German Expressionism

Identify three stylistic features of the scene that make this an example of “German Expressionism.” Explain how each stylistic feature functions to create a consistentmood and atmosphere throughout the scene. Write between 500 and 600 words.

Cabinet of Doctor Caligari: 43.47-46.54 [Please ignore the soundtrack on the version linked to on Youtube below. The original film was screened without recorded sound]

Requirements: 500-600
Answer preview
Filmmakers in the WW1 era were affected by the government’s imposition to ban foreign films; this plight led to the birth of German expressionism, which they used in films to illustrate their dilemma as filmmakers. The director of the film Robert Riene successfully applies the elements of German expressionism in the film Cabinet of Doctor Caligari to create a horror film that the audience can relate with. The use of dark shadows and surreal imagery establishes a gothic horror atmosphere and creates characters who are depicted as dangerous.
[637 Words]

German Expressionism