Clinical Judgment

  1. Competency

    Modify clinical judgment within an iterative, outcome-based cycle of clinical reasoning and client needs.

    Student Success Criteria

    “View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “The item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.”


    As part of the clinical portion of your BSN Capstone course in your senior semester, you have the opportunity to attend a two-day seminar with senior nursing students from other academic institutions. The theme of this seminar is the application of clinical judgment to determine the best evidence-based solutions for nursing practice.


    For a clinical judgment roundtable with faculty and students that is sponsored by your academic institution, you must prepare one scenario based handout to promote robust discussion regarding the application of clinical judgment as an outcomes-based dynamic cycle of clinical reasoning and client needs. The handout must contain these components:

    • Describe a clinical situation where you applied an outcome-based cycle of clinical reasoning to select what you considered the “best” client intervention based on information available.
    • Include relevant external and internal cues and hypotheses
    • Discuss the outcomes based, iterative cycle of clinical reasoning you applied after the initial intervention to select the next “best” interventions appropriate for the particular situation based on client needs.
    • Rationales and evidence based findings were included to support choices for the next “best” interventions


    Answer preview

    The Outcome-Based, Iterative Clinical Reasoning Cycle

    Based on the established case scenario, the evidence-based framework that helped derive a comprehensive clinical judgment was Tracy-Levett Jones’s clinical reasoning cycle. Adopting this model in nursing facilitates critical thinking and in-depth analysis of the eight systematic phases, leading to comprehensive decision-making (Levett-Jones, 2013). Starting with the initial phase entails searching for all the facts displaying the patient’s status. As seen in the clinical case, the mother of a newborn recovering at the ward got transferred to the NICU due to the child’s situation whereby the skin had turned yellow as well as the white parts of the eyes. Notably, the presiding doctor diagnosed that the newborn had neonatal jaundice.

    Looking back at the clinical case, the second step was gathering data regarding the mother’s medical history, present complaints, and vital signs. After conducting several tests, the findings showed the infant had elevated bilirubin. Cochran (2021) describes bilirubin as a substance,

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    Clinical Judgment