Public health concept

Please respond to the following questions and submit for this week’s homework assignment:

  1. Examine preparedness as a universal public health concept.
  2. What is a paradigm, and what is a paradigm shift? Give one example of each concept.
  3. Specify the leadership activities that are required for priority setting.

Requirements: 2 pages

Answer preview

  1. Priority Setting

Priority setting refers to the extensive examination of interests, persuasions, goals, and objectives to ascertain the importance, value, and urgency of all of them. Setting priorities is an important leadership trait because it charts a path to be followed toward attaining certain strategic objectives (Henshall, Jones, Armitage, & Tomlinson, 2022). A leader should guide a company, group, or organization in prioritizing to achieve the most desirable results. There are activities that a leader could engage the members in towards setting priorities.

The first activity would usually be gathering all members together in a discussion about the team’s interests, persuasions and goals. This activity aims to ensure the participation of all stakeholders. Another activity would be to call members to order during the discussion to avoid unnecessary arguments, which would strain the main agenda of gathering information.

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Public health concept