Philosophical Debate

It should be between 1000-1500 words.


Please select a question from the list below, and make sure to clearly state the question you are answering at the start of your essay.


(1) What is utilitarianism? Critically assess the plausibility of this proposal.

(2) What is euthanasia, and why is it considered to be morally different to murder or suicide? Is it?

(3) What do you think is the best moral argument for vegetarianism? Does it work?

(4) Does freedom entail the ability to have done otherwise?

(5) What is the harm principle? Does it pose a justified limitation on our freedom?

(6) What is Rawls’ conception of a just society? Is it is tenable?

(7) What, if anything, would be wrong in simply saying that anything counts as art so long as this is what was intended by the creator of the artifact in question?

(8) Can two identical objects differ in their aesthetic properties?

(9) Can one properly form one’s aesthetic judgments via testimony from aesthetic experts?

(10) What are Gettier-style counterexamples, and how do they challenge the classical account of knowledge?

(11) Is knowledge more valuable than mere true belief?

(12) Is ‘knows’ a context-sensitive term?

Answer preview

Euthanasia is a term that describes situations where physicians aid in the killing of a patient who is suffering from a particular disease or health condition (Shaw, 2020). The phenomenon is also referred to as mercy killing because it spares a patient of unnecessary pain when the end is inevitable. Physician-aided killing is not a straightforward concept because various situations fundamentally determine the nature of the procedure. The first factor that comes into play is a patient’s consent. Voluntary euthanasia is a process that commences with the patient’s awareness and approval. A patient may opt for physician-aided suicide if he or she feels that the medical situation has deteriorated and that the suffering is too immense to bear.

[1203 Words]

Philosophical Debate

Scientific Realism

It should be between 1000-1500 words.

Please select one question from the list below, and make sure to clearly state the question you are answering at the start of your essay.


(1) What is the ‘Mary’ problem against physicalism, and how effective is it?

(2) What are philosophical zombies, and what problem are they meant to pose for physicalism? How plausible is the zombie argument?

(3) What is the argument from illusion, and how is it used to motivate indirect realism over direct realism? Is it effective?

(4) What is the problem of fiction, and how do you think one should respond to it?

(5) Can the B-series capture everything there is about the nature of time? If not, what does it leave out?

(6) What are abstract objects? Are there any?

(7) What is the most persuasive mereological account of the relationship between parts and wholes? Defend your answer.

(8) What is an indispensability argument? What problems do such arguments face?

(9) How should we demarcate genuine science from pseudo-science?

(10) Critically evaluate the merits of scientific realism by focusing on what you take to be either the strongest argument in its defense or the strongest argument against it.

(11) Why is there something rather than nothing?

(12) What is the problem of evil, and how compelling is it as an argument for God’s non-existence?

(13) Is it ever rational to have faith in God?

(14) Does immortality have any essential role to play in an account of the meaning of life?

(15) Is death necessary for one’s life to be meaningful?

(16) If all that exists is the natural world, then can life ever be meaningful?

Answer preview

Settling on a uniform definition of scientific realism has so far proven to be challenging, with people often attaching different meanings to it (Luk, 2019). Despite all the various definitions, there is a core set of ideals espoused in any definition given. They revolve around the fact that the theoretical terms people come across in physical theories are mind-independent and unobservable entities. Scientific realism steers clear of canvassing the distinction between observables and non-observables (Luk, 2019). Some define it as the truthful or almost truthful aspects of scientific theories. Others look at it as the successful application of theoretical terms in the actual world.

[1152 Words]

Scientific Realism

philosophy class

Between 1000-1500 words, using high school senior tone. It is a philosophy class. I will give the Powerpoint that include the questions’ topics. You can check the keywords in Powerpoint after you select the topic. ???? Do not forget the Works Cited page. You can use online resources.????

Please select one question from the list below, and make sure to clearly state the question you are answering at the start of your essay.


(1) What is the ‘Mary’ problem against physicalism, and how effective is it?

(2) What are philosophical zombies, and what problem are they meant to pose for physicalism? How plausible is the zombie argument?

(3) What is the argument from illusion, and how is it used to motivate indirect realism over direct realism? Is it effective?

(4) What is the problem of fiction, and how do you think one should respond to it?

(5) Can the B-series capture everything there is about the nature of time? If not, what does it leave out?

(6) What are abstract objects? Are there any?

(7) What is the most persuasive mereological account of the relationship between parts and wholes? Defend your answer.

(8) What is an indispensability argument? What problems do such arguments face?

(9) How should we demarcate genuine science from pseudo-science?

(10) Critically evaluate the merits of scientific realism by focusing on what you take to be either the strongest argument in its defense or the strongest argument against it.

(11) Why is there something rather than nothing?

(12) What is the problem of evil, and how compelling is it as an argument for God’s non-existence?

(13) Is it ever rational to have faith in God?

