Professional learning

Submit the assignment by 11:59 PM PT Sunday of Module 1.

In this assignment, you will create and survey a target audience in an educational setting of your choice using two types of needs assessments – one to determine professional development needs and the other to determine readiness for collaborative participation in a professional learning community.

Determining Needs and Readiness

Selecting a Target Audience

Select and introduce a target audience in an educational setting to survey and determine (1) professional learning needs and (2) readiness for participation in a collaborative professional learning community. Identify the type of educational organization, the number of staff members surveyed, and their roles in the organization. NOTE: The target audience for your needs assessment may be an entire staff, department, or small group of coworkers. Summarize your purpose for administering the survey.

Designing and Compiling the Survey

Design the two-part survey according to the following directions:

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Professional Learning Needs Assessment Survey (Part 1)

Design a comprehensive needs assessment survey to determine the professional learning needs of staff members in an educational setting. For guidance, access the “Needs Assessment Example QuestionsPreview the document.” Needs Assessment will be Part 1 of yoursurvey.

Readiness for a PLC Assessment Survey (Part 2)

Access the “Current Readiness Survey for a Professional Learning Community.”Preview the document Using or adapting the items provided, design a readiness assessment for your survey. Readiness Assessment will be Part 2 of your survey.

Compile the two surveys in a single instrument.

Administering the Survey

Compose an email invitation to target audience members asking them to participate in the survey. Include the title and purpose of the survey and how the results will be used to plan a customized professional learning experience for them. Include either the survey document or the link to the survey in the email. Include the email in your paper.


Compose a conclusion in which you reflect on the process so far.

Compile the parts of your paper for submission in Module 1:

  • Introduction
  • Survey instrument
  • Email invitation
  • Conclusion/Reflection

Preparing for the Module 2 Assignment

In preparation for the Module 2 assignment:

Collect the data separately for Parts 1 and 2 of the survey, and analyze the results. Determine how you will display each set of results.

For Part 1, consider:

  • How will you prioritize the needs?
  • What trends do you see in the data?
  • How can these data help you design and implement meaningful professional learning experiences for the target audience?

For Part 2, consider:

  • What trends do you see in the data? What barriers are present?
  • How will you address the barriers through professional learning?

Requirements: 4-5 pages

Answer preview

Morning, I hope this email finds you in good health. As you know, Thomas Jefferson School of Law recently contracted us to conduct a needs and readiness assessment in light of the institution losing its American Bar Association accreditation and the institution’s high bar-exam failure rate. This email seeks to invite you to participate in a survey geared towards establishing the needs and readiness of staff members to reverse this situation. The survey instrument is titled “Needs and Readiness Survey,” and a copy of the same will be attached to this email. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing public health safety guidelines, you will be expected to fill the survey instrument and forward it via the sender’s email to facilitate data analysis. Generally, the assessment will determine whether instructors have access to the requisite resources and if their teaching approaches adequately prepare students to pass the bar exam, one of the elements required to excel in the legal profession. The results from the assessment will give the institution an inclination of the changes they need to make to get back their American Bar Association’s accreditation.

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Professional learning