Radicalization models

Compare and contrast at least two different radicalization models that explain terrorist motivations. In this research paper also summarize behavioral and psychological factors associated with disengaging from terrorism and describe what efforts or programs are most effective in countering radicalization and why.

Recommended Source: King, M. and Taylor, D. M. (2011). The Radicalization of Homegrown Jihadists: A Review of Theoretical Models and Social Psychological Evidence. Terrorism & Political Violence, 23(4), 602-618. You should start with this article and then use other sources as well to make sure you hit the 8 expected scholarly references for this research paper.

Radicalization models:

  1. Borum’s Pathway
  2. Wiktorowicz’s Theory of Joining Extremist Groups
  3. Moghaddam’s Staircase to Terrorism
  4. NYPD Radicalization Process
  5. Sageman’s Four Prongs Model

All the requirements should be covered above. The format for the references page has to be Author.Date.Title of article.Website. It is nothing crazy. Also, feel free to write about whatever two you’d like and I provided an example essay to reference if you want. If you need anything else let me know! Thanks!

Website from above (If it doesn’t work let me know and I’ll figure something out):


Attached is a sample and a PDF of the recommended source.

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The third stage (second floor) is the displacement of aggression to channel discontent to a particular target group. In this case, the individual may not focus on the real causes of injustices but blames a particular target (Moghaddam, 2005). For instance, developed countries like the US are possible targets for blame to the discontent experienced by other social groups. The fourth stage (third floor) involves justification of terrorism and is characteristic of moral engagement. Individuals share their grievances on the discontent, and the aggression channeled to the target. The outcome at this stage is the radicalization and isolation of a social group from the mainstream beliefs. People maximize differentiation with others to achieve an inhibitory mechanism that limits intraspecies killing (King, & Taylor, 2011).

[1613 Words]

Radicalization models

Intergenerational kinship networks

How important are intergenerational kinship networks and extended family members in your family? How has this changed since your parents’ and grandparents’ generations? Support your rationale.

Answer preview

Various changes have taken place since my parent’s and grandparents’ generation when it comes to the importance of my extended family circle. Among the changes include that children in my parents’ generation cannot bond with their extended family members like during my grandparents’ generation. This is because the perceptions and values they hold about the world are different since they are raised in different time periods (Tanskanen, & Danielsbacka, 2018). Understanding one another has been difficult when comparing the two generations. The bond my family has with the extended family members has not been diluted despite the changes.

[339 Words]

Intergenerational kinship networks

Sociological theories

The paper must be constructed as follows:

Section 1 – Summary

Summarize the news story in your own words and provide the basic details (who, what, when, why, and how).

Section 2 – Analysis

Analyze the news story using one of the following sociological theories (functionalist, conflict, interactionist) learned in chapter 2, or some of the ideas about social inequality and stratification in society discussed in chapter 7 of the textbook. Discuss how the theories or ideas apply to your news story?

Section 3 – Sociological Imagination

Discuss your thoughts about the content of the news story combined with your sociological analysis. Use your sociological imagination to interpret the meaning and create innovative insights. In other words, what are your views about the news story in consideration of the sociological theory that you’ve learned?

Please see the full instructions in the attached file

Answer preview

History plays an essential role in contextualizing current developments in society. Race and racial inequalities have been a thorn in America’s social fabric since way back. The United States of America still suffers from institutional racism relics, where state machinery was used to discriminate against black people (Ray and Sharkey 2020). The core issue raised by the Black Lives Matter movement concern the ease with which law enforcement agencies resort to violence or use their arms in altercations involving people of color. The seemingly condescending attitude towards Black people by government entities is deep-rooted in the nation’s governance psyche. In the past, people of African American origin constituted a large percentage of the slave population in the country. Even in the aftermath of slavery’s abolition, state officials found crafty ways of perpetuating people of color’s marginalization. The effects of Jim Crow laws designed to restrict Black people’s integration into various social aspects of life, ranging from politics to economic development, are well documented. Therefore, one can plot a clear connection between public institutions’ functioning and the simmering racial tensions that trouble the US (Khan, Sharkey, and Sharp 2020).

