Technology-Focused Model in Education

In this assignment you will write a paper that proposes an innovative technology-focused model of education that embraces traditional strengths while preparing students for future roles. Prior to completing this assignment review the Educause (n.d.) webpage and read Trundle (2012).

Instructions: To complete this assignment, the following should be included at a minimum:

  • A proposal for an educational model which is innovative and technology-focused, embraces traditional strengths of classroom teaching, and prepