Educational Leadership


Please carefully follow these instructions:

Submit 8 (each of your critiques must be a minimum of 400 words) typed critiques of articles from the professional magazine Educational Leadership. Please use substantial articles that are at least 3 full pages (but you can combine shorter articles into 1 article critique) and use recent articles (2010 – present).

Include the article title, month, year, page numbers and word count of your critique in the heading. (Example: #1 Article Title Jan. 2021. Pages 52-57. 6p. Word Count: 467)

It can be found in the UCF library (access online). The articles MUST come from the professional magazine entitled Educational Leadership .

  • The critique must include a brief summary and your analysis of the article.
  • Please include all your article critiques in one file and number them 1- 8.

Instructions for finding articles in the professional journal entitled Educational Leadership .

Go to the UCF library home page ( (Links to an external site.) )

Click on “Journals List” (in the black section at the top of the page)

Type in “Educational Leadership” in Journal Search at the top of the page

Click on 1 Educational leadership (Online) at the top of the page

Click on “ EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier ” (under Full Test Availability)

Click on the Year and then the Month (on the right side of the page)

Look through the articles and find ones that interest you and click on “PDF Full Text”. The articles must be at least 3 pages or you can combine 2 shorter articles for 1 article critique (the page numbers and number of pages are shown with each article and should be included in your article critique heading– example p72-75. 4p.)

**(Please make sure that you are using the monthly professional journal Educational Leadership published by the Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development. Don’t use “educational leadership” as a topic to find articles.)**

Requirements: 400 word each article


 you have to write 400 words for each 8 article about educational leadership

Answer preview

The co-teaching mechanism is crucial to reaching every learner. It will help identify each student’s unique needs and allow opportunities to address possible challenges. A single-teacher-based classroom can fail to impact all learners academically and socially effectively. It is often the case for classrooms with more students and limited teaching periods. However, especially for specialized learners, co-teaching promoted a sense of belonging and connectedness with educators and peer groups. It encourages rotational learning, one-on-one sessions, and team assignments. The students are given opportunities to present their skills, knowledge, and specialization based on the assigned group. However, it is essential to identify the confusion that co-teaching is likely to impact students. It leads to personality clashes which may compel

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Educational Leadership