Symptomatic somatic disorder

In this assessment I’ll be asking you to apply what you’ve learned to several brief case studies. I’d like you to identify the most likely diagnosis for each case, along with a rationale to support your position.

Open the attached file named casestudy2.pdf. The file will open in a new tab.

For each of the following cases, answer these questions:

What is the most probable diagnosis?

Why? Which symptoms of this disorder are present? Which are absent?

What further information would help you ascertain if this were the correct diagnosis? Name at least two, and how they would help.

Would you add any specifiers? If so, which would you choose and why?

Which conditions that the DSM-5 recommends for a differential diagnosis list would you need to consider? And why?

Requirements: 1

Answer preview
 From the scenario provided about Mary, there is certain information that ascertains that, indeed, she is suffering from SDD. One of the symptoms is the general pain in the body and the feeling of general weakness and fatigue (Kurlansik & Maffei, 2016). Mary reports having been experiencing pain in some of the body parts, especially the arms, shoulders, and legs. As a result, she has been seeking different specialists in search of a cure for her problem. Moreover, she has been experiencing fatigue and general body weakness.
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Symptomatic somatic disorder