Alcohol Abuse

Topic: Alcohol Abuse in the Marine Corps

This paper should be 1000 words in length (all inclusive).

Your paper can focus on either a current or past employer of yours, or some other company with which you have significant familiarity. What’s needed is some knowledge of the inner workings of the company–its struggles, its strengths, its climate, and so forth.

The paper should include the following four sections:

1. Organization – Provide just enough details on the company for me to be able to understand the problem that will be described. Resist the urge to provide irrelevant details and feel free to omit or disguise any details that might be sensitive in nature.

2. Problem – Describe, specifically, one problem that the company is struggling with that will serve as the focus of the paper. Resist the urge to discuss multiple problems–focus on one specific issue with which the organization is struggling. Be sure to focus on a problem that can be impacted by the relevant topics.

3. Topic – Choose at least two topics from the list below and apply those topics to the problem. Describe very specifically how the concepts, principles, and findings represented in the topic matter to the problem, and how they can be leveraged to articulate a solution.

  • Value-precept theory
  • Job characteristics theory
  • Challenge-hindrance stressors
  • Expectancy theory
  • Goal setting theory
  • Equity theory
  • Psychological empowerment
  • Cognition-based trust
  • Justice
  • Ethical decision making
  • Cognitive ability
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Team processes
  • Types of power
  • Transformational leadership

4. Recommendations – Provide a list of very specific recommendations/action steps that flow out of the discussion of the topics and that can help solve the problem. In thinking about how to craft the topics into those recommendations, strike a balance between being practical and being bold. Every organization has key constraints that need to be taken into account when designing interventions. Although those should be considered, resist the urge to “play it safe”, as that tendency often leads to modest interventions that are ultimately ineffective.

Beyond the parameters above, please bring your own self-expression, initiative, and creativity to the content and style of the paper. 80% of the paper grade will revolve around content issues, with 20% revolving around writing style issues–please see rubric for additional details.


APA format, cover page, references, introductory paragraph & length
Distinguishes a primary source from a secondary source

Identified organization and/or industry

Framed the problem(s)
Discussed the topic(s) thoroughly
Provided plausible solutions as part the recommendation

Organization, logic, & integration of primary and secondary sources
Provides historical context of primary source
Grammar and Writing clarity

Answer preview

A significant problem that the Marine Corps organization is struggling with is the problem of alcohol abuse. Heavy use of alcohol is a significant problem that is affecting the Marine Corps. The issue of alcohol abuse among the Marine Corps is often attributed to their attempt to cope with stress, their expectations regarding heavy drinking after duty and when they are on leave, and the use of alcohol as a recreational activity (Montenegro, 2019). In the Marine Corps, drinking opportunities have been ritualized while alcohol is also readily available, contributing to a culture that facilitates the abuse of alcohol. This has been a drawback for the organization in achieving its objectives because of the inefficiencies caused by alcoholism. The organization has implemented various strategies to address alcohol abuse, which includes developing alcohol use policies and campaigns that focus on promoting health and personal responsibility.

[1058 Words]

Alcohol Abuse

Global business environment

(2 Writing Assignments 1 Chart)

Competency 1: Competency Assessment

Competency 1

Analyze the needs of organizations within a changing global business environment.

Competency Statement

Using a SWOT analysis, the MBA candidate will be able to evaluate competitive advantage and present a proposal for adapting to changes in the global business environment.

Assessment Overview

Working in business management means taking on responsibility to lead your organization in a variety of situations. Part of that responsibility is understanding where an organization has been and where it’s going. In this course, you will put yourself in the shoes of a manager and use resources to make decisions on where an organization is heading in respect to business needs, organizational structure, leadership strategies, and change management. Some of the information needed will be easy to locate, but other information will take time and effort to find. You may even need to make assumptions based on research. These research and strategizing skills will be useful in your business management career.

In this assessment you will evaluate the strategic needs of a company within a changing global environment.

You will be able to submit this assessment after you’ve completed the Reflection assignments in Modules 1 and 2. There is a Competency 1 – Assessment Submission module that appears in the course after Competency 1 – Module 2: Managerial Planning and Strategy.

Save and upload each part of the assessment as a separate file and title the files so it’s clear to see what part of the assessment they serve. Include your name in your documents on the first page, upper left.

