Healthcare ecosystem design

Each Part should be its own document.

Part 1:

The Project PULSE Report will require you to apply your personalized healthcare scenario. Project PULSE Template (Downloads as a Word Document): COMPLETE ATTACHED FORM

Complete the report by addressing each aspect (A2, B, C, E) and topic requirement in the template. I have already filled in some stuff. PLEASE READ EACH ASPECT INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY!!!!

Part 2:

Project Artifact 2. Eco-Map Brief. Overview: You will conduct an analysis of your healthcare ecosystem design, applying your personalized healthcare scenario to the key ecosystem entities that will be presented on your ecosystem map. Eco-Map Design represents the selected ecosystem entities’ relationships and connections. Your analysis will be provided in a briefing format using a Word document adhering to the directions provided below by the ECOS Health System Executive Team.

  • Create a brief using a Word document to analyze your healthcare ecosystem design and key entities for your ecosystem map.
    • Address each topic for Briefing Points 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  • Length: Minimum two (2) pages (excluding title page and reference page).
  • Formatting: APA 7th Edition Style for title page, reference page, references, and citations.
  • References: Minimum three (3) credible and/or scholarly sources from the last five year, unless seminal works.
  • Validate the details of your analysis with evidence (in-text citations), supporting the information presented.
  • Care Population Definition for Briefing Point 1: The care population refers to the group or community of individuals who receive care, including patients, residents, clients, or any other relevant term used in your personalized healthcare scenario.

Briefing Point 1. Ecosystem Entities: Construct the ecosystem relationship framework by identifying the key ecosystem entities that you will present on your map, focusing on the interconnections of each one.

  • Topic 1a. Your Ecosystem Profile – Personalized Healthcare Scenario:
    • Provide an overview of your ecosystem profile, including your selected healthcare title, primary healthcare setting, primary project (BIP/BIP Sub-Industry), and updated healthcare setting’s goal and value proposition statement.
    • Personalized Healthcare Scenario
      Primary Healthcare Title Director of Patient Experience
      Primary Healthcare Setting (Specific) Birthing Center
      Primary Healthcare Setting’s Name (Fictitious) Stork Birthing Center
      Location: San Diego, CA
      Geographic Area Type: Urban
      Geographic Population Size: 1 million
      Geographic Region: Southwest
      Primary Project. Business Investment Project (BIP) & BIP Definition Shared/Joint Venture – This is when two or more companies bring their resources together to collaborate for a project/profit (Hargrave, 2023)
      BIP Sub-Industry Concierge Medical Services
  • Topic 1b. External Three (3) Healthcare Entities and One (1) External Business Partner:
    • Determine three (3) external healthcare entities relevant to your personalized healthcare scenario. Analyze each entity by providing a concise description and explain their significance in terms of your ecosystem design.
    • Assess potential business relationships within your local healthcare setting. Select one (1) external business partner relevant to your personalized healthcare scenario. Analyze the business partner by providing a concise description and explain their significance in terms of your ecosystem design.

Briefing Point 2: Your Ecosystem Profile – Care Population: Assemble the persona of one (1) care population that is served by your primary healthcare setting, your primary project, and is relevant to the external entities within this analysis.

  • Topic 2a. Population Characteristics: Four (4) Demographic and Two (2) Psychographic
    • Demographic characteristics can include but are not limited to the average age, gender, ethnicity, education, income, employment, living status, marital status, and/or family structures. Psychographic characteristics can include but are not limited to lifestyles, interests, beliefs, values, habits, and/or activities.
  • Topic 2b. Health Status: Two (2) Health Status Variables. Health status variables can include but are not limited to diseases, chronic health conditions, disabilities, mental health issues, and/or overall physical health concerns of this care population.
  • Topic 2c. Minimum Two (2) Healthcare Needs and their Significance. Explain two (2) healthcare needs and/or services and their significance to this care population that is relevant to the ecosystem entities presented in this analysis.

Briefing Point 3: Essential Services to Care Population: This part of the analysis should present one (1) essential service of each ecosystem entity for the selected care population, the significance of the service, and types of interactions when providing these services to the care populations.

  • Topic 3a. Personalized Healthcare Scenario Essential Services to Care Population
    • Your Healthcare Setting: Assess 1 (one) essential service, service significance, and ecosystem entity interactions for service delivery to the care population.
    • Your Primary Project (BIP/BIP-Sub-Industry): Assess 1 (one) essential service, service significance, and ecosystem entity interactions for service delivery to the care population.
  • Topic 3b. Select of the External Three (3) Healthcare Entities and One (1) External Business Partner:
    • External Healthcare Entity: Assess 1 (one) essential service, service significance, and ecosystem entity interactions for service delivery to the care population.
    • External Business Partner: Assess 1 (one) essential service, service significance, and ecosystem entity interactions for service delivery to the care population.

