Non-health professionals

This assignment is meant to address the CEPH competencies: Perform effectively on interprofessional teams. Using a current, real life environmental problem, you will connect with professionals outside public health to understand the role each discipline can provide in addressing this problem. Professionals may include: engineers, urban planners, business leaders, bankers, politicians, teachers, community activists etc. You must “meet” with the professional (by phone, zoom or email) and present the environmental problem. Then extract their unique disciplinary perspective on the problem and potential short term and long-term solutions.

STEP 1: Familiarize yourself with the global environmental issue of Recycling used lead-acid (automobile) batteries (ULABs)

STEP 2: Assemble a team of 3 Professionals (not affiliated with public health or medicine)

STEP 3: Present the problem to Professionals and solicit interventions based on specifically on theirdiscipline

STEP 4: Prepare “Interprofessional Team Report” Select 3 professions outside public health and medicine (see suggestions below).

For each profession, present ideas on various interventions in addressing the problem of the informal recycling of used lead-acid (automotive) batteries. You are encouraged to reach out to people in these professions and solicit their ideas. You will, of course, have to describe the problem and issues so please learn about this before you reach out. You are permitted to work in groups, but the report must come from each individual.

The Issue and Problem: Informal ULAB Recycling Lead-acid automotive and storage batteries are a very important commodity with an ever-expanding global market. Due to their simple construction and components; namely lead, acid and plastic, they approach a global recycling rate of almost 99%. As a result, many informal ULAB recyclers collect batteries, break them apart, melt/smelt the lead and resell it (see references below). This activity could be a family buying and processing a few batteries a week to provide a source of income or larger backyard smelters which process dozens or hundreds of automotive batteries. Unfortunately, the informal recycling process is dirty and contaminates families and communities. The published scholarship on this subject is quite extensive (see YouTubes, websites and listed above).

The Assignment: 5 Interview a team of non-health professionals and explore options to reduce lead poisoning from informal battery recycling activities. But keep in mind that ULAB activities worldwide provide needed sustenance for millions of struggling families in low- and middle-income countries. So simply banning informal ULABs may not be the best option. Each discipline will likely approach this problem from a different angle and your assignment is to describe their approaches. Lastly, please advise your “professionals” that banning LAB is not an option.

Submission: The report should integrate the interventions into a single coherent approach (if possible) and present the challenges in satisfying each intervention. It must also include a section on the lesson’s learned in working on interprofessional (interdisciplinary) teams. The report could be written (at least 1,500 words). It must be well sectioned and referenced. The flow should be as follows: 1. Presentation of health risks associated problems 2. Professional #1 approach 3. Professional #2 approach 4. Professional #3 approach 5. Assessment of the various approaches and lesson learned Possible Professions to choose from: (you may choose family, friends, colleagues) Advocacy Group, Banker, Ecologist / Biologist, Elected official / Mayor / Council Member, Engineer (civil or mechanical), International development officer, Labor Minister, Law Enforcement Officer, Politician, Teacher, Urban planner. Resources to learn about ULABs: YOUTUBE VIDEOS:

READINGS: UNICEF/Pure Earth, The Toxic Truth: Children’s Exposure to Lead Pollution Undermines a Generation of Future Potential, August 2020,…

Haefliger, P., Mathieu-Nolf, M., Lociciro, S., Ndiaye, C., Coly, M., Diouf, A., Faye, A.L., Sow, A., Tempowski, J., Pronczuk, J. and Junior, A.P.F., 2009. Mass lead intoxication from informal used lead-acid battery recycling in Dakar, Senegal. Environmental Health Perspectives, 117(10), pp.1535-1540.

Tian, X., Gong, Y., Wu, Y., Agyeiwaa, A. and Zuo, T., 2014. Management of used lead acid battery in China: Secondary lead industry progress, policies and problems. Resources, conservation and recycling, 93, pp.75-84 WEBSITES: Pure Earth –, UN Env Program –, WHO –

Requirements: APA | Research Paper | 3 pages, Single spaced

This assignment is super important to me so please read every sentence of the proposal carefully and write this paper!

For the “It must also include a section on the lesson’s learned in working on interprofessional (interdisciplinary) teams” in the proposal, I’ll try to submit the pdf of that session asap

Answer preview

Such health issues are not only localized in Senegal, considering environmental and health experts have identified numerous other instances spread out across the world but predominantly restricted in developing countries. An example is the Dominican Chernobyl of the late 1990s, a case that also involved acute lead poisoning and affected numerous residents of Bajos de Haina in the Dominican Republic (Fuller, 2009). These residents were living next to an abandoned used lead-acid car battery recycling plant. The majority of health risks associated with handling these batteries emanate from exposure to lead. It is among the most useful but also very poisonous heavy metals ever discovered. Exposure to lead is harmful to human well-being irrespective of their age.  However, studies show lead exposure is more toxic to children than adults.

