Ethics in Research

Read the following case study and present your analysis of the study using this weeks references. Please make sure your initial post is at least 450 words in length not including learning references. Please use two learning resources from this weeks reading.

Study – tells the story of Wendell Johnson, or more specifically, Mary Tudor’s study of children in an orphanage in Iowa. It’s called the Monster Study for a reason as you will see.

Associated Press. (2003, August 6). ‘Monster Study’ still stings. CBS.

Main post: After reading the the case study, analyze according to the questions below.

a. Relying on the week’s learning resources, develop an analysis to present as your main post to this discussion form.

b. Give background information and explain which of the General Principles and/or which of the Ethical Standards was violated in the study. Explain how you came to this conclusion, sharing why you believe it was violated.

c. Do you think that the study you chose would be approved by an IRB today? Why do you think the study was allowed, or tolerated, at the time?

d. Post your analysis to the class. Include relevant in-text citation and references when used.

Requirements: 450 words

Answer preview

The Monster Study was an experiment conducted in 1936 at the University of Lowa by Dr Wendell Johnson, a psychologist, to determine why children developed a stutter. The study’s major aim was to determine whether stutters formed due to biological factors or developed due to learned behaviours. Wendell believes that stuttering is a learned behaviour accrued from external forces, such as when children are criticized by their parents for imperfect speech. The study had various ethical issues. For instance, the children did not have access to autonomy. The children were orphans elected from an orphanage, and experiments were conducted on them( Associated Press, 2003). Autonomy entails the right and condition of self-governance, which entails the right to make decisions without the influence of others or being coerced. In autonomy, individuals must be provided with all the relevant information to ensure they make the right and informed decisions. Another ethical principle violated was justice. Justice requires that each and all individuals are treated fairly and equally, this entails providing the same resources

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Ethics in Research