Evidence-based practice project

In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice.

Answer preview

The evidence-based project suggested in this article entails the implementation of self-care methods to prevent burnout among critical care nurses. Nursing burnout in a critical care unit can negatively impact the quality of services delivered to patients in critical units. Burnout in nursing is attributable to a plethora of factors, including poor nursing leadership, depersonalization, emotional exhaustion, poor evidence-based clinical practices among nurses, and the nurse-to-patient ratios (Ghavidel, Fallahi-Khoshknab, Molavynejad,& Zarea, 2019). If it remains unmanaged, nursing burnout can contribute to numerous medical errors in health care. Some of the solutions suggested including an increase in the ratio of nurse to doctor, nursing leadership, and implementation of evidence-based clinical practices. The proposed evidence-based practice project will prevent burnout among critical care nurses and facilitate the implementation of quality care.

[408 Words]

Evidence-Based Practice Project

Evidence-based healthcare

Read chapter 24, 22 & 36 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentations.

Once done write an 800 words essay contracting the three study heritage.

Mention in the essay if there is any similarity in their healthcare belief. Mention how do they see health and disease and their customs to deal with them, also, discuss how they view dead. How their health care belief affect or influence the delivery of evidence-based healthcare.

Read content chapter 36 in Davis Plus Online Website.

You must use at least 3 evidence-based references (excluding the class textbook) and post two replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references. A minimum of 800 words (not counting the first and reference page are required).

This time beside the content and references I will count the assignment base of the number of words.

Answer preview

Polish heritage also incorporates spirituality (Bussing et al., 2015). Their spirituality
majorly stems from their deeply entrenched Catholic values. Whenever a person fell sick,
various catholic rituals were performed, such as eating the sacrament. Praying is an essential
aspect of Polish heritage, especially during a person's journey towards recovery. Unlike the
Thais, Poles place an incredible trust on the modern health care systems, since they believe
they have to do anything to get well, which includes seeing experts (Bussing et al., 2015).
Such an approach allows them to contribute to their

[1099 Words]

Evidence-based healthcare

Legal system and health care laws


1. Describe why health care providers must have a good understanding of our legal system and health care laws. (min 500 words, APA format)

2.Write a 3-5 page (excluding title and reference page) paper describing the American legal system. Describe in detail the branches of our government, the types of laws, and our court system. (include speaker notes, APA, be creative)

Answer preview

Notably, healthcare laws are created by stakeholders in healthcare practice, including the collaboration of clinicians, healthcare associations, and the board of directors of the organizations (Andersen, Rice, & Kominski, 2011). Also, the government includes health statutes that govern health organizations, but again this must be in consolidation with the healthcare providers. The legal system then adopts the laws created by these groups to ensure that they are recognized in all jurisdictions. Therefore, health organizations must be versed with the gazetted laws to stay in line with the enforcement mechanisms and statutory language of the legal systems. Significantly, the mitigation of legal costs allows organizations to channel their funds into useful ventures such as investing in technology to improve healthcare or training the workforce on better healthcare practices. With a knowledgeable workforce,

[1577 Words]

Legal system and health care laws

Delivery of evidence-based healthcare

People of Russian Heritage.

People of Polish Heritage.

People of Thai Heritage.


Read chapter 24, 22 & 36 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentations.

Once done write an 500 words essay contracting the three study heritage.

Mention in the essay if there is any similarity in their healthcare belief. Mention how do they see health and disease and their customs to deal with them, also, discuss how they view dead. How their health care belief affect or influence the delivery of evidence-based healthcare.

Read content chapter 36 in Davis Plus Online Website.

You must use at least 3 evidence-based references (excluding the class textbook) and post two replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references. A minimum of 500 words (not counting the first and reference page are required).

This time beside the content and references I will count the assignment base of the number of words.