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Non-health professionals

Public health concept

Please respond to the following questions and submit for this week’s homework assignment:

  1. Examine preparedness as a universal public health concept.
  2. What is a paradigm, and what is a paradigm shift? Give one example of each concept.
  3. Specify the leadership activities that are required for priority setting.

Requirements: 2 pages

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  1. Priority Setting

Priority setting refers to the extensive examination of interests, persuasions, goals, and objectives to ascertain the importance, value, and urgency of all of them. Setting priorities is an important leadership trait because it charts a path to be followed toward attaining certain strategic objectives (Henshall, Jones, Armitage, & Tomlinson, 2022). A leader should guide a company, group, or organization in prioritizing to achieve the most desirable results. There are activities that a leader could engage the members in towards setting priorities.

The first activity would usually be gathering all members together in a discussion about the team’s interests, persuasions and goals. This activity aims to ensure the participation of all stakeholders. Another activity would be to call members to order during the discussion to avoid unnecessary arguments, which would strain the main agenda of gathering information.

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Public health concept

Public health promotion


In this assignment, you will complete the first steps in the creation of a program plan for a collaborative public health promotion project for your chosen disadvantaged population. To accomplish this, you must identify those factors intrinsic to that population that will provide criteria for development of the most effective strategy to ensure a collaborative and participatory planning and decision-making process.


Having identified a public health issue and the needs of a disadvantaged population impacted by your selected issue (topic is Hypertension, in the attached document), identify health organizations currently working to meet the needs of this population group that might be relevant to the health issue you plan to address in your course project, and who could potentially be strategic partners in your plan.

Using the peer-reviewed articles and your Internet research from the Centers for Disease Control and other relevant websites, complete the following:

  • Find the data trends related to the impact of the issue on your selected population and compare and contrast the effectiveness of current preventative health care and health promotion efforts.
  • Identify the relevant federal and state policies and evidence-based studies that provide guidance related to the promotion of healthy behaviors in this population.
  • Include a list of health-related organizations that serve the area in which your target population is located, whose mission and goals align with your chosen issue, and who might partner with you on your health promotion plan. From this list of organizations, identify organizational members (by role) whom you would include on an interprofessional planning team consisting of stakeholders in your chosen community and/or health issue.
  • After locating data to support your choice of target population and the issue you have identified, indicate briefly how you plan to identify and prioritize viable options for addressing the health issue. You will research, design, and present a list of these options to a group of stakeholders in your next assignment.

Additional Requirements

  • Length: 5–7 pages (plus cover page and references).
  • Font: Times New Roman 12 pt., double spaced.
  • References: At least six properly cited scholarly resources.

Refer to the helpful links in Resources as you complete your assignment.

Requirements: 5-7 pages

just make sure you pay attention to the required topic, which is in an attached document.

Answer preview

The most significant impact of hypertension in the population includes stroke, heart disease, and the associated mortality risks.            Indeed in 2009, the number of African American men with stroke was significantly higher than for white men. Between 2003 and 2006, there was a significant decrease in the incidence of stroke within the population from 10.3% to 9.4% (CDC, 2010). The incidences of 30-year mortality rose to 45.2% compared to 23.8% in white men (Lackland, 2014). Death rates from hypertensive diseases increased significantly among African Americans from 1999-2004 (CDC, 2010). Incidences of death rates have remained twice as higher in African Americans men compared to white men.

[1852 Words]

Public health promotion

Community health promotion project

Communities of all sizes experience health and related social problems such as disease, injury, violence, homelessness, and substance abuse. Using what you have learned in your readings, your own experiences, and your plans for your community health promotion project, respond to the following, taking into account the FEM guidelines:

  • How can public health officials identify and prioritize resources to address multiple problems and concerns as they prepare to allocate resources for prevention programs?

Support your answers by citing references from your text, assigned articles, or scholarly literature, and share relevant insights from your professional practice. Use correct APA formatting for all references and in-text citations.

Requirements: 1 page

Answer preview

These will help determine whether the interventions being made are effective in preventing healthcare concerns and whether they can be integrated to come up with a better solution and prevention program (Mitton, Donaldson, Dionne, & Peacock, 2021). The officials will also determine the ease of implementing the interventions. In addition, public health officials will identify the economic and societal costs of the health issue. Economic costs include monetary costs, including medical expenses, and societal impacts, such as the impacts of the disease on individuals and families (Mitton et al., 2021). For instance, the health concern, if not prevented, will lead to high costs of treatment and also may impact an individual’s ability to work and lead an everyday life. In addition, the public officials will work with the stakeholders, including the community members and leaders, to determine the trending healthcare concerns

[393 Words]

Community health promotion project