(14) Does immortality have any essential role to play in an account of the meaning of life?

(15) Is death necessary for one’s life to be meaningful?

(16) If all that exists is the natural world, then can life ever be meaningful?

Answer preview

The finitude of life makes it a precious thing. The realization that death is inevitable has forced humans to utilize the available time before it exhausts. Life is like a commodity that will ultimately end. With a limited number of days in life, every day is precious compared to when life is endless. If, for instance, life days were infinite, then they would not be precious since a wasted day does not count. Everything in the world that is rare such as gold or diamonds are valuable. The less a gold supply, the more expensive they are, and this can be equated to life. When we know that we have limited days, we will make the most out of it. Therefore, finitude makes life meaningful as it makes it rare, and hence the presence of death makes life meaningful.

[1096 Words]

philosophy class

Outlining Aquinas’s five steps

Let’s start with outlining Aquinas’s five steps! Respond here with identification of a step or stage and its meaning – please try to quote a specific line!

You don’t have write too much.

300-400words it’s enough.

Also, Rubric in the files.

Answer preview

The contingency argument is the third way, where God is presented as the necessary being. In this argument, “there exists a source of existence for the world as a whole, a necessary being” (Wojtysiak 289). If there were no necessary being, it would be possible to have nothing exist at all. Therefore, the fact that God exists cannot be contradicted because he is the one that causes all other things. The fourth way is the argument of being gradation, which implies an absolute being that influences other things’ perfection.   Among the existing beings, some are worse or better than others, meaning there is a perfect being used as the reference for the subjective standards.

[341 Words]

Outlining Aquinas’s five steps

Plato’s Moral Foundations

maxima 1000 words and minimum 3 pages. APA or MLA styles are fine.

Answer preview

However, multiple disadvantages question the application of Plato’s moral theory in reality. For instance, his idea that no man does wrong willingly creates an element of irrationality in morality. Some philosophers repudiate Plato’s ethical theory because it does not fit in the realities of mortal life. According to Plato, moral virtue is identical with happiness; however, there is criticism questioning whether morality can be explained based on good. Besides, Plato argues that nobody does wrong willingly. This moral principle is questionable because it is irrational. Human beings sometimes fail to withstand the will’s weakness despite knowing that a virtuous life will lead to happiness. Plato’s moral theory’s foundation is based on the good moral principle, which lacks connectivity to reality (Răcilă, 2020). It lacks a definitive action of which good should be pursued and the method to attain it. Therefore, it creates a disadvantage because it does not apply to human ethics. It is challenging for scholars to relate and interpret Plato’s

[1057 Words]

Plato’s Moral Foundations

Impact of leadership behaviors

Many of us can think of leaders we have come to admire, be they historical figures, pillars of the industry we work in, or leaders we know personally. The leadership of individuals such as Abraham Lincoln and Margaret Thatcher has been studied and discussed repeatedly. However, you may have interacted with leaders you feel demonstrated equally competent leadership without ever having a book written about their approaches.

What makes great leaders great? Every leader is different, of course, but one area of commonality is the leadership philosophy that great leaders develop and practice. A leadership philosophy is basically an attitude held by leaders that acts as a guiding principle for their behavior. While formal theories on leadership continue to evolve over time, great leaders seem to adhere to an overarching philosophy that steers their actions.

What is your leadership philosophy? In this Assignment, you will explore what guides your own leadership.

To Prepare:

  • Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.
  • Reflect on the leadership behaviors presented in the three resources that you selected for review.
  • Reflect on your results of the CliftonStrengths Assessment, and consider how the results relate to your leadership traits.

The Assignment (2-3 pages):

Personal Leadership Philosophies

Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following:

  • A description of your core values
  • A personal mission/vision statement
  • An analysis of your Clifton Strengths Assessment summarizing the results of your profile
  • A description of two key behaviors that you wish to strengthen
  • A development plan that explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviors you selected and an explanation of how you plan to achieve your personal vision. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Be sure to incorporate your colleagues’ feedback on your Clifton Strengths Assessment from this Module’s Discussion 2.

Please review the instructions posted.This paper comes with 5 most recent APA references.Thanks

Answer preview

One of the key behaviors that I wish to strengthen to improve my leadership philosophy is passion and commitment. This is because having passion and commitment as a strategic leader is important in motivating others because they can feel and see the dedication of the person who is leading them (Golensky and Hager, 2020). I need to add passion and commitment to my strategic leadership qualities because I believe that a good leader should lead by example. Leading by example, is critical in motivating teams and earning their respect as their leader. Another key behavior that I wish to strengthen is empathy. Being empathetic is important in strategic leadership by helping leaders understand others’ problems by putting themselves in their shoes and analyzing situations from their perspective (Fiaz, Su, & Saqib, 2017). Strengthening my empathy behavior as a strategic leader will help make meaningful connections with my team to understand their needs and challenges.