Answer preview

With more than 150,000 Thais living in the US, they are highly religious, with children being the center of the family. Genetic diseases are the most common conditions for the Thai people, and their healthcare beliefs are more focused on nutrition than the Russians and the Polish people. Men prefer men healthcare providers, and vice versa. Conferring to Wongchalee (2007), Thais belief is based more on herbal medication more compared to the modern ones, unlike the Polish and the Russians. The Thais have a Buddhist belief when it comes to death rituals, and peace is given to the dying patients while their morals are reviewed for after-life (Purnell, 2013).

[669 Words]

Delivery of evidence-based healthcare

Human and financial resources

As part of an initiative to build effective collaboration at your Vila Health site, where you are a nurse, you have been asked to reflect on a project or experience in which you collaborated interprofessionally and examine what happened during the collaboration, identifying positive aspects and areas for improvement.

You have also been asked to review a series of events that took place at another Vila Health location and research interprofessional collaboration best practices and use the lessons learned from your experiences to make recommendations for improving interprofessional collaboration among their team. Your task is to create a 5–10 minute video reflection with suggestions for the Vila Health team that can be shared with leadership as well as Vila Health colleagues at your site.

  • Competency 1: Explain strategies for managing human and financial resources to promote organizational health.
    • Identify how poor collaboration can result in inefficient management of human and financial resources supported by evidence from the literature.
  • Competency 2: Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be used to achieve desired patient and systems outcomes.
    • Reflect on an interdisciplinary collaboration experience noting ways in which it was successful and unsuccessful in achieving desired outcomes.
    • Identify best-practice interdisciplinary collaboration strategies to help a team to achieve its goals and work more effectively together.
  • Competency 4: Explain how change management theories and leadership strategies can enable interdisciplinary teams to achieve specific organizational goals.
    • Identify best-practice leadership strategies from the literature, which would improve an interdisciplinary team’s ability to achieve its goals.
  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes.
    • Communicate in a professional manner that is easily audible and uses proper grammar. Format reference list in current APA style.

its a nuring paper and i have had some writers write this and i got a very low grade, please im counting on you for a matery level writing. Also it requires 3 scorlaly professional references. here is two; you only need to look for atleast 1 or 2 more to add. please it should be 2 pages and write the paper like you are doing a video

Saunders, R., Singer, R., Dugmore, H., Seaman, K., & Lake, F. (2016). Nursing students’ reflections on an interprofessional placement in ambulatory care. Reflective Practice, 17(4), 393–402.

Sullivan, M., Kiovsky, R., Mason, D., Hill, C., & Duke, C. (2015). Interprofessional collaboration and education. American Journal of Nursing, 115(3), 47–54.


A simplified gap-analysis approach may be useful:

  • What happened?
  • What went well?
  • What did not go well?
    • What should have happened?

After your personal reflection, examine the scenario in the Vila Health activity and discuss the ways in which the interdisciplinary team did not collaborate effectively and the negative implications for the human and financial resources of the interdisciplinary team and the organization as a whole.

Building on this investigation, identify at least one leadership best practice or strategy that you believe would improve the team’s ability to achieve their goals. Be sure to identify the strategy and its source or author and provide a brief rationale for your choice of strategy.

Additionally, identify at least one interdisciplinary collaboration best practice or strategy to help the team achieve its goals and work more effectively together. Again, identify the strategy, its source, and reasons why you think it will be effective.

Answer preview

In another Vita Health location, the interprofessional collaboration involved researching issues affecting the elderly. The team included a therapist, nutritionist, ophthalmologist, two nurses, and a general doctor who had to engage with community members. The interactions were to help them gather information and then provide their findings to the hospital management. What went well is that the planning processes on how to spearhead the research needed interprofessional collaboration were strategic. The members were expected to keep in touch during the field processes so that the chief team leader would know the progress. However, this did not happen, and what made it worse is that the two members failed to perform the study, and they did not notify the leader. Another member took the outcomes directly to the management without informing the leader. However, the other members followed instructions.

[857 Words]

Human and financial resources

Family systems theory

What is a definition of family that encompasses the different family structures prevalent today? Discuss the importance of acknowledging nontraditional family structures. Explain how family systems theory can be used to better understand the interactions of a modern family (traditional or nontraditional).

