Clinical Trial of Education

2. Critique the article provided (A Randomized, Clinical Trial of Education or Motivational-Interviewing–Based Coaching Compared to Usual Care to Improve Cancer Pain Management).
Submit the critique assignment to both submission button and Turnitin

two to three references, should be within 5 years

1-2 pages or 1000 words

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Therefore, the authors have clearly outlined the educational significance of the problem and the educational gaps that will be investigated by the research. This is achieved by addressing the patients’ attitudinal barriers that have been found by previous studies to be a significant factor that affects the effective treatment of pain in cancer patients. The background of the study introduces the reader to the problem addressed. Thomas, Fahey, & Christine Miaskowski (2012) have also stated the hypothesis of the study. The hypothesis states that motivational-interviewing-based coaching provides more benefits in managing cancer pain than either the usual care or educational interventions.

[1293 Words]

Clinical Trial of Education

Risk factors for development of cancer

In this assignment, you will complete a self-assessment to analyze your risk factors for development of cancer.

Step 1 Select a type of cancer to examine.

Step 2 Select a cancer risk factor self-assessment tool. There are a number of online cancer risk factor tools. Select one to explore your risk for your choice of cancer and remember to cite your source using proper APA 7th Edition formatting.

Step 3 Summarize your individual risk for development of cancer. In your summary, include the following information:

I would like my paper to focus on the topic of breast cancer since it runs in my family.

I’ve sent you the grading rubric.

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Gender also influences breast cancer diagnosis. According to Pearlman, Jeudy, & Chelmow (2017), females comprise 99% of people affected by breast cancer. The majority of women who have breast cancer are past menopause. Even though men can sometimes be diagnosed with breast cancer, women have high chances since their hormones continuously change. Nutrition is crucial in influencing the development of cancer. Diet is the reason for several cases of breast cancer cases. According to Kotepui (2016), nutrition accounts for 35% of breast cancer cases. Studies indicate that postmenstrual women who consume red meat have high chances of being affected by breast cancer compared with premenstrual women. The mutagens that are present in meat have been found to induce the growth of tumors in mammary glands of animals, and this causes cancer. A fiber diet also influences breast cancer diagnosis. According to Kotepui (2016), food high in fiber decreases the reabsorption of the estrogen and therefore minimizes risks of cancer.

[996 Words]

Risk factors for development of cancer

Nursing Leadership and Theory Class

Personal Goals and Objectives:

Please submit 1overall goal and 3 personal behavioral objectives for your virtual clinical experiences

Objectives should be developed in SMART format (S= specific, M= measurable, A= achievable, R= realistic * T= Timed).

Please watch this short video on SMART goals before you get started:

and a short video on Bloom’s Taxonomy and how to develop your goals and objectives:

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My overall goal after completing the syllabus in nursing leadership and theory is demonstrating my understanding, exceeding the competencies of this course, and achieve an A grade at the end of the semester. To achieve this goal, I have three objectives that I should fulfill. One is the cognitive objective, where I plan to demonstrate my understanding of nursing leadership frameworks by utilizing the skills learned in class to advance my knowledge base (Kimbel Library, 2011). I aim to consistently attend my virtual class and create a three-minute summary that analyses what I have learned at the end of the lesson. Moreso, completing continuous weekly assignments will help me monitor my comprehension progress. Following up on my scoring guide and comparing my weekly assignment marks will make me determine whether I have attained my cognitive objective.

[686 Words]

Nursing Leadership and Theory Class

Clinical practice

Discuss the following using 4 APA citation with nursing content within 5years.

Discuss the following obstacles or barriers to implementing EBP in nursing? Provide a rationale for your answer. Since there are numerous topics on the issue, it is not appropriate to repeat one that has already been mentioned unless providing new information.

  1. Lack of knowledge about the EBP process. Currently not enough nursing staff have adequate knowledge on utilization of EBP in clinical practice. The nursing training in the past was not geared towards EBP.
  2. There is resistance and unwillingness whereby nurses are not ready to implement EBP.
  3. Heavy work load. There is large numbers of patients and nurses are very busy hence no time to implement EBP.

