Safe and healthy environment


Requirements: 1700 words

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The company has a Health and Safety Management system. This system is fully supported by its board, management, and employees (Tesla, n.d.). One of the core features of this system is the company’s health and safety policy. This policy serves as the company’s framework for compliance with AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements with guidance for use (Tesla, n.d.). Tesla’s sub-contractors are also covered in this policy. Under the policy, sub-contractors used by the company must undertake a health and safety prequalification, present a health and safety plan, participate in a start-up meeting, identify hazards and controls, complete induction, and submit regular health and safety reports (Tesla, n.d.). The policy also outlines the process the company uses to manage employees’ work-related injuries. Before adopting this policy, the company assigned injured

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Safe and healthy environment