on the profession identity and other.

Requirements: 2 pages

Answer preview

The sheer number of objects that would remain grouped contributes to the complexity. Customers’ preferences and inclinations vary greatly, and the market responds by offering variety. Because there is no logical standard for labeling food as dangerous or expensive, the complexity is replicated. Making such decisions would be difficult. To offer a list of foods that are SNAP-eligible, ordering and monitoring each nutritional profile would require significant administrative costs. The program would need to be continuously updated and gradually distributed to retailers and customers.

[722 Words]

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Thickening Agents

Write a one page (250 word) paper on the difference between thickening agents.

“what is the difference between starches in sauce making” or “what starch makes the best sauce”

Answer preview

However, cornstarch is unfavorable for acidic ingredients since it breaks the starch molecules resulting in watery sauces, while arrowroot starches are best for acidic ingredients. Cornstarch also contains a starchy-like taste, while arrowroot starches lack the taste (Boyles, 2019). Furthermore, a sauce made from cornstarch is unfavorable for dishes that require freezing and reheating because of its porous nature. In contrast, a sauce made from arrowroot is best for such dishes since it does not change its nature. Cornstarch is best for making sauces used in fillings since it is translucent, while root starches are not best for sauces used in pie fillings. Thus, starches used in sauce making are different based on their molecule structure and are used depending on the dishes.

[285 Words]

Thickening Agents

Food justice security

You will write an 8-10 page, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch
margins, paper on a current food justice/security issue. Please provide a cover page, which is not
page 1 of the 8-page paper, and include page numbers.
You should have a minimum of 10 original sources cited in the text, as well as in the
bibliography. Wikipedia is not a source. Citations: in text, you choose the style.
Provide history/background to the issue. What is happening? Why is it a food justice/security
issue? Discuss the various stakeholders that have been working on the issue, being sure to
include all of the angles and viewpoints of those stakeholders. Note key, already-established
policies and programs that are being used to address the problem, if applicable, as well as being
sure to highlight any new policy suggestions and/or practical actions being made by any/all of the
Possible Issues to Research: San Diego food justice movement, other U.S. locations, how to feed
9 billion people by 2050, food access in USA/other countries, nutrition in schools, U.S. Farm
Bill, agricultural policy initiatives to address hunger, international trade agreements and food
justice, fair trade programs, a specific crop/product to address food security, race/class/economics
and food, sustainable farming, science/research, GMOs, etc.
Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission for
textual similarity review to Turnitin.com for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers
will be included as source documents in the Turnitin.com reference database solely for the
purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. You may submit your papers in such a way that
no identifying information about you is included. Another option is that you may request, in
writing, that your papers not be submitted to Turnitin.com. However, if you choose this option
you will be required to provide documentation to substantiate that the papers are your original
work and do not include any plagiarized material.

Requirements: 8 PAGE

Answer preview

Three main components characterize the food crisis equation. First is income, lifestyle, and level of consumption. Second is technological advancements determining the extent to which the external environment is damaged, while the third is inequality. The higher the population, the higher the increase in poverty, preventing the adoption of more appropriate ways of preventing environmental degradation, which impacts individuals. Population acts as the multiplier determining how land is allocated to the poor and the rich. For instance, most lands are owned by the rich, while the poor are left to live on small holdings where technological ways of production are not practiced (Searchinger, Waite, Hanson, Ranganathan, & Dumas, 2019). The more the population, the higher the poverty level and inequality, which impacts the environment and greatly impacts food production.

[2766 Words]

Food justice security

Food in the German Culture

After studying Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following:

Hyde Pfiefer, a retired 70-year-old German American, has lived in the United States for the last 50 years. A widower of 5 years, Mr. Pfiefer prepares his own meals following his wife’s recipes from the old country. Nine months ago, Mr. Pfiefer was told that his cholesterol is elevated, and he was instructed about a low-fat diet. His most recent test results show his values to be unchanged.

  1. Discuss the meaning of food in the German culture.
  2. Using the predominant health beliefs of people of German ancestry, how might you help Mr. Pfiefer reduce his cholesterol level?

Submission Instructions:

Answer preview

German cuisine is typically cooked with butter sauce, margarine, lard, or even bacon fat. Mr. Pfiefer did the same with his food when he halted a nutritional risk. High fat intake raises cholesterol (Stefan, 2020). The healthcare professional thus advised Mr. Pfiefer to follow a low-fat diet. To make sure that the cholesterol levels were drastically decreased, he was required to be monitored and have the contents in his food thoroughly assessed. I would particularly pick a food type that Mr. Pfiefer would utilize and advise as a healthcare professional. This food selection would focus on avoiding unhealthy food routines and selecting foods that guarantee a decrease in fat intake. Additionally, some American foods are low in fat; because acculturation is acceptable, I highly advise him to consider information about American cuisine.

[750 Words]

Food in the German Culture

Autoimmune diabetes

This paper will include all of the components you have developed over the course

The requirements for your work include the following:

  • Must be 6-8 pages.
  • Must include an introductory paragraph that describes the entire topic.
  • The work must have all of the following: identification of the alteration in health (disease), the role nutrition plays in the prevention of this disease, its etiology, progression, treatment, recommended diet, type of nursing assessment and nursing interventions needed with regard to nutrition, outline of what should be included in client education and two strategies to help ensure adherence (overcome barriers) to the recommended diet.
  • Must have a title page and an APA Editorial formatted Reference page with at least three scholarly peer-reviewed references. There must also be appropriate APA Editorial formatted in-text citations.

please APA REFERNCING is mostly important

also, i attached a document to the question, this document has the assignment topic, the outline, referencing rough done that i have done on the topic. please you are to use them in making a whole of this assignment.

Requirements: 7pages

Answer preview

This type of diabetes occurs when the insulin that produces pancreas beta cells is attacked and destroyed by the body’s immune system. It is not well known what causes this type of diabetes, but scientifically it is believed to be caused by genes and environmental factors such as viruses that might trigger the disease (McIntyre, Catalano, Zhang, Desoye, & Mathiesen, 2019). Although the disease affects people in all age gaps, it is most common in children and teenagers due to gene transfer from parents linked with the disease. Some of the risk factors include environmental factors such as exposure to viral illnesses that can trigger the development of the disease and the presence of autoantibodies that damage immune system cells. Other things, such as geographical areas which are away from the equator, can lead to diabetes development.

[2283 Words]

Autoimmune diabetes

Starch thickens

Write a one page (250 word) paper on the difference between thickening agents.

“what is the difference between starches in sauce making” or “what starch makes the best sauce”

Answer preview

However, cornstarch is unfavorable for acidic ingredients since it breaks the starch molecules resulting in watery sauces, while arrowroot starches are best for acidic ingredients. Cornstarch also contains a starchy-like taste, while arrowroot starches lack the taste (Boyles, 2019). Furthermore, a sauce made from cornstarch is unfavorable for dishes that require freezing and reheating because of its porous nature. In contrast, a sauce made from arrowroot is best for such dishes since it does not change its nature. Cornstarch is best for making sauces used in fillings since it is translucent, while root starches are not best for sauces used in pie fillings. Thus, starches used in sauce making are different based on their molecule structure and are used depending on the dishes.

[285 Words]

Starch thickens