Right to Ride

Students need to complete a 4-5 page book critique on the monograph, Right to Ride: Streetcar Boycotts and African American Citizenship in the Era of Plessy v. Ferguson.

1. The paper should have 1″ margins, be double-spaced, written in Times New Roman + 12-point font

2. The paper should follow the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS).


Answer   preview

Kelley states that black citizens in the 1890s and 1800s were hunted like sports by the government, developing a white supremacy culture that is still felt today. Many would argue that since the author is an African American, she may be too attached in giving such sentiments but certainly not. The author based on history and facts that any other historian could have developed regardless of country, region, or race. Subjugating black citizens and developing racial segregation laws such as the southern segregation policies and Plessy V. Ferguson case were used to control the black community. Government institutions such as law enforcement and the judicial systems institutionalized legal segregation in what was referred to as ‘separate but equal.’ They were on the front to oppress the black community and deny them their civil rights.

[1366 Words]

Right to Ride

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness

Choose one public corporation in an industry with which you are familiar. Research the company on its own website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database, the University’s online databases, the Nexis Uni database, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions.


Write a four- to six-page paper in which you do the following:

Answer preview

Technology is a continually evolving phenomenon, and as such, society should make adjustments to any technological change that takes place. Technological changes have impacted how Google LLC conducts its operations (Tran, 2017). Succeeding in the technological realm is not easy, with companies requiring to develop disruptive technologies if they are to make a mark in the technological market. The company, by itself, was revolutionary, by changing how people perceive, store, and share information. Google LLC is the proprietor of cloud computing (Tran, 2017). The company developed the concept of cloud computing to find storage space for the vast amount of data within their possession. Such a change in data storage technology allowed the company to expand its business operations by offering its customers additional products like Gmail and YouTube. Further changes in cloud computing technology allowed the company to store the data from its end-user products and analyze them.

[1811 Words]

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness

Ethical leadership

Research paper on an ethical leadership topic. Must be at least 3000 words, not counting tables, figures, and (optional) Appendix. Cite at least ten books, journal articles, online sources, and miscellaneous material. Very strictly follow the APA Publication Manual format. Follow instructions under the Format for Term Papers under Modules. Be sure to APPLY, not just mention, relevant theories or models from the course.

1.) APPLICATION of the ethical and leadership theories and models from the course, and 2.) disciplined writing, closely following the APA style manual. Since the topic and focal leader are your choice, and since theme frame is the entire term, the grading will again be meticulous.

good topics emerge from press coverage of currents. Here are areas that my provide with some goooood ideas.

Some time back it was reported that world leaders were using the Mossack Fonseca law firm in Panama for offshore investment. There were immediate allegations of money laundering and tax avoidance/evasion. While the real meaning of all this is still not yet clear, the issue does suggest some good topics for papers. These issues are still very much with us today. Yes, sometimes the bad guys seem more interesting. It would be simple to select a leader(s) and write on possible corruption. This would make an easy, possibly exciting, but nevertheless garden variety paper. A much better approach – focusing on the underlying patterns and issues – would first examine what international dynamics put such large sums in leaders hands and gravitated toward Panama. The paper topics then would view what and how leadership (and of course leaders) could address the issue.

Some largely overlooked stories illustrate still another area of leadership, which exists in many fields, including the arts. Leadership may display a different manifestation in each field; it may demand a different style; it may be easier or harder to recognize. Movie and theater people – thespians, directors especially, plus producers, even agents and writers – may provide vivid examples of leadership in the arts. For example, the British actress, Dame Judy Dench, won a record number of Olivier Awards. Many music conductors are also natural examples. There are interesting examples even from the graphic arts: e.g., ironically, the phantom artist Banksy has been particularly influential. Some of you might find writing a paper on artistic leadership enjoyable.

The formal professions also provide examples of leadership. The legal/judicial professions certainly come to mind here. One interesting example is the influence of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Poesner, who passed away not long ago. While considered a conservative, Justice Poesner tended toward the pragmatic rather than the ideological. He was often surprising and controversial, with a style of influence worth study. He wrote several works, and his HOW JUDGES THINK is splendid reading.


Lastly, let me mention again that we are barely through the Centennial of the U.S. entry into the First World War. That conflict is arguably the greatest failure of leadership in the history of mankind. The seemingly omnipotent monarchs, ministers, and marshalls failed again and again to prevent the conflict. Their failures persisted throughout the duration of the war. The leaders of post war 1919 sewed further trouble that haunts us across the world today. Inept or weak leaders are also worthy of study.

The paper must include the materials in attach with detail as references.

