
Improving Patient Care Outcomes Through Better Delegation-Communication Between Nurses and Assistive Personnel is the topic for my paper only needs an introduction, Body paragraph & and an conclusion but needs to be apa format. And reference page at the end.

Requirements: 1 page

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Effective communication is vital in patient care. For patients, communication with health care professionals facilitates the identification of patient health needs and the adoption of interventions to address these needs (Wagner, 2018). Communication within clinical settings does not solely involve patients and healthcare professionals. It can also involve all pertinent individuals responsible for a patient’s care. At times nurses might require to delegate some of their routine patient care duties, such as supervising patient ambulation, feeding patients, making unoccupied beds, and assisting with patients’ hygiene, to assistive personnel (Wagner, 2018). When this happens, nurses should inform the assistive personnel of the nature of the delegated task and any other pertinent information that allows the assistive personnel to effectively and efficiently complete the delegated task (Wagner, 2018). Doing this helps improve patient care outcomes. It eliminates or reduces the risk of ambiguity and miscommunication,

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