Gender Politics and Women’s Situations in Iran And Turkey

poli138 essay

hello i have an essay. You are required to write between 4-5 double-spaced pages. Please use the course readings and have full references, citations (Chicago Manual of Style) to support your arguments. I WILL ATTACH THE READINGS AND THE PROMPT BELOW.

The Essay subject:

Gender is the integral part of the Middle East politic. As such, “in Iran in order to pave the way for the conservative religious vision of a ‘good Muslim society’ … women have been targeted as markers of identity and have been made the object of social and economic policies and restrictive legal reforms (Hoodfar, 2010: 886). In Turkey “[m]otherhood and women’s role in socialisation were central themes in nation-building ideologies” … and “traditional roles were re-emphasised in the nationalist ideology. … [In] Westernism, Islamism, and Turkism, women were at the centre of social projects as objects of modernisation. … [M]en were keen to keep women within the boundaries of their own image of womanhood, which did not go beyond the traditional” (Cakir, 2007 : 67) roles.


Based on that short summary, please write an essay in which you compare and evaluate gender politics and women’s situations (similarities and differences) in Iran and Turkey.

Answer preview

            The issue of gender in Middle East politics is a central political question that affects women’s situation in this region. Gender politics and women’s situation in Middle East societies have significant similarities, although there are some differences. Despite considerable progress on the issue of women’s rights globally, gender equality is yet to be fully realized in the Middle East region. The political and economic participation of women in this region continues to face various barriers. The limits of women’s rights in their families and society are also major issues in Middle East politics. Muslims are the majority in Middle East countries. The way women are perceived as subordinates in the region is not affiliated to the Islamic religion but arises from the way Islam is patriarchally interpreted by religious leaders who work collaboratively with the political leaders.[1] Patriarchal culture developed by political and religious elites has also significantly influenced women’s place in these Muslim-majority countries. This essay will compare and evaluate gender politics and women’s situations by referring to two Middle East countries, which are Turkey and Iran.

            [1] Haeri, Shahla. “Temporary marriage and the state in Iran: An Islamic discourse on female sexuality.” Social Research (1992): 216.