The paper ask for at least 10 references.


here is a message from instructor and it might help

I’m still getting questions concerning selection of a term paper topic.

Let me throw out two general areas, both drawing a GREAT DEAL of

interest at this time. You should be able to formulate a very interesting

paper from either of these areas very nicely. Either one might be fruitfully

pursued with or without stress on a focal leader. These could be papers

of true excellence!

The first area deals with the focus of this course very directly: ethical

leadership and ethics in leadership. No one seems to doubt the important

linkages of leadership and ethics. However, in recent years some have

questioned whether the relationship is simple: perhaps the relationship is

like an inverted U, or haystack. That is, as formal emphasis on ethics increases,

above a certain level there may actually be decreases in performance or satisfaction.

These suggestions relate to increased stress or limited attention, not to the desirability

of ethics per se. Is there some truth to this assertion? Would it be true for all ethical areas? Are there remedies?

Second, as the textbook clearly states, leadership involves two way influences. The

influence of follower(s) upon leaders has been neglected in research. It is now getting greater

attention. What are these reciprocal influences? Just HOW do they involve ethics? What might moderate these

influence linkages?

While I am delighted that many of you are off to a good start on your term papers,

I am a little concerned that some of you seem to be delaying the choice of a topic.

Here are some other ideas.

Most students will (eventually) probably follow the suggested line of reasoning:

find a particular topic and/or leader as focus, and then diligently apply the relevant

concepts and theory pertaining to leadership and to ethics. This is fine – the expected

route. Many good papers should come from this approach. Yet it is not the only approach.

One might also look at a prominent and perplexing issue and examine it in light of the

relevant concepts and theories. E.g., what would leadership be like in the national opioid

crisis? Which specific institutions (public or private) might provide the leaders or leadership?

Will effective leadership in this crisis require some particular style? Or some particular

ethical approach? Does the very labeling itself (by press, government, and the AMA) of the issue

as a “crisis” change the situation regarding effective leadership? The same sort of questions might apply to a myriad of issues.

The list of relevant questions could go on and on. The list of perplexing issues to analyze is also

quite long. Such a perplexing issue may be very local as well – even in your own organization.

Use some creative thought.

Let me give you a link here from today’s WALL STREET JOURNAL – just to whet your thought!

Leadership in our IT rich age requires some behaviors and skills. While technology itself is

likely not often the critical factor, the interaction of people (individuals and teams) with technologies

can be a source of serious competitive advantage. Where and how does leadership play into this?

That is what the link is about: http://partners.wsj.com/accenture/breaking-through/

IBM, as well as many other companies, universities, and think tanks have also explored these issues in depth.

You must apply the relevant concepts and theory form the course, and these are mostly contemporary and derived from study of conventional Western institutions and people.

However, let me reiterate also the value of papers that use this material to study leadership in unconventional institutions or situations: Indian tribes, mobsters, isolated communities, proactive countertrade and the great “invisible banks” of Asia. If our cherished theory breaks down in this effort, simply note that and interpret it; that itself is a contribution. Also, of course, a focal leader for your paper need not be a “good guy.”

Finally, while you must use modern theory for analysis, you can try if you dare to apply it to historical leaders and situations. Such applications are not easy, but they are often very interesting and instructive. The possibilities are limitless. For example, as the French Revolution came to an end, a military force lead by Napoleon and his lieutenants essentially seized power, abolishing the authority of both the executive Directory and the parliamentary bodies of France in a military coup. The real genius behind the coup, however, was that old perpetual survivor, Talleyrand. Both Napoleon and Talleyrand would make good focal leaders.

For those with some interest in the way American industry and society developed, the traditionally celebrated leaders make good choices: the duPont’s, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Ford were arguably not only the richest men of their day, but the most influential leaders. Although not extraordinarily wealthy, J. P. Morgan was perhaps the most powerful and influential leader of them all. Why are power and leadership so seldom discussed together? Why are there no women on this list? Just who were the extraordinarily influential women in that day? Yes! They were there. They were always there.

One last thought. Skepticism is often healthy. If you can’t be skeptical in grad school, when can you do it? Some have suggested that leadership cannot really be developed, that it is a romantic (but sometimes useful) idea, an attribution, or even that our understanding of leadership has NOT improved over the last three thousand years. Dig into these ideas and you will find yourself in good company – with names like Simon, Drucker, Meindl, Weick. (If you dug far enough you might even find Mankelwicz somewhere in the pack.)

Answer preview

whether to pay attention to the employees or shareholders, depending on circumstances.

