Chemist and manufacturer

Base from the “Dollar Shave Club: Disrupting the Shaving Industry” Sample Case Analysis. (Case and PDF sample)(Attached files)

Please do the Case Analysis Glossier Co-Creating A Cult Brand With A Digital Community(Attached file)

The Case Analysis should have: (a pdf slides and a 2 pages approximately 800-1000-word case analysis writeup)
1. Overview
2. Analysis
3. Updated results
4. Questions
5. Sources
6. Recommendations


Dollar Shave Club Case.pdf
Dollar Shave Club – Example -> Please base from this Example

Glossier Case.pdf -> This is the case we need to work on it.
Glossier – Example.pdf -> This is another team example.

I already attached Glossier case example from other team. Please help.

Answer preview

The primary recommendation for Glossier is to have an established R&D. To sustain growth and development, and the companies need to have a clear focus on customer changing needs. While direct input of customers is important to understand their needs, consumer psychographics can be clearly defined through research and innovation. This initiative will help the company to overcome future competition by being a first mover and hence accomplish and maintain industry leadership. Second, the company needs to have a comprehensive marketing

[1105 Words]


Chemist and manufacturer