Answer preview

Using the family systems theory, people can get a deeper understanding of traditional and non-traditional family structures. The theory suggests that a family is an emotional unit, and all members’ emotions are intertwined (Erdem & Safi, 2018). As such, it is correct to say that one member’s actions and emotions affect the others, and to achieve happiness and fulfillment, then families need to consider others in the household. The emotional interdependence can, however, cause more cooperation and cohesiveness in the unit.

[392 Words]

Family systems theory

Public Health Administration

Instructions: Please answer using your own words in a minimum of 400, maximum 500 words PER QUESTION SINGLE spaced. Referenced with two (3) peer-reviewed journal articles or qualified text publish within the past five years and follow APA Manual 6th or 7th editions scholarly writing guidelines. When writing replies, please provide your experiences, new ideas, add probing questions and new literature on the topic to enhance the learning opportunity.

HCAD 630 Discussion Topic – Week 9


Instructions: Please answer using your own words in a minimum of 400, maximum 500 words PER QUESTION SINGLE spaced. Referenced with two (3) peer-reviewed journal articles or qualified text publish within the past five years and follow APA Manual 6th or 7th editions scholarly writing guidelines. When writing replies, please provide your experiences, new ideas, add probing questions and new literature on the topic to enhance the learning opportunity.


9.1. Food Safety and Foodborne Illness

Who controls the response to foodborne disease outbreaks?  What are some of the local, state, and federal agencies that help protect our food?  How do they accomplish this task?  Select an incident within the past couple of years that created a public health outbreak.


Describe the response.  What went right?  What worked less than optimally?  What agencies and organizations participated?  Who was “in charge”?


Compare your research with the 1984 outbreak of salmonella in The Dalles, Oregon or the 2008 salsa salmonella outbreak.



9.2. Preparedness

Based on what you have learned, how would you assess the nation’s preparedness posture?  What would you recommend?  Why is this such a problem?  Cite the incident and evidence for your recommendations.


9.3. Water & Waste Water

Think about water.  Think about how it is tied in with waste and vector borne diseases. Humans have been using water as a way for disposing waste for centuries!  Vector-borne diseases account for more than 17% of all infectious diseases, causing more than 1 million deaths annually.  We take water so much for granted yet it is many times the source of many public health issues.  Give an example of why we need to be concerned with vector-borne diseases and what progress we are making (or not.)

Answer preview

Despite the apparent unpreparedness by the government, there are several measures they can take to improve. Putting aside more resources is a step in the right direction. Carbone and Thomas (2018) note that the government often fails to adequately prepare for public health emergencies because it is hard to plan for the possibility of a new disease outbreak when there are no timestamps for when it will occur. However, slowly and consistently putting aside resources is helpful in the occurrence of the emergency. Another recommendation is to develop effective communication and coordination between the local, state, and federal agencies that control emergencies. Sullivan, Strickland & Howard (2020) notes that the CDC provides guidelines to the three-level of agencies, but the insufficiency in clarity and coherency reduces them to patchwork disseminated all around the nation. Smooth coordination, communication, and application can bring dramatic positive changes in the level of preparedness.

[2655 Words]

Public Health Administration

Policy development and implementation

Two steps in creating, updating, or changing policy are policy development and implementation. In this assignment, you explain the aspects of policy development and implementation, and share any concerns that you have identified, along with how those can be addressed.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you include the following:

Format your paper in accordance with APA guidelines.

Answer preview

After the government adopts the policy, it must be taken into action. Therefore, the next component of policy development is policy implementation. At this state, the statute or the interpretation of the policy document becomes effective and enforced by law enforcement agencies. It is the institutions’ responsibility to implement the policy to interpret it and come up with measures for implementation. The last component of policy development and implementation is policy evaluation, which is very important in determining policy implementation’s success. During the evaluation, the policy implementation outcomes are evaluated against the expected results to make sure that the developed policy is useful. If the policy appears to be unproductive during the evaluation phase, there must be some modifications.

[1162 Words]

Policy development and implementation

How Alzheimer’s Affects Patients and Families

Istructions and requirements are in youtube video.