Public leadership is perhaps more critical, with a conflicting view to focus on happiness or wealth creation. Posner (1979) explains that in a society where there is an emphasis on the generation of wealth over prioritizing citizens’ happiness, a more practical ethical focus is established. In this case, there is the integration of rights, happiness, and sharing with the less fortunate as a superior foundation for ethics. Some people can consider this view as ethically ridiculous, but there is a significant application, and for Richard Allen Posner, the combination is ethically attractive (Posner, 1979). During the 1980s, a period described as the resurgence of conservatism, and the ethical view was most common (Kinder, & Kalmoe, 2017).  Allen Posner was an important public figure in the US as justice in the Supreme Court with key leaders in the legal issues. He was oriented to a pragmatic view rather than an ideological view, including in ethics. This research paper explains the relationship between leadership and ethics from a pragmatic view of Allan Posner. Wealth maximization, a popular leadership and ethics concept promoted by Allan Posner, is described aggressively as having ethical attractiveness.

[3246 Words]

Ethics and Leadership



Focusing on The Story of Stuff (SS), write a 4-5 pg. essay on one of the following questions:

  1. In view of Leonard’s arguments about the Materials Economy, why is it so important to reduce overconsumption? You may use the book, as well as examples from the Internet and your own life. You may want to address quality of life issues in the U.S. and around the world, such as environment, family, physical health, mental health, finances, employment, education, and recreation.


2.How has The Story of Stuff changed your view of many of the things you buy? Choose several of these products and trace their way through the Materials Economy using Leonard’s five stages and discuss the damage they cause and how we can reduce our use of each product. You may use the book, personal experiences, and Internet sources in your discussion.


Answer preview

Climate change is a result of overconsumption. In the production cycle, trees are destroyed when mining minerals or to create land for farming. The destruction of trees leads to an increase in carbon dioxide produced since plants that can utilize the carbon dioxide are few. After the extraction of the resources, they are processed in the industries to make consumable products. Industries are the leading producers of harmful gases that contribute to global warming. Other toxic chemicals are added to the production process during the manufacturing process, and the byproducts of the production process are harmful gases. After consumers use the products, the waste they generate is filled in landfills while others are incinerated. The majority of the products that are manufactured nowadays are designed to lose relevance after a short

[1335 Words]


How Alzheimer’s Affects Patients and Families

Istructions and requirements are in youtube video.



Yes, you have to do a informative speech/essay on alzheimer’s. The outline has been attached. Some instructions are in the youtube video. Here’s the powerpoint.

Here is a video of the outline


Course Learning Outcome: The ability to explain oral and written information appropriately

Student Learning Objectives: #3 Construct a preparation and speaking outline & #5 Select the appropriate organizational structure for a given speech type.

Point value: 100 points

Why do we need this speech? To be able to clearly explain information is important. The ability to break down complex bits of information into everyday language will help others see you as valuable and as a leader. This outline will also help you organize your thoughts, critically think through what information is required for your goal, and finally help you practice speech coherency.

Instructions: This outline should be between 750-850 words. Please follow APA paper formatting. Follow the outline framework posted online. Please save it as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf before uploading your document.


  • You must have a proper cover page.
  • You need to have both a purpose and thesis statement
  • The outline should be organized like the outline provided with your information and minus the professor’s comments.
  • At least 5 different In-text source citations are required.
  • Reference page should be organized and formatted correctly. Remember you need to have 5 different sources.

Answer preview

Internal review: I have discussed the factor that predisposes a person to Alzheimer’s and the first symptom that a person is suffering from the disease displays.

Transition phrase in the next main point: In the next section, I will discuss the factor that predisposes a person to ‘Alzheimer’s disease.

  1. Internal Preview: Genetics and age are the main factors that predispose a person to ‘Alzheimer’s disease.
    1. Claim: Older adults have a high chance of suffering from ‘Alzheimer’s disease.
      1. Data: Holland et al. (2012) assert that old age predisposes a person to ‘Alzheimer’s disease.
      2. Warrant: Old age is widely documented as a risk factor for ‘Alzheimer’s disease, and with an increasing number of baby boomers being in 65 years and above, the number of patients who have Alzheimer’s will increase.

[1019 Words]

How Alzheimer’s Affects Patients and Families

Retailing Management

Compose a post that integrates a complete Bible scripture verse and transcends all aspects of the following question(s) comprehensively and collectively as a single post.

– 300-400 Words

– Supportive References

Post a message that presents your answers to the case questions for Case 28 Enterprise Rent-A-Car Focuses on its People.

Read: Levy and Weitz, Chapters 16

  • Retailing Management, (Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 9th edition, 2014), Michael Levy and Barton Weitz, ISBN: 9780077512378
  • APA 6th Edition Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (2009), American Psychological Association, ISBN 978-1-4338-0561-5. Available through http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4200066.aspx
Answer preview

Furthermore, I would want to work for Enterprise Company because of the following reasons. According to Levy and Weitz (2014), a company that prioritizes customer satisfaction boosts productivity and profitability but a time bomb of employee job satisfaction. Hence, I would work in such a system to influence change in terms of doing things decently and in order. Finally, the human resource strategy of Enterprise Company complements the quality of customer service delivered by its representative by ensuring managers meet the company’s average scores of customer satisfaction. Enterprise complements the quality of customer service by promoting managers that earn the required average. By doing this, it again articulates what 1 Corinthians 14:40 that things should be done decently to acquire productivity. Using the ESQI model was appropriate but failed to consider employee job satisfaction.

[324 Words]

Retailing Management

Wireless networks

Discuss the current methodologies used to secure wired or wireless networks via current Firewall technologies and the potential exposures that currently exist

Summary in 250 words


Answer preview

The firewall comes in handy when securing a network from various exposures to security threats. Some of these exposures include DDoS attacks and identity theft. The DDoS attack happens on a network, where the targeted server is flooded with fake traffics (Diovu & Agee, 2017), thus denying the legitimate user from accessing the server. However, this exposure is avoidable with a functional firewall, which blocks all fake traffics. Identity theft occurs when an adversary uses the information of another user to execute frauds on the internet. If the firewall is down, an attacker can access user information because there would be no filtering of packets.

[357 Words]

Wireless networks

Data-collection strategy

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

What common data-collection strategies are often used in the case studies you read? Select one data-collection strategy,such as an interview, and provide an example of how the strategy can be used in criminal justice agency or department.

Include proper grammar, intext citation and references….word count doesn’t include references

Answer preview

Questionnaires can be used by the criminal justice agency to conduct community surveys. Using questionnaires, the agency can get feedback from the community about police performance in providing public safety. The agency can come up with a series of questions to be answered by the people who would participate in the survey. The questionnaires may consist of both close and open-ended questions. For instance, a close-ended question may ask the public whether the police have been effective in curbing crimes, which would require a yes or no answer. An example of an open-ended question may ask about people’s knowledge and attitude towards community policing, where participants would use their own words to respond. The survey would help the agency to perform a statistical survey, and to collect information about victimization experience for them to employ relevant security measures (Suksamran, Trimek, Jermsittiparsert, & Siriattakul, 2017).

[273 Words]

Data-collection strategy

Inter-Cultural Management

Essay topic: Ankara, Turkey

Research the culture of the city above.

Write a 2-page essay.

Describe what you need to know about three (3) cultural differences that would help you open a subsidiary, hire staff, and manage it for your corporation to be successful in that country.

Essay should be properly formatted to include a title page and references list, which will not be included in the minimum page count.

Essay should follow APA guidelines for all resources for in-text citations, paraphrasing, and references.bba2551

Answer preview

Turkish people have a work culture that promotes the practice of hard work. Kahraman (2016) notes that many Turkish people work long hours, which is a challenge to most foreigners who are not used to extended working hours. This culture provides both an advantage and a challenge for subsidiaries investing in the city. On the positive side, managers can quickly implement the Theory Y style of leadership that believes that employees are willing to work and need support to help them accomplish their tasks. This is contrary to Theory X, which believes employees are lazy and need to be pushed to work. On the negative side, the wages will be slightly higher than normal because employees are putting in more work and time. The subsidiary will also need to give preference to Turkish employees when hiring. Cases of xenophobia have been recorded in Turkey as a section of the society feel that it is better to give preference to locals in employment before considering foreigners.

[680 Words]

Inter-Cultural Management

Roman Republic and the Roman Empire

Requirement: Please write a 150-word response to the following prompt providing at least two examples from the reading.

Q1:What were the differences between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire? Which do you think was more efficient and why?

(Book: History of Western Society, value edition, volume 1, 13th edition) Chapter6-7

Q2:Why did the American colonists think the British Parliament was trying to “enslave” them? What was their logic, and how was this hypocritical and ironic? (I’m going to ask that same question again … notice the running theme?) How does this relate to current American attitudes?

(Book: The American Promise: A History of the United States Value Edition) Chapter6-7

Answer preview

The American colonists care more about their property, life, and liberty. Therefore, when the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act, colonists thought that the law was meant to suppress their rights. The Stamp Act aimed at increasing the empire’s income by increasing taxes to communities and businesses. As a result, American colonists thought the increased taxes was one way used by the British Parliament to enslave them (Roark, Johnson, Furstenberg,

[484 Words]

Roman Republic and the Roman Empire