Health care legislation

Hi, if you could please answer the following DQ 1 and DQ 2 with 250-300 words each. Thank you

DQ 1 :

Identify three professional nursing organizations that interest you. Provide a brief summary of their purpose, requirements, and any differences in focus, population, scope, or intent. How do these organizations align to your goals and worldview?

DQ 2:

Research health care legislation that is being considered in your state. What impact might this legislation have on your future practice? What impact does it have on the collective practice of nurses in your state? How do you envision yourself potentially becoming involved in political advocacy for the profession in your future practice?

Read Chapters 28-30 in Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession.

Read Chapters 10 and 11 in Leadership in Nursing Practice: Changing the Landscape of Health Care.

Read “A New Model for ANCC’s Magnet Recognition Program,” by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), located on U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website.

Explore the Professional Nursing Organizations links on the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing website.

Answer preview

Discussion Question 2: Universal Healthcare Bill in New York

In terms of insurance premiums and health insurance, 98 percent of New Yorkers will spend less on New York wellness than they do now. The government will save more than $70 billion by lowering administration and profits for private insurance companies; cutting overhead expenses for health care providers and employers; and collecting revenue by managing prescription and medical product rates (Hays & Beverly, 2021). New York’s health will achieve net benefits of $45 billion even though the program had been extended to all New Yorkers, deductibles, co-paid and out-of-network charges eliminated, and low Medicaid reimbursements raised.

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Health care legislation