ProFood Supply Company

Read “Case 2.1: ProFood Supply Company” on pages 36-37 of your textbook.

For this assignment, answer the questions below; your assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length, and it should be formatted according to APA guidelines. A title page and reference page should be included in addition to the two pages of content.

In your response, make specific references to concepts that you learned in Chapters 1 and 2 and any other sources that support your analysis of the questions. Convince the reader that your response to the questions is correct. Outside sources other than the textbook are not required; however, they can be helpful in your responses.

1. Is it likely that Jon Menzes will be successful in the short-term with this strategy?

2. What are the long-run implications of this strategy for Jon Menzes and for ProFood?

3. If you were Emily Lewis, what advice would you give Jon? What characteristics would you expect Emily to have as a successful sales manager?

4. Describe the importance of trust in developing a buyer-seller relationship.

5. Identify and describe the personal selling approach that you feel would work best in the situation described in the case study.


Answer preview

If I were Emily Lewis, as the sales manager of Jon Menzes, I would advise him to contact the company headquarters of Sleep Tight Inn and submit the proposal to supply ProFood packages. If Jon can establish a relationship with the top leaders at the Inn and reach out with details of the proposal, he is likely to succeed. Most top executives are busy, and it is challenging to gain their attention for partnerships. A successful sales manager, such as Emily Lewis, is expected to have key communication traits. This quality is essential to help in negotiation and closing deals with other potential partners. The sales supervisor must also have trust as a crucial attribute to help build relationships with the clients.

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ProFood Supply Company