
Tittle: counterterrrorism
Choose Topic: Law
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With the defensive counterterrorism strategy, the security department may use a preventive model to prepare for any terrorist attack. Also, they can use the mitigation approach to respond to the attack successfully. While focusing on the preventive model, this approach can complement the American government’s coercive strategy. According to Crelinsten (2014), the preventive model influences the government to invest in critical infrastructure protection (CIP), target hardening, and intensify monitoring and regulation. In this case, the infrastructure could assist in heightening the level of security and also prepare the counterterrorists to have the appropriate tools to use when fighting the attackers. Through target hardening, this approach could allow the national guards to make the targeted group more challenging to be attacked (Crelinsten, 2014). However, this can only be achieved through intensified monitoring, where the security department identifies the attackers’ loopholes and attack techniques to counter their strategies accordingly. The taken actions hence influence the development of defensive policies on heightened security protocols.

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