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EBP project in the organization. First, nurses are more likely to reject the implementation of EBP projects if there was no communication by the management.  Secondly, nurses tend to reject the implementation of evidence-based if it threatens their job.  Chesson (2020) highlights that nurses are more likely to resist the implementation of EBP if they feel that they may lose their job. Indeed, most nurses do not have EBP related knowledge or skills, which makes them more vulnerable to the implementation of EBP projects.  Fear of the unknown is another reason that nurses are likely to reject EBP implementation in an organization. Lastly, nurses, the heavy workload is another barrier to EBP implementation. Damawan & Azizah (2020, January) highlight that nurses work under a tight schedule, which comprises attending to many patients, lacking time to implement EBP.  More so, nurses work on back to back shifts, leaving them with insufficient time to review evidence-based journals.

[602 Words]

Clinical practice

Independent and dependent

Based on how you will evaluate your EBP project, which independent and dependent variables do you need to collect? Why?

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Independent variables that will be collected include the implementation of assistance programs, mentoring programs, education, and training programs. The assistance programs within the organization will support critical care nurses in case of any one need’s assistance. It will also help them to manage stress (Ghavidel, Fallahi-Khoshknab, Molavynejad, & Zarea, 2019). Mentoring programs will help in preventing burnout among nurses. It will provide moral support to critical care nurses, thus helping them overcoming job burning.  Numerous studies support the implementation of education and remaining programs to help reduce job burnout among nurses.

[363 Words]

Independent and dependent

phenomenological inquiry

In your opinion which of the following topics is best suited to a phenomenological inquiry? To a ethnography? To a grounded theory study? Provide a rational for each response.

a-The passage through menarche among Hatian refugee

b-The process of coping among AIDS patients

c-The experience of having a child with leukemia

d-Rituals relating to dying among nursing home residents

e-Decision making processes among nurses regarding do-not-resucitate orders

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This topic suits in the study that involve ethnography. According to Polit and Beck (2017), ethnography focuses on the understanding of customs, beliefs, and values related to a group of people. Therefore, through ethnography, one can study culture and its characteristics. Based on the topic, the menarche falls under the rights of passage in many cultures because it symbolizes the transformation of girls into women. Also, the Haitian refugees meet all the qualities of being an ethnic group. Haitian refugees have their language, religious practices, and even unique types of music. Therefore, the topic that looks into the aspects of Haitian refugees can only be accomplished through the study of ethnic groups, which is referred to as ethnography

[705 Words]

phenomenological inquiry

Systems Development Life Cycle

In the media introduction to this module, it was suggested that you as a nurse have an important role in the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). With a focus on patient care and outcomes, nurses may not always see themselves as contributors to the development of new systems. However, as you may have observed in your own experience, exclusion of nurse contributions when implementing systems can have dire consequences.

In this Discussion, you will consider the role you might play in systems development and the ramifications of not being an active participant in systems development.

To Prepare:

Post a description of what you believe to be the consequences of a healthcare organization not involving nurses in each stage of the SDLC when purchasing and implementing a new health information technology system. Provide specific examples of potential issues at each stage of the SDLC and explain how the inclusion of nurses may help address these issues. Then, explain whether you had any input in the selection and planning of new health information technology systems in your nursing practice or healthcare organization and explain potential impacts of being included or not in the decision-making process. Be specific and provide examples.

Please follow the instruction carefully,and this paper will need 5 most recent APA references.Thanks
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Maintenance of the system is critical to prevent any errors or failures in its utilization. The HIT system can be maintained through software support, which needs to be changed over time to improve its function. The repercussions of not engaging nurses in the SDLC maintenance phase are that it may hinder the system’s proper running (Garcia-Dia, Chan and Park, 2019). It is because nurses may not be up to date with the new project, and their input to facilitate changes may also be dismissed. However, this issue can be avoided by informing nurses of the most recent changes to the system, which is communicated with other nursing staff.

