Data Visualisation

As noted by Kirk (2016), angle, framing, and focus are useful perspectives that help to shape your editorial thinking.

Select 1 of these perspectives and mention why you selected it.

Reference: Kirk, A. (2016). Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design (p. 50). SAGE Publications.

Note: Use the attached textbook (chapter 5) for reference and content length should be 250 – 300 words.

You can read chapter 5 from the attached pdf and write a discussion following the given instructions.
Answer preview

On the other hand, framing requires proper filtering decisions to ensure adequate data presentation to the audience. Otherwise, excessive filtering of information impacts the critical message. It will influence the perspective of the audience because the crucial context for perceiving values will be hidden. Also, essential parts of the data, such as quantitate values, can be misinterpreted entirely filtered. Conversely, failure to filter any content will affect the data (Kirk, 2016). The most salient discoveries can be missed in the visualization. Although angle and focus are essential perspectives of editorial thinking, framing creates a complete information structure. Without the frame, it can be challenging for the audience to understand the information conveyed.

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Data Visualisation