NLRA rules

How have the NLRA rules about contact with employees failed to keep up with technology? Present your views in approximately 250 words in your post. Utilize at least one scholarly source. APA format

Requirements: 250 words

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Employees International Union (SEIU) decertification efforts in 2017, election fraud cases hit the headlines (Wolf, Hall & Clay 2017). According to Wolf, Hall & Clay (2017), a fragment of the 27000 employees wanted the union decertified, and their struggles led to allegations of fraud where some members’ signatures were forged on authentication cards and casted votes. The controversial union called for investigators to solve the case, but the perpetrators of fraud were never identified (Wolf, Hall & Clay 2017). From this incident, it is evident that NLRA rules enforcement has failed to keep up with modern technology. This is because NLRA has analog and inferior enforcement capabilities to detect coercive communications and manipulation of employees in their relations with their employers and labor unions.

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NLRA rules