Select a company – (BROOKFIELD PROPERTIES RETAIL) Complete: SWOT Analyses list – to use for the rest of the course (this will sometimes be referred to as “your organization”) and research its history.

Managers at each level of the organization use SWOT analysis to identify strategies that will best position the company to achieve its mission and goals.The first step in a SWOT analysis is to identify and describe an organization’s strengths and weaknesses that characterize the present state of the company. The next step requires managers to identify potential opportunities and threats in the environment that affect the organization in the present or possibly in the future.

When the SWOT analysis is complete, managers begin developing strategies. These strategies should allow the company to attain its goals by taking advantage of opportunities, countering threats, building strengths, and correcting organizational weaknesses.

Congratulations! You’ve been hired as a manager and have been asked to analyze the current status of your organization (the company you selected in Part 1 of this assessment).


Review your organization’s SWOT analysis and other available sources to evaluate the strategic needs of the organization within a changing global environment. Complete the Organizational Analysis worksheet for your evaluation.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 500 words:

Consider the four functions of management (e.g., planning, organizing, leading, and controlling).

  • How would you characterize your current or past supervisor’s approach to management?
  • For example, which particular management tasks and roles does this person perform most often?
  • What kinds of management skills does the manager have?
  • How does this approach affect a global environment ?


Submit your assignment.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 500 words:

The global business environment is constantly evolving based on the forces in the general and task environment. In order to sustain the company and maintain a competitive foothold, organization leaders must consistently analyze the global environment and adjust their strategy as needed. Managers play an important role in implementing strategies to achieve a company’s mission and goals.

Research a company with stockholder reports available. These reports can usually be found on a company’s website. Use the report to answer the following questions:

  • What is (are) the main industry(ies) in which the company competes?
  • What business-level strategy does the company seem to be pursuing in this industry? Why?
  • What corporate-level strategies is the company pursuing? Why?
  • Have there been any major changes in its strategy recently? Why?
  • Include citations in your response.

Submit your assignment.

Answer preview

To her, planning goes beyond the mere allocation of duties and sub-division of responsibilities. Once she allocates tasks, my supervisor ensures that she regularly checks up on employees to assess their performance (Whetten et al., 2007). Through such an evaluation, the supervisor determines what areas need improvement. She then engages employees intending to help them overcome obstacles that interfere with their ability to undertake their duties effectively. She acts as the conduit of information, relaying information between employees and the company’s top management. She is also tasked with ensuring

[1126 Words]

Global business environment

Strategic management issues

Diversification strategies raise a wide range of strategic management issues. For this assignment, select a KSA company whose strategy includes or included diversification and explore its motives, competitive advantage, and strategic planning based on the topics from Chapter 12 and the assigned reading.

  1. Identify and provide company strategic details and consider what circumstances existed that motivated this company to diversify.
  2. What mode of diversification did the company adopt? How does this relate to their resources and capabilities?
  3. What are the benefits of diversification in this industry and how significant are they in the shape and growth of the industry?
  4. Discuss the implications of the strategy chosen for the:
  • Student must apply Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook along with at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.
  • Write at least 6-7pages in length, excludingthe title page, abstract and required reference page, which are never a part of the minimum content requirements.
  • It is strongly encouraged that you should submit your assignment into the safe assignment Originality Check prior to submitting it to your instructor for grading.

Answer preview

Diversification can be a beneficial and harmful tool for businesses, depending on the approach and motives behind adopting a diversification strategy (Grant, 2019). In Saudi Aramco’s case, the government’s need to diversify its revenue streams and the vision of the company motivated the diversification plan adopted by Saudi Aramco. The company’s acquisition of SABIC, turned it into a global powerhouse, competing on the same level as other International Oil Corporations like ExxonMobil. Saudi Aramco’s diversification and expansion strategy benefited both the government and the two companies, Saudi Aramco and SABIC. However, the deal also occasioned numerous changes.

