Criminal Justice Program Proposal

Continue working on the Criminal Justice Program Proposal for the problem you selected in Wk 1. (See Attached)

Write a 1,050- to 1,450-word proposal that describes the development and design process of your program.

Include the following in Part III of your proposal:

Format your proposal consistent with APA guidelines.

Answer preview

The targeted population in juvenile criminal justice are youth under eighteen years. Based on research, an estimated 2.1 million kids under 18years are arrested in the United States each year. Most of these youths are arrested and sentenced for running from home, drinking, and other minor issues. Children incarcerated may be subject to various adverse outcomes, including trauma, risk of suicide, or even death. Each prison information system has machines and data which is highly scrutinized and kept in stylized formats (Hetey & Eberhardt, 2018). I identified the problem through data provided by each prison. This data provides a national estimate for the state and convicted federal prison population based on various domains, including incident characteristics, criminal history, rule violation, drug and alcohol use and treatment, family background, and demographic factors.

[1218 Words]

Criminal Justice Program Proposal


The audience for this policy memo is a senior local government official, who has executive authority to direct a law enforcement agency that is relevant to the subject at hand (e.g. police chief, sheriff, senior judge, director of parole and probation services). The executive is familiar with institutional details, but has a legal or practitioner background.

You must read both articles provided and answer the following questions in the memo:

Must be in MLA format, no plagiarism, cite sources, 2-3 pages max.

Requirements: 2-3 pages max

Answer preview

The study on de-escalation training utilizes data from published and unpublished empirical assessments. Engel, McManus, and Herold, 2020 utilized the data from the systematic searches to define de-escalation training. Most of the empirical studies used did not present a definition that could be integrated into the research. Besides, the studies’ nature provides exploratory data; hence, a broad inclusion criterion was applied for eligible studies. They allowed all studies that assessed de-escalation training despite the level of scientific rigor or research design used. The data found in the other research was used to determine whether eligible studies met the causal order and had comparable control groups. Although 64 studies were identified, only three were deemed suitable in the systematic review (Engel, McManus, and Herold, 2020 pg no. 737).

[797 words]


Random sampling procedures

Please think of a research question that you would like to study that you could study using random sampling. What is your question, and how would you go about sampling randomly for this type of study?

  1. Please think of a research question that might lend itself well to using random sampling procedures, but which might be difficult to study using random sampling procedures. What question did you come up with and what sampling would you choose that closely mimics random sampling procedures?
  2. What do you make of the concept of sampling error? Does this idea make intuitive sense to you? Why or why not? What do you think would happen to a sample if sampling error was not included?

Chapter 5

  1. What do you think of the UCR? Do you like how it measures crime, why or why not? Do you think the improvements to the UCR made in the creation of NIBRS have helped? Why or why not?
  2. What do you think of NIBRS? Based on what you have read in the text, why do you think it is has not been widely adapted across the country? Do you think it will eventually replace the UCR or only act as a supplement to it?
  3. Do you think there are certain types of crime that lend themselves better to one type of measurement than another? If so, give examples of which types of crimes are best measured by the UCR, NCVS, and NIBRS.


Critical Thinking Questions


Chapters 6 and 7

Chapter 6

  1. In the perfect world of research what type of survey administration method do you think is the best? Please explain your answer and cite information from the text as to why your method of choice is the best.
  2. What do you see as some of the more salient (important) factors that might affect response rate? As a researcher besides from what has been discussed in the text, what do you think you can do to positively affect response rates? Can you do anything?
  3. What do you think of questionnaire design? Do you really think that it is important? Why or why not? Please explain your answer in detail.

Chapter 7

  1. What do you see as some of the inherent advantages of performing research with secondary sets of data? What are some of the weaknesses? Please think critically on this issue.
  2. Which type of data technique with secondary data interests you more? Content analysis or Meta-analysis? Why?
  3. What do you make of the argument between official data and self-report data? Which type of data do you see as being more valuable as a secondary data source? Why?

Answer preview

  1. To be more specific, statistics suggest that it is the African American communities heavily affected by rampant homicide in the city. In such a case, conducting a random sample of the stud population becomes quite tricky. It is imperative for the researcher to conducts targeted sampling of the study population. The researcher has to precisely identify the population that is mainly affected by this issue. After determining the people, the researcher has to identify the specific individuals that have been either victims or perpetrators of homicide in the state. In such a case, random sampling will not allow the researcher to collect the relevant data on the cause of homicide in the country. Conducting a random sample will lead to the researcher collected data from irrelevant study populations who do not have an informed perspective about the issue at hand.

[1405 Words]

Random sampling procedures

Benefits of Hotspot Policing

Write a 6 page essay in APA format about the benefits of hotspot policing. When discussing benefits, also mention statistics and how it reduces crime rates. Must focus more on how hotspot policing is beneficial rather than how it is effective.

No plagiarism please, must cite all sources.






I found a few links that are helpful however you’re more than welcome to find more sources! Just please be sure to cite.

Requirements: 6 pages

You do not need to include an introduction or conclusion!

Answer preview

Gun ownership is a contended issue in the United States, with the main point of contention being whether it will increase or reduce crime rates. Most gun owners buy guns for the sole purpose of being able to protect themselves and their loved ones from criminal entities who may invade their homes. In Kansas, anyone who legally owns a gun is permitted to carry it either openly or concealed without necessarily showing any permit for the gun. One is permitted to carry and transport a handgun at a minimum age of 18. Due to the overwhelming number of gun owners in this region, there has been a gradual increase in its crime rates. A hotspot policing program was carried out in the area where there was a focus on the recovery of firearms, and as a result, 65% of the firearms were seized. This resulted in a substantial decrease of 49% in crimes involving firearms and consequently a general reduction in the area’s crime rate (Braga & Weisburd, 2020).

[2160 Words]

Benefits of Hotspot Policing