Patient-centered care

Compliance requirements can lead to significant losses in health care when fines or penalties are levied. Describe the challenges internal political environments and external political regulations have on human resource groups and their ability to ensure a health care organization can focus on patient-centered care. Provide supporting references for your response.

Health Organizations: Theory, Behavior, and Development

Johnson, J. A., & Rossow, C. C. (2019). Health organizations: Theory, behavior, and development (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284109825

Requirements: 200 words

Answer preview

The political environment causes discontent in the working force driving more nurses and healthcare providers to leave the profession. This causes an increase in nurse shortage, which affects the quality of healthcare. Another challenge is nursing autonomy due to disagreements and differences in laws and regulations that differ from state to state. The lack of independence impacts the ability of nurses to provide patient-centered care. High staff loads and working pressure also affect the ability of the human resource group to ensure the provision of patient-centered care (Johnson and Rossow, 2019). Patient-centered care plays a vital role in the healthcare policies and allocation of funds. Internal and external political environments may impact the formation of policies and distribution of funds. A shortage of funds and differences in policies will impact the decisions made by HR. This will affect how care is provided.

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Patient-centered care