[2064 Words]

Strategic management issues

Codes of conduct of a large company

Research the codes of conduct of a large company, such as Microsoft, and a small company in your local community and compare the issues that they cover.Describe the commonalities and differences of content in the codes.Discuss why you think there are differences in the content of the codes.Minimum 500 words

Answer preview

There are several similarities between the code of conduct of Microsoft and Winmark. One common element is integrity. At Microsoft Corporation, employees are expected to uphold honesty and integrity. The six values that guide employee conduct include integrity and honesty, openness and respect, willingness to take on challenges, self-critical, passion for customers, and accountability (Microsoft, n.d). At Winmark, employees are also expected to uphold integrity. All employees are expected to maintain integrity in keeping financial records and other organizational records. Employees at Winmark are also expected to have honest interactions with the government officers as the organization abhors bribery and kickbacks. Another similarity between the code of conduct of the organizations is the reporting of ethical breaches.

[672 Words]

Codes of conduct of a large company

Modern Management

Please respond to the following:

Survey results have revealed dramatic shifts in social attitudes toward issues such as same-sex marriage and citizenship for illegal immigrants. Respond to these two questions in this week’s discussion:

  1. How might these changing attitudes affect the manager’s job over the next few years?
  2. What would be one thing you would do as a manager to promote a positive corporate culture in a global environment?

Answer preview

As a manager, I would promote diversity in the workplace in several ways. A primary route is by developing diversity-friendly policies. I would review and advocate for a global review of the existing systems and make necessary adjustments to ensure equality among all employees regardless of their differences. This includes a reassessment of employee benefits to match their job roles. Looking at employee benefits from the diversity lens is necessary to maintain a diverse workforce (Ali, 2016). The reviewed policies would encourage the development of diversity mentorship programs, which would enable employees to receive guidance from more experienced personnel who can identify with their unique lifestyle.

[406 Words]

Modern Management

Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice

a 500-word response that includes the following points:

  • Discuss the positives, negatives, and lessons learned from the New Zealand collaborative governance study (500 words).
  • Reflect on whether such collaboration is or is not possible in your public sector life experiences and/or a public sector case with which you are familiar.
  • Be sure to support your statements with appropriate references to this week’s readings and other sources.
  • Apply correct APA citations and format to your paper

This slide set contains information needed for the Assignment.

Moloney, K. (2018l). Attached

Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice

Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 18(4), 543–571.

Ansell, C., & Gash, A. (2008).

Getting the Right Mix: Unpacking Integration Meanings and Strategies.

International Public Management Journal, 10(1), 9–33.

Keast, R., Brown, K., & Mandell, M. (2007).

Collaborative Governance Case Studies: The Land and Water Forum.

Working Paper No.13/05, New Zealand: Institute for Governance and Policy Studies, Victoria University of Wellington.

Eppel, E. (2013).

Answer preview

Altogether, a valuable lesson that an individual can learn about collaborative governance is the importance of understanding the integrative framework in this arrangement. As such, comprehending the system context, collaborative actions, and collaborative dynamics, which include principle entanglement joint action abilities and shared motivation, is relevant. With that, collaborative governance would be possible in a public sector case like the Land and Water Forum (Eppel, 2013). As seen in the case, stakeholders needed to identify strategic ways of improving the environment; however, this could not have been achieved without collaboration, cooperation, and coordination. According to Keast, Brown, and Mandell (2007), these three factors are necessary for decision-making processes that include external stakeholders. Such considerations influence the development of workable solutions based on the issues raised.

[592 Words]

Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice

Community Outreach

What Is Community Outreach?

In the studies, you are presented with a description and two applications of community outreach. As a human services leader, your organization may regularly be mandated to engage in some community outreach. What are some of the community outreach activities of your agency or an organization that you are familiar with? Present at least one with a rationale as to how it meets the criteria as community outreach.

Answer preview

Amazon’s gold campaign meets the criteria of community outreach because it focuses on educating the communities on childhood cancer and how to enhance self-care and financial support to ensure cancer research continues to improve the welfare of communities. The community Kaizens program meets the criteria because it focuses on imparting knowledge to organizations that directly serve people to optimize their efficiency. In other words, it is a form of social planning for the community. Finally, the Camp Amazon program meets the criteria because it focuses on educating the young generation with technical-based skills to become creative thinkers and improve community welfare.

[319 Words]

Community Outreach

Managed care organization


What is a managed care organization? Based on your reading, discuss how managed care organizations attempt to control costs. What are the benefits and disadvantages associated with these cost controlling measures?

Assignments are to be a minimum of 2 full pages of text and 3 reputable references in proper APA format.

Answer preview

There are various ways in which MCOs control cost.  First, MCO reduces the amount of money paid to health providers like hospitals and physicians.  The amount of money paid to health providers is the leading cause of increasing health costs in the country. Secondly, they reduce costs by limiting access to care.  According to Shmueli, Stam, Wasem, & Trottmann, (2015), MCOs reduces the cost of health services by limiting services that a subscribed client may access within the provider network.  Alternatively, they shift to cheaper care than it would have been provided outside the network.  Lastly, MCOs encourage efficiency in health provision.  They encourage physicians to spend less time with the patient, undertake less elaborated tests, and use less expensive drugs, thus reducing the cost of service provided.

[891 Words]

Managed care organization

Personal earning process—challenges

I just need a reflection paper (1 page only) APA Format 250-300 words, based on the readings that we will have each week (attached in PowerPoint are the chapters 20-23 that we must be reading), how it reflect on your (in this case mine) personal earning process—challenges, moments of discovery, life experiences, readings, and interactions.

If you have any concerns, In the Word document (attached) is what I need exactly.

Please don’t hesitate to ask if you guys have any questions.


Hi there guys, really simple and easy one.

I just need a reflection paper (1 page only) APA Format 250-300 words, based on the readings that we will have each week (attached in PowerPoint are the chapters 20-23 that we must be reading), how it reflect on your (in this case mine) personal earning process—challenges, moments of discovery, life experiences, readings, and interactions.

If you have any concerns, In the Word document (attached) is what I need exactly.

Please don’t hesitate to ask if you guys have any questions.

Thank you guys

Also attached one paper that you’ve done already just to have an idea and make it easier for you :
Answer preview

Currently, online marketing has become an essential advertising platform that helps businesses attract and interact with diverse demographical people. According to Kotler and Keller (2016), the management of digital communications is vital for companies to manage to enhance their relevance with consumers. An interesting aspect that I discovered is that these companies use techniques like cookies to mine information from online users visiting companies’ websites. Although using cookies to collect people’s information is convenient, I feel that the ethics behind this data mining approach has ethical issues. I realized that these cookies have ambiguous consenting terms that individuals approve without knowing the ramifications. From my experience, direct surveys that consumers may consent to are more ethical since they allow them to disclose details, they are more comfortable informing companies. As emphasized by Kotler and Keller (2016), socially responsible marketing should not be overlooked because it benefits consumers, the organization, and community members. I believe the identification of ethical marketing approaches enhances the reputation of an organization and promotes social welfare.

[281 Words]

Personal earning process—challenges



Role of leadership in the criminal-justice system

One of the obstacles to defining the role of a leader is the difficulty in defining what leadership entails. Think about the role of leadership in the criminal-justice system and answer the following questions in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document:

  • How can you differentiate between the role of a leader and a manager in the criminal justice system with reference to the following:
    • Operational functions of the organization, such as budget planning, recruitment and hiring, infrastructure maintenance, and performance reviews
    • Relationship with subordinates in the organization
  • Are there any overlaps between effective leadership and effective management roles in the criminal-justice system?
  • Does being an effective leader in the criminal justice system conflict with being an effective manager?
  • Are leadership responsibilities tied to official job descriptions in criminal justice or could a criminal justice agent of any position be a leader? Why?
  • How do the different ways of interpreting and defining a leader’s role influence effective leadership? Explain with reference to the various definitions of leadership as a specialized role and a shared influence process.

Cite any sources using APA format on a separate page. Let’s learn how to cite sources using APA guidelines.

Answer preview

In judicial systems, the role of a leader and manager differ in that they utilize different strategies to meet organizational goals. Managers focus on the institution’s operational aspect by ensuring that all daily routines and activities are achieved. They are responsible for functions such as planning institutional budgets, recruitment of new staff members, and maintenance of infrastructure (Giblin, 2016). They are also involved in reviewing employee performance to make decisions such as firing or promotions. On the contrary, leaders play a critical role in developing relationships with their juniors. They interact closely with subordinates to influence their performance in the system.

[699 Words]

Role of leadership in the criminal-justice system