Diagnosis of PTSD
Name the DSM-IV-TR indicators necessary for a diagnosis of PTSD? (at least five of condition/symptoms, with two in each category, include specific symptoms in children)
This question has different parts:
You must mention the five (5) conditions, 2 characteristics in each category.
Also specific symptoms in children
Do you know anyone that suffers from PTSD, if you do, please share a brief description about the case.
You need to support your answer with references and APA style.
Requirements: 300
Answer preview
Thirdly, DSM-IV-TR identified changes in arousal and reactivity as another condition category for PTSD diagnosis. Some of the characteristics presents are irritability and difficulty concentrating. The fourth category presenting the symptoms necessary for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder diagnosis is intrusive reactions. It entails a re-experience of the trauma whereby destructive thoughts of the event reoccur in mind. The characteristics within this category include flashbacks and nightmares. Lastly, another condition considered in diagnosing an individual with PTSD is avoidance (Friedman et al., 2014). It relates to two main attributes; avoiding trauma-related feelings such as fear and trauma-related external reminders such as fire.
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