Business Research Methods

MAN542 Business Research Methods

Please write a 5-7 page case study analysis paper with Title Page and at least three (3) scholarly references in APA format. In addition a one page Executive Summary is required.

Case Study Analysis: Akron Children’s Hospital

  • Prepare, with the help of the case study written rubric in the classroom. Case Video and Written Cases are available on website:
  • There is no need to answer questions in part one and two, those are just a guide how to approach the writing of case study analysis.
  • Please discuss the new ideas and proposals for increasing the occupancy of the hospital beds, by applying new ways of marketing (social media), associations with local medical offices (family and pediatricians). open house invitations etc…sky is the limit!
  • Prepare Executive Summary (one page), case study analysis paper (5-7 pages) with Title page (use “Title_page_for_student_papers” in the classroom for reference of the format) and at least three scholarly references in APA format.
  • Submit your paper, and Executive summary.

Case Study Guideline and Written Assignment Rubric are available in Getting Start.

Answer preview

Like most other health care facilities in the United States, Akron Children’s Hospital has a bottom line that it needs to meet to remain viable within the health care industry. One of the ways the hospital can do this is by attracting new patients. The sector the hospital operates in is highly competitive, and as such, getting new patients to come to the facility will be tough. However, social media can help get rid of some of these problems, one of which is the expensive nature of using traditional forms of marketing. Social media marketing is not only cheaper but also allows for targeted marketing. By using the pay per click option offered by most social media sites, the hospital can save a lot of money and, at the same time, reach a much broader audience.
