Cellular adaptation.

Which form of cellular adaptation occurs because of decreased work demands on the cell? Explain your answer.

A. Hypertrophy

B. Hyperplasia

C. Atrophy
D. Metaplasia

Requirements: 250

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lifestyles, nerve problems, or health disorders contribute to the reduced or thinning of the cells. Other causes include lack of nerve and hormonal stimulation, genetics, age, and low nutrition. According to Fitzpatrick and Gordon (2018), typical cell atrophy occurs at certain ages or due to psychological circumstances such as lacking proper nutrients. For instance, during birth, the adrenal glands undergo atrophy due to the shrinkage of the interior layer of the cortex. Further, during adolescence, the thymus and lymphoid tissues atrophy. The widespread cell atrophy as age advances results from changes in blood supply and nutrition in an active mature life. The reduced nutritional aspect becomes a concern contributed by starvation or lack of food absorption due to the prevalence of a health disorder. Despite the reversible trait, early detection of cell atrophy is crucial to mitigate high mortality rates that emerge as a consequence.

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