[826 Words]

Impact of leadership behaviors

Aristophanes and Plato

Please answer ALL of the following questions based on the book below:

Four Texts on Socrates by Aristophanes and Plato (West and West)

You should demonstrate that you have read the texts by quoting (sparingly) from important passages (and citing the page number), and by demonstrating a general familiarity with them.

1. What are the needs of the political community? What must all political communities do to insure their survival? What about Philosophy? What does philosophy seek? How does it go about this process? Now, please compare and contrast the Socrates of the Clouds, with the Socrates of the Platonic dialogues.

2. Is Socrates against nature, or following it? Please draw examples from Aristophanes’ The Clouds and the relevant PlatonicDialogues.

3. Does Socrates use the “unjust” speech? In order to answer this question, you should first define what the unjust speech is. Why is it unjust? And, is Socrates guilty of using it? If so, why? If not, why?

4. Does he invent new Gods? Or, does he follow the Gods of the city, i.e., the Delphic Oracle?

5. Last, does Socrates corrupt the youth? What is your opinion?



Answer preview

Socrates’ philosophy is considered as western philosophy because it ushered the sense of enlightenment in western society. It advocates self-consciousness and examination of one’s thoughts. Also, it encourages people to view ideas as absolute entities that their application needs to be tested and verified.   Therefore, by definition of philosophy is the branch of science that forms and evaluates the existing arguments.  It evaluates reason and evidence from every existing prepositions or belief. Basically, Socrates’ philosophy ushered a modern paradigm of thoughts. In his philosophy, Socrates sought to ensure that justice was perceived as the determinant factor in society.  He fought that every person in Greek should be given an opportunity to seek justice and truth in society.

[2087 Words]

Aristophanes and Plato

Problem-solving process

The 18th-century French writer known as Voltaire has been quoted as having said, “No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.

When faced with a problem, what do you do to solve it?

This assignment asks you to apply a six-step problem-solving process to a specific problem scenario.


You will write a paper that presents a synthesis of your ideas about solving the problem using this systematic approach.

Requirements: 4–5 page

Answer preview

The second phase of problem-solving is the analysis of the defined problem. People involved in problem solving get to understand the problem better, the primary source of the problem, and all the issues surrounding it. The questions that they ask themselves are why is the issue in question a problem? And how did the case reach the level of affecting the normal company operations? The analysis of the problem helps the management confirm that they are dealing with the main issue rather than the actual situation’s side effects (Rubenstein et al., 2019). In our case, one of the employees is complaining about being mistreated by the boss. This is against the company’s policy of providing equal opportunities to workers to showcase their capabilities. There is a clear indication that the boss in the question lacks understanding of what the company stands for or is just ignorant of the company’s policies. The company vision and mission are anchored on various guidelines which should be followed to ensure that the company is consistently growing.

[1340 Words]

Problem-solving process

Training and development

2 paragraph explanation. No plagiarism, will be submitted on Will provide an online textbook to help with the answer. Must be clear and answer all parts of the question.

Requirements: 2 paragraphs

no plagiarism I will be submitting it on turnitin. I can send you a online textbook name to help you.

Manuel G. Velasquez – Philosophy_ A Text with Readings-Cengage Learning (2015 (©2017)

Answer preview

Metrics include the business-level results that will measure the overall value and effectiveness of training and learning initiates. Therefore, as the Vice President, one of the metrics to design in collecting information about the impact of the initiatives is measuring employee performance. The skills and knowledge that employees gain from the training should reflect on the increased performance at work. Changes should be observed in employee conduct ad application of skills learned in the work environment. The improvement in performance and productivity can be measured using a balanced scorecard which will provide performance feedback from customers based on quality, performance, and timely delivery of services from learners (Chevalier, 2010). Another metric perspective to measure the effectiveness of training initiatives is innovation and learning. This metric will assess the operational efficiency and continuous improvement of trainees.

[744 Words]

Training and Development

Nursing Discussion

Question Description: Read Tasos Kazepides’ book entitled “Education as Dialogue: Its prerequisites and its enemies”: Chapter 6. Write a 750 words minimum – 1000 words maximum – reflection on this reading. By reflection I mean: what did you find most interesting and/or significant about the reading. MLA. No plagiarism.

Answer preview

The Joint Commission Accreditation is essential for healthcare organizations because it improves patient care quality offered by a facility (Schmaltz et al., 2015). The certification awarded is based on the quality standards applied in clinical care. It helps to minimize potential risks of error in the delivery of care. The Joint Commission Accreditation builds a better relationship with the community by developing trust and confidence in the services provided. Besides, accreditation enhances the regulatory compliance of the institution based on the state requirements.

  • Why should quality improvement be continuous?

Quality improvement should be continuous within an organization because it helps the business adapt to changes in the industry and market.

[779 Words]

Nursing Discussion