Yes, you have to do a informative speech/essay on alzheimer’s. The outline has been attached. Some instructions are in the youtube video. Here’s the powerpoint.

Here is a video of the outline


Course Learning Outcome: The ability to explain oral and written information appropriately

Student Learning Objectives: #3 Construct a preparation and speaking outline & #5 Select the appropriate organizational structure for a given speech type.

Point value: 100 points

Why do we need this speech? To be able to clearly explain information is important. The ability to break down complex bits of information into everyday language will help others see you as valuable and as a leader. This outline will also help you organize your thoughts, critically think through what information is required for your goal, and finally help you practice speech coherency.

Instructions: This outline should be between 750-850 words. Please follow APA paper formatting. Follow the outline framework posted online. Please save it as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf before uploading your document.


  • You must have a proper cover page.
  • You need to have both a purpose and thesis statement
  • The outline should be organized like the outline provided with your information and minus the professor’s comments.
  • At least 5 different In-text source citations are required.
  • Reference page should be organized and formatted correctly. Remember you need to have 5 different sources.

Answer preview

Internal review: I have discussed the factor that predisposes a person to Alzheimer’s and the first symptom that a person is suffering from the disease displays.

Transition phrase in the next main point: In the next section, I will discuss the factor that predisposes a person to ‘Alzheimer’s disease.

  1. Internal Preview: Genetics and age are the main factors that predispose a person to ‘Alzheimer’s disease.
    1. Claim: Older adults have a high chance of suffering from ‘Alzheimer’s disease.
      1. Data: Holland et al. (2012) assert that old age predisposes a person to ‘Alzheimer’s disease.
      2. Warrant: Old age is widely documented as a risk factor for ‘Alzheimer’s disease, and with an increasing number of baby boomers being in 65 years and above, the number of patients who have Alzheimer’s will increase.

[1019 Words]

How Alzheimer’s Affects Patients and Families

Health history

Conduct a health history on a family member or friend. Be sure they give you permission. Using the interviewing techniques learned in Module 2, gather the following information
**Please note: List the health history in BULLET POINT form, not a narrative. Thank you!**Please note: List the health history in BULLET POINT form, not a narrative. Thank you!**Please note: List the health history in BULLET POINT form, not a narrative. Thank you!Conduct a health history on a family member or friend. Be sure they give you permission. Using the interviewing techniques learned in Module 2, gather the following information. Use your textbook as your guide.

  • Present Health
  • Past Health
  • Family History

While this is only a partial health history, summarize in 3 -5 pages the information you gathered. Also, answer the following questions in about 1 page.

  1. Was the person willing to share the information? If they were not, what did you do to encourage them?
  2. Was there any part of the interview that was more challenging? If so, what part and how did you deal with it?
  3. How comfortable were you taking a health history?
  4. What interviewing techniques did you use? Were there any that were difficult and if so, how did you overcome the difficulty?
  5. Now that you have taken a health history discuss how this information can assist the nurse in determining the health status of a client.

Your assignment must have accurate spelling and grammar

.**Please note: List the health history in BULLET POINT form, not a narrative. Thank you!

Please use grammarly to correct grammatical errors .

No plagiarism.

Answer preview

  • There is a history of breast cancer and MI in her family. The incidences are not related to major environmental conditions.
  • Her mother died at 66 and her sister at 52 due to breast cancer. Her mother survived cancer mortality for 3 years. Her sister’s survival was 2 years. Treatment efforts in her mother and sister were less comprehensive.
  • Also, there is a history of other forms of cancer. Her father died of prostate cancer at 71 years after surviving for eight years through aggressive treatment options.
  • Her father was diagnosed with MI. Father had a history of valvular heart disease. Her paternal grandfather died of congestive heart failure (CHF). Her maternal grandmother had a history of cervical cancer.
  • His brother, at the age of 54, was diagnosed with MI but is alive. Brother has a BMI of 25. Smoke cigarette. Regularly takes beer and wine. Brother work as a production manager in construction and mining.

[1295 Words]

Health history