Briefing Point 4: Impact on the Care Population: Explain its potential impact on the care population in terms of your personalized healthcare scenario and selected ecosystem entities:

  • Factor 1: Quality of Care Delivery and Ecosystem Care Collaboration:
    • Formulate a strategy for ecosystem care collaboration between your primary healthcare scenario, ecosystem entities, and selected care population.
    • Include two (2) regulatory quality of care measures, their definitions, the importance of each, and a specific example of the strategy.

    Part 3:

  • Project Artifact Deliverable 2. Eco-Map Design Directions
  • ****The ecosystem map’s illustration must be entirely original, and NO images from other authors, organizations, and/or sources are allowed. ******

    • Create an illustrative representation of the ecosystem relationships and connections, applying your analysis from the Eco-Map Brief. (Healthcare Ecosystem Mapping)
    • Adhere to Map Requirements 1, 2, and 3 listed below.
    • Choose a simple design that allows for clear identification of each map requirement.
    • Submit your map as a PDF with the three project deliverables for the healthcare ecosystem mapping bundle.
    • Use a free software tool. Any software you must be able to convert the map to a PDF.
    • Essential Learning Tool (Downloads as a PDF): Ecosystem Mapping Resource ATTACHED

    Map Requirement 1. Ecosystem Entities – Present the Ecosystem Entities from your Eco-Map Brief:

    • Your Personalized Healthcare Scenario:
      • Your Primary Healthcare Setting
      • Your Primary Project (BIP/BIP Sub-Industry)
    • External Healthcare Providers and Healthcare Organizations:
      • Minimum of three (3) external healthcare providers and/or healthcare organizations
    • External Business Partner:
      • Minimum one (1) external business partner

    Map Requirement 2. Map Markers Requirements:

  • 2. Map Markers: Use map markers to identify the organizations, the connections between the different healthcare providers, healthcare services, and external business partner, and to show any potential relationships to one another. Map markers can include but are not limited to shapes, colors, lines, errors, images, letters, and/or similar visualizations to identify, define, and describe the information presented. The following map markers must be included:
    • 2a. Shapes: Use shapes to identify all organizations by by name, type, and/or description on the map
    • 2b. Lines and/or Arrows: Include lines or arrows to illustrate the linkages, connections, and/or relationships to the organizations and any other images presented on the map.
    • 2c. Colors: Apply colors or a color-coding to the shapes, lines, arrows, and/or details presented on the map.
    • 2d. Optional Map Markers: You may elect to use additional map markers on your map. Examples of other map markers can include icons, symbols, patterns, sizing, numerical codes, alphanumeric codes, bubbles, and/or similar visuals.

    Map Requirement 3. Legend Criteria Requirements:

  • 3. Legend Criteria: A map legend must be included that adheres to the Legend Criteria provided below.
    • Legend Criteria A. Shape Explanations. Shapes can serve several purposes and convey important information. Each shape must be explained. Each organizational shape must clearly identify each organization with text that provides the name, type, and/or description.
    • Legend Criteria B. Color Explanations. Colors can serve multiple purposes in an ecosystem mapping project. Each color, or color-coding system, must be explained. Use colors purposefully and consistently throughout the ecosystem mapping project to ensure clarity and readability.
    • Legend Criteria C. Lines and/or Arrows Explanations. The lines and/or arrows on the map should represent the relationships to one another. Each type ofline and/or arrow must be explained. Using different types of lines and/or arrows could represent some type of meaning various types relationships, interactions, or other influencing factors.
    • Legend Criteria D. Additional Markers (if applicable): If you elected to include additional map markers, be sure to explain those markings in the legend.

Answer preview

Prenatal care- Ensuring regular prenatal check-ups, including monitoring the growth of the baby by assessing maternal health and providing education on prenatal nutrition and exercise (Peahl et al., 2020). This care need is significant as it promotes a healthy pregnancy and reduces the risk of complications.

Frequent emotional support- Offering emotional support to address anxiety, stress, and mood changes associated with pregnancy.  According to Obrochta et al. (2020), it is important to provide counseling, resources, and the necessary support groups to enhance their mental well-being during pregnancy and the entire postpartum period.

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Healthcare ecosystem design