Personal earning process—challenges

I just need a reflection paper (1 page only) APA Format 250-300 words, based on the readings that we will have each week (attached in PowerPoint are the chapters 20-23 that we must be reading), how it reflect on your (in this case mine) personal earning process—challenges, moments of discovery, life experiences, readings, and interactions.

If you have any concerns, In the Word document (attached) is what I need exactly.

Please don’t hesitate to ask if you guys have any questions.


Hi there guys, really simple and easy one.

I just need a reflection paper (1 page only) APA Format 250-300 words, based on the readings that we will have each week (attached in PowerPoint are the chapters 20-23 that we must be reading), how it reflect on your (in this case mine) personal earning process—challenges, moments of discovery, life experiences, readings, and interactions.

If you have any concerns, In the Word document (attached) is what I need exactly.

Please don’t hesitate to ask if you guys have any questions.

Thank you guys

Also attached one paper that you’ve done already just to have an idea and make it easier for you :
Answer preview

Currently, online marketing has become an essential advertising platform that helps businesses attract and interact with diverse demographical people. According to Kotler and Keller (2016), the management of digital communications is vital for companies to manage to enhance their relevance with consumers. An interesting aspect that I discovered is that these companies use techniques like cookies to mine information from online users visiting companies’ websites. Although using cookies to collect people’s information is convenient, I feel that the ethics behind this data mining approach has ethical issues. I realized that these cookies have ambiguous consenting terms that individuals approve without knowing the ramifications. From my experience, direct surveys that consumers may consent to are more ethical since they allow them to disclose details, they are more comfortable informing companies. As emphasized by Kotler and Keller (2016), socially responsible marketing should not be overlooked because it benefits consumers, the organization, and community members. I believe the identification of ethical marketing approaches enhances the reputation of an organization and promotes social welfare.

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Personal earning process—challenges