[1136 Words]

Sociological theories


Child’s Brain Development

This type of paper focuses on persuading rather than informing your reader.

You will present one side of an issue or controversy or to form an opinion and support it using critical thinking and reliable source / evidence.


I have picked the topic. I will provide you the prompt shortly.

Below is my topic and the short paragraph to guide you about my topic.

I started watching videos on YouTube. I got to know Dr. Edward Tronick director of child development at Harvard University. I like his powerful experiment “Still Face Experiment” so much. The “Still Face Experiment” demonstrates how vulnerable children are to the emotional or non-emotional reactions of the people they are close to. Finally, I have decided to write an essay with the below title
Parents (also caregivers) should be always perfectly attuned and instantly responsive to a child.
I want to mention in my essay how deprivation of emotional nurture reduces white matter in
brain areas affecting cognition, emotion, attention, and executive function.

Attached is the prompt that you need to follow. It gives you information about how to write this paper, including examples, paragraphs contents.

I want an essay with not too many advanced words. Please keep it simple.what matters most is how well the prompt has been followed .

Requirements: 3 pages

Answer preview

Emotional nurture and responsive care in children contribute to healthy brain development. The exposure and experiences of the child determine their social behavior as they grow up; therefore, encouraging positive experiences is paramount in shaping the child to be attentive, sociable, and emotionally stable. Emotional nurture directly impacts brain development through the cognitive processes that a child is exposed to. For instance, how a child is correct after doing something will determine their perception of the wrong done. Luby et al. (2019) explain that parents and caregivers should ask themselves whether their interactions and response care to children enhance learning or instill fear and withdrawal in children.

[1070 Words]

Child’s Brain Development

United Arab Emirates’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs

All details and information included

You can either write a narrative of the different projects you have been asked to do, or a daily report. Include a reflection on your work unit. How does your unit/units, if you have rotated, fit? into the overall mission of the institution where you work?

Answer preview

Working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been an enlightening experience because it entails interacting with different people and politico-legal issues. Ministerial affairs cause immense pressure considering how sensitive its matters are to the nation’s domestic and international interests. Like any other work environment, the organization of people and related responsibilities into work units is essential to getting things done in an organization as big as the Foreign Affairs ministry. With a fundamental understanding of the job requirements and the complementarity of each person’s responsibility, I efficiently discharged my role to help the organization achieve set goals in good time.

[653 Words]

United Arab Emirates’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Child’s cognitive development.

This type of paper focuses on persuading rather than informing your reader.

You will present one side of an issue or controversy or to form an opinion and support it using critical thinking and reliable source / evidence.


I have picked the topic. I will provide you the prompt shortly.

Below is my topic and the short paragraph to guide you about my topic.

I started watching videos on YouTube. I got to know Dr. Edward Tronick director of child development at Harvard University. I like his powerful experiment “Still Face Experiment” so much. The “Still Face Experiment” demonstrates how vulnerable children are to the emotional or non-emotional reactions of the people they are close to. Finally, I have decided to write an essay with the below title
Parents (also caregivers) should be always perfectly attuned and instantly responsive to a child.
I want to mention in my essay how deprivation of emotional nurture reduces white matter in
brain areas affecting cognition, emotion, attention, and executive function.

Attached is the prompt that you need to follow. It gives you information about how to write this paper, including examples, paragraphs contents.

I want an essay with not too many advanced words. Please keep it simple.what matters most is how well the prompt has been followed .

Answer preview

The early stages of child development are critical in shaping the outcome of children as they grow into adults. The people close to them, like their parents and caregivers, influence how the children turn out to be in relation to their emotional stability, cognitive development, attention, and cognitive function. It is essential that the parents and the caregivers perfectly attune themselves and instantly respond to the children, not just when they need deprivation help or seek attention, but always observe the cues that indicate the need for help (Levitt & Eagleson, 2018). Children do not need attention when unwell, stressed, or in crisis; attention is paramount

[1070 Words]