Special education

Write two well-written paragraphs about my assigned court case or law (shown below) related to special education. And prepare 3 minutes slide show presentation about it. Follow the instructions and rubric below.

Professor Instructions:

Write two well-written paragraphs about my assigned court case or law (shown below) related to special education. The first paragraph will be a description of your case or law. The second paragraph will detail the implications/outcomes of the case or law.

You will need to locate and cite two reliable resources about your court case or law so you may want to review our Library Resources tab for suggestions on how to evaluate educational articles.

Please submit your paper on Canvas and be ready to describe your findings in a practiced slideshow presentation in class.

My Assigned Case or Law:

Diana v. Board of Education (1970) Assessing children who are linguistically diverse.


Written Report:

Describe Court Case or Law _______/1 point

Describe Implications/Outcomes _______/1 point

Cite Resources (at least 2 valid resources) _______/1 point

Oral Presentation with Slideshow (2-4 minutes) _______/2 points

( * 1 point will be deducted for any presentation less than 1 1/2 minutes or more than 4 1/2 minutes)


Requirements: 2 paragraphs and 3 min slideshow

Answer preview

According to the court, the equal protection clause of the U.S Constitution was violated because equal protection was not given if the students could not comprehend the test materials. The court further ordered that children who do not use English as their primary language should be tested in their primary language in addition to English. Also, children in EMR classes were to be re-tested, and a plan was made to assist them to get back to general education and the Local Education Authority to explain the gap in the representation of Mexican American students in special education. The California Legislative responded by enacting legislation through which test placement scores contain the history of their development, cultural background,

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Special Education