In my practice, the entire nursing staff was excluded from all the phases of the SDLC. The selection and planning of the new HIT system was a mystery for most nurses, and the only ones who had an idea of what it comprised were the senior members. As a result, the new project’s functioning failed, and time and resources were consumed in fixing the identified errors and gaps. For example, most staff felt uncomfortable with the new HIT system because it was integrated with advanced software, challenging most employees.

[897 Words]

Systems Development Life Cycle

Legal Issues in Nursing

Legal Issues in Nursing: In this assignment, you will write a 2 page paper on a legal issue that you have either experienced first hand, that you have been privy to, or that you have invented.Relate the incident, how it could have been prevented, and how it was resolved.You should have at least 2 references. This APA assignment is worth 15 points.



Breach of confidentiality

Clinical judgment

Inappropriate triage

Medication error

Sentinal event

Lapse in communication

Substandard care

Lack of documentation


False imprisonment

Assault or battery

Legal Issues in Nursing

15 Points

Quality paper, with thorough content and minimal grammar or spelling errors.


Good paper, but a few omissions in content or more than 2 errors in spelling or grammar


Fair to poor paper, difficult to follow or lacking in pertinent content, or many spelling or grammar errors


Very poor paper, very late paper, or no paper at all.


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In my working experience as a nurse, I have been privy to a legal issue of unethical conduct by a health practitioner. In the healthcare nursing home, I work in, there is a specific physician involved with several institutions in town. Whenever he discharged a patient, he put all effort into ensuring they were released to a nursing facility that he was affiliated with. The physician would either convince the family involved or the patient into accepting to go to specific care institutions to pursue his interests. In his practice, the administration often allowed him to get away with questionable things due to his high-ranked position and the multiple clients he brought to the organization.

[658 Words]

Legal Issues in Nursing

Urban and Rural Health Issues

Urban and Rural Health Issues


  1. Choose one of topic below and post your response.
    1. In what ways might health promotion activities for rural populations differ from those designed for urban populations?
    2. Assume you are a community health nurse in a rural community. Describe your own approach to problem solve overuse of the emergency room for minor childhood illnesses by the population groups.
    3. Interview a classmate who was raised in a rural community about his or her family and school life. Determine what he or she considers to be his or her best experiences growing up. Compare the classmate’s best experience with your own.
  2. Your response should be 50 – 100 words.

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people in urban areas are often impersonal and independent. To solve the issue of overuse of the minor emergency room (ER), I would perform an analysis of the cases brought to the ER. Using the results, I would create a practical guide for population groups to minimize the common injuries or illnesses and administer the guide to the groups educating them on various health promotion strategies. My classmate’s best experience was playing outside on the farm with their peers while my best memories are from taking vacations with my parents.

[128 Words]

Urban and Rural Health Issues

Clinical problem statement

Develop a 1,250-1,500 written project that includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal:

  1. Background
  2. Clinical problem statement.
  3. Purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing patient care in the changing health care system.
  4. PICOT question.
  5. Literature search strategy employed.
  6. Evaluation of the literature.
  7. Applicable change or nursing theory utilized.
  8. Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures.
  9. Discussion of how evidence-based practice was used in creating the intervention plan.
  10. Plan for evaluating the proposed nursing intervention.
  11. Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion of how these could be overcome.
  12. Appendix section, if tables, graphs, surveys, educational materials, etc. are created.

Review the feedback from your instructor on the Topic 3 assignment, PICOT Question Paper, and Topic 6 assignment, Literature Review. Use this feedback to make appropriate revisions to these before submitting.

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Nurse burnout is a significant challenge experienced by most nurses. Various factors are associated with nurse burnout among them, including short staffing, working for longer hours, and micromanaging.  While nursing is the most demanding field, a gap between the demand and supply is widening due to a few opening ins nursing schools, causing a shortage of professional nurses in the country. Halm (2017) highlights that the hospital and other health facilities overwhelm nurses with many roles, making their work more difficult.  Nurse burnout is associated increase in the number of medical errors in the health facilities. Critical nurses are more susceptible to burnout, which interfere with their service delivery. It lowers the quality of health services delivered,

[1590 Words]


Clinical problem statement