ECT vs. TMS therapy

-ECT vs. TMS therapy- Discuss the topic….. either confirm or disprove via the literature.



Posts to demonstrate quality and critical thinking as noted per the syllabus must be no less than 300 words (not including references). Failure to meet the criteria will result in 0 points being awarded.

Per APA and graduate studies standards, all references must be 5 years or newer and posts are required to have in-text citations and refernces (1 point will be deducted from each post that do not meet the standards). At least 3 references peer review articles within 5 years of publication in the United States of America.


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Posts to demonstrate quality and critical thinking as noted per the syllabus must be no less than 300 words (not including references). Failure to meet the criteria will result in 0 points being awarded.

Per APA and graduate studies standards, all references must be 5 years or newer and posts are required to have in-text citations and refernces (1 point will be deducted from each post that do not meet the standards). At least 3 references peer review articles within 5 years of publication in the United States of America.

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Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) are two types of therapies used in treating mental illnesses, such as mood disorders. The ECT involves using an electric current that causes generalized seizures in a patient’s brain (Sackeim, 2017). TMS, also referred to as repetitive transcranial stimulation (rTMS), is a non-invasive therapy that stimulates the neuronal activity in strategic regions of the client’s brain through induced electric currents high-intensity pulsed ion magnetic beams. There have been controversial views on the therapy approach that is most effective between the ECT and TMS in the treatment of mental illnesses, precisely treatment-resistant depression (TRD). However, peer-reviewed articles reveal that both have setbacks, but the ECT is more efficient in treating TRD, a prevalent issue among patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). According to Magnezi et al. (2016), their comparative study revealed that the effectiveness in treating TRD was higher when ECT was implemented compared to rTMS. The health status of patients presenting anxiety symptoms did not show any improvement when the rTMS was implemented. Ross, Zivin, and Maixner (2018) justify ECT’s effectiveness in improving clinical outcomes. Hence, if this intervention is provided earlier in managing TRD, it could stabilize the patients’ health due to its efficacy as an antidepressant. This method is also cost-effective since it reduces the costs incurred in failed treatment cases among patients who have tried different pharmacotherapies. Furthermore, ECT is covered by health insurance, unlike rTMS, thus adding to its cost-effectiveness. Despite ECT having more side effects than rTMS, Ross et al. (2018) reveal that patients prefer it since it is financially available. Despite this case, Sackeim (2017) endorses the implementation of ECT since it reduces patients’ recovery time and mortality rates when applied as a short-term treatment plan. Overall, many health professionals will recommend ECT to patients in cases where other interventions have failed.
