Leader willingly

Through followership, individuals follow a leader willingly. For example, in organizations, employees are considered followers while team leads, supervisors, and managers are considered leaders. In organizations, most employees willingly accept following leaders to help them achieve their goals.


In the table below, from Northouse (2022, p. 354), we can see the typologies of followership. The behaviors associated with these noted typologies describe the behaviors of followers.

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The best leadership style is the transformational leadership style. In this kind of leadership style, the leader empowers the follower to achieve their goals and promotes creativity by ensuring the follower can try out new ideas. This is effective in organizations that constantly need to innovate and in cooperations. Democratic leadership can be utilized in partner followers’ behavior. In this kind of relationship, there is mutual respect between the leader and the follower (Northouse, 2021). The leader ensures that the leaders seek input and feedback from followers. In partnership organizations, these can be effective for the organization. Lastly, the bystander’s followership the servant leadership would be most effective. The servant-leader leads based on serving a leading later. Through this, the leader can prompt the bystanders into actively participating in the group and organization. This way, the leader can identify the strengths and weaknesses of the followers.

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Leader willingly