Concept of leadership strategies

Week 5-8

Wk 5 DQ 1

What role does technology have in education? Should the role of technology increase or decrease? Why?

WK 5 DQ 2

What role does the educator have in keeping up with technology? How does this connect with their role in the classroom? In leadership?

WK 6 DQ 1

While the idea of leadership practices refers to the daily actions of educational leaders, the concept of leadership strategies refers to the long-term decisions and plans of the educational leader. Which of the current educational leadership strategies is most likely to remain in the future? Why?

WK 6 DQ 2

Which of the current educational leadership strategies is most likely to improve student performance over the long term? Why?

Remember each DQ Question and answer on a separate page.

Answer preview

Some project areas are confusing and require further exploration to achieve the desired outcomes. First, it was explained that the basic principle that informs the design of the roll-up price models is the incentives for the operator and the user to operate and use the L2. However, the basic price model function F(X)= G(X) *K*(fb+ft) explains the paradigm to include a premium in an account of the variance of the base fee.

What factors or conditions influence the input of the premium in the price model? Even though an operator can include various services, and hence the user could pay an extra charge to utilize these services, what conditions identify an overcharge? Even though users are motivated to scale the transactions from a cost perspective, the premium charge could be an incentive to explore more needed transactions.

Moreover, the operator intends to make money, and the inclusion of the premium could make up for significant variances (Off-chain Labs Dev Center, n.d.). How does this affect how the operator intends the user to explore multiple transactions without compromising on the income? The price model functions show that in most instances, the premium value seeks to approach 1, prompting the need to increase the fee.

[1129 Words]

Concept of leadership strategies


Research development

Week 5-8

Wk 5 DQ 1

What role does technology have in education? Should the role of technology increase or decrease? Why?

WK 5 DQ 2

What role does the educator have in keeping up with technology? How does this connect with their role in the classroom? In leadership?

WK 6 DQ 1

While the idea of leadership practices refers to the daily actions of educational leaders, the concept of leadership strategies refers to the long-term decisions and plans of the educational leader. Which of the current educational leadership strategies is most likely to remain in the future? Why?

WK 6 DQ 2

Which of the current educational leadership strategies is most likely to improve student performance over the long term? Why?

Answer preview

Aligning the theoretical framework with the problem statement and purpose statement is vital because it enables the researcher to remain focused on the topic of discussion. Writing a dissertation takes time, requires more resources, endurance, and staying focused on the topic so that the researcher does not waste time looking at resources that are not in line with the subject of discussion (Harsoor, Panditrao, Rao, Bajwa, & Sahay, et al., 2022). Writing a dissertation requires properly aligning all elements, including the problem statement, the purpose, the research questions, and the hypotheses making the research smoother and narrowly focused. That enables researchers to eliminate a lot of data gathered outside the area of research. Creating a solid foundation for writing the dissertation means aligning the initial elements, which helps reduce the number of challenges associated with completing the doctoral project.

[596 Words]


Research development