Cybersecurity College Program

Prepare a two-page report for the president of a small university (chose one that does not have one) detailing the pros and cons of starting a cybersecurity undergraduate or community college program. Recommend how they might find people to teach and work with students.

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One of the advantages of starting a cybersecurity community college program is that it will offer students a high quality learning support system. It is because such the facility is usually tax-funded by the public; hence it will provide the necessary equipment and technology for the course. The college should then charge lower tuition costs because tax dollars will primarily pay the degree program resources. Therefore, the course would be cost-effective for the college. Besides, the cybersecurity course will offer knowledge and skills to the students, which will create employment soon due to the marketability of the program (Dampier, 2015). To add on, they will be equipped with cybercrime expertise, thus creating a highly secured system for the college Information Technology.

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Cybersecurity College Program