phenomenological study


at least 3 paragraphs with at least 3 references and citations APA

You have been asked to be a peer reviewer for a team of nurse researchers who are conducting a phenomenological study of the experiences of physical abuse during pregnancy. What specific questions would you ask the team during debriefing and what documents would you want the researchers to share?

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In a scenario where I am a peer reviewer for a group of nurse researchers, I would ask the following questions during the debriefing session. First, I would ask for clarification on the method and design used to collect data. Asking for clarification would help me observe researchers’ responses and expressions to determine whether their research was genuine. It is because the phenomenological study involves obtaining data directly from the participant’s own words. Therefore, if the researchers cannot explain clearly about their encounter with the participants, then the research results might not be valid. The question on clarification is important in briefing sessions because it eliminates any doubts regarding the nature of the work being reviewed. It is because the peer reviewer can check whether the observations and interpretations are valid from the researchers’ faces (Scharp & Sanders, 2019).

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phenomenological study