Comprehensive training proposal for the business

Select a small business with which you are familiar. Imagine that you have been called into that business to provide a consultation on training. Create a comprehensive training proposal for the business.



Write a 6–8 page paper in which you:


  1. Analyze key elements of training and development geared toward improving the performance of the specific small business for which you are consulting.
  2. Predict 3–5 potential challenges that the managers or owners of the business could face in addressing organizational performance.
  3. Justify the effects of detecting organizational gaps in small business, providing examples to explain the rationale.
  4. Propose a competitive training strategy that will improve the position of the business in the market. The strategy should include, at a minimum, an agenda of training activities, rationale for instructional strategies used, and the return on investment (ROI) that will be gained from the strategy you have developed.
  5. Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to find at least three quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

Requirements: 6–8 page paper

Answer preview

productivity and profitability than those without such programs. Dedicated and development programs foster employee engagement, which is critical for a business’s financial performance.  Investing in your staff’s professional development vital to the organization as it fosters employee retention. Studies show that replacing an employee can be costlier than retaining.  Employee training and development are two different terms that are used interchangeably.  The term employee training encompasses programs that enable employees to learn precise skills or knowledge to improve their performance. In this case, King Bao can develop programs that will improve its employees’ skills, which critical to enhancing customer experience. In this case, the restaurant should emphasize improving its chef skills on how they can prepare special meals with minimal resource wastage.  In general, training programs focus on concrete and quantifiable goals like preparing a specific meal, or operating a POS system for cashiers, and so on.

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Comprehensive training proposal for the business