Covenant Transport Company

The organization where you work or aspire to work is asking you to present an action plan to ensure compliance with ethical standards. Considering this request, develop an action plan (5-8 pages) based on a target ethical area.

The plan needs to include the following:

  1. Identify the current ethical standards or code of ethics of your organization. Provide a brief synopsis about the main points stated in the ethical code. Use it as a the tool for creating the action plan.
  2. Propose the goals for your plan. Indicate the various ways and methods you would use to disseminate ethical standards in your organization. Include one example of a resource, tool (flyer, message, poster, etc.) you would use to promote ethics in your organization.
  3. Describe how ethical behaviors and practices will be measured in meaningful and practical ways (What will evidence adherence to ethical standards?). Clearly state how a leader in an organization might use those measures.
  4. Provide a list of suggested references and materials (at least five) a leader would use to support ongoing knowledge on ethics.


Element Not Met Met Exceeded
Identifies the ethical standards of the organization The related standards for the organization are unclear, vague, or not identified identified the related standards for the organization Clearly and specifically identified the related standards for the organization. Includes source and reference for the standards.
Identifies an ethical area in need of attention based on the related ethical standards or code of professional behavior Ethical area in need of attention is not clearly identified or not specified. Ethical area in need of attention is identified. Rationale is vague. Specifies the ethical area in need of attention and provides a supporting rationale for its selection.
Proposes at least two goals for the proposed plan of action One or no goals are specifically proposed. Two or more goals are specifically proposed. Two or more goals are specifically proposed. Goals are feasible as part of an action plan.
Describes the plan of action based on the identified goals and includes methods for implementation The plan of action is unrelated or not specified. The plan of action is based on the identified goals and included methods for implementation. Some details are included on how to determine outcomes. The plan of action is clearly based on the identified goals. It includes methods for implementation. Assessment outcomes based on goals is clearly included
References are included to support plan and as a resource There were fewer than two or no references 3 to support ongoing learning about ethics Three references are included to support ongoing learning about ethics More than 3 references are included to support ongoing learning about ethics
APA format (3 points) Paper does not adhere or partially follows the (FSE) Written Assignment Format, the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed Paper adheres to the (FSE) Written Assignment Format, the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed). Paper clearly adheres to the (FSE) Written Assignment Format, the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed
Total: 35 points

Requirements: 5 pages

Answer preview

CTC’s ethical code of conduct includes the following. First, the company expects its employees and trade associates to be honest, fair, and trustworthy in all relationships pertaining to the company.  In case of any conflict or potential conflict, an employee needs to seek approval from the company’s compliance department. For instance, a member of the audit committee needs to seek assistance from the board of directors.    Also, all employees should adhere to applicable rules, laws, and regulations governing the company’s business. As a result, employees are not required to take anything personal on behalf of the organization that violates any of the established rules, laws, or policies.   An individual employee is barred from taking advantage of the vendors, company, fellow employees, suppliers, or any other third party. The company barres its employees or business associate discussing with competitors relating to the present, past, or future pricing policies, bids, rates, discounts, profits, costs, promotions, or terms or conditions of ales, territorial markets, plans, or productions capacities prohibited by the antitrust laws.

[1656 Words]

Covenant Transport Company

Management Action Plan

Unit VII PowerPoint Presentation


Management Action Plan

An action plan is a written strategy used to achieve outlined goals. For the purposes of this assignment, the action plan will be created using PowerPoint. An action plan includes the components listed below, and you may refer to page 237 in the textbook for additional guidance.

  1. State the goal, which should identify what training content will be used and how it will be used.
  1. The goal for this action plan is to assist managers with identifying how performance appraisals are used to demonstrate the success of training efforts.
  1. Include the strategies for reaching the goal including what the trainee must do, what resources will be needed, and the type of support from managers and peers that will be necessary.
  2. Include the strategies for receiving the feedback, which will be used to demonstrate the success of the training efforts.
  3. Define the expected assessment results and how the results can be used to improve training.

After the title slide, begin your action plan by stating the goal. Next, identify at least three strategies for reaching the goal. Briefly explain your chosen strategies with supporting data in the speaker notes section of the PowerPoint presentation. For the third part of the action plan, develop a 10-question survey that could be used to demonstrate the success of the plan. Conclude your action plan with a summary of the expected results and how the manager could use them to improve training.

This action plan should contain at least 12 slides. You must use at least two sources with one being the textbook and the other being academic in nature from any database within the CSU Online Library. Be sure to cite and reference sources using proper APA style.

Here are some general guidelines to follow when preparing your PowerPoint presentation.


The PPT assignment requirements are to write clear and concise slides using the “6 x 6” rule meaning no more than 6 bullet points per slide and no more than 6 words per bullet.  All the text and analysis have to be in the speaker notes that are mandatory.  Keep in mind that the most important part of a PPT assignment is the speaker notes that have to be clear, thorough, detailed, original, and have examples. Consider the notes as brief essays to write covering each point and topic on the slides.  The slides should be concise and have no more than 6 concisely worded bullet points and no more than 6 bullets per slide.  Then the speaker notes are where you get into detail 


 Chapter 10 in the textbook on “Social Responsibility:  Legal Issues, Managing Diversity, & Career

e-textbook link!/4/2/4

Noe, R. (2019). Employee Training & Development (8th Edition). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US).

Answer preview

  • First choice is Management by Objectives (MBO)
  • Choose an effective performance appraisal
  • MBO fosters employee-manager collaboration
  • They identify, plan and communicate goals
  • They periodically assess the progress made
  • They identify areas that require improvement

[Slide 4 of 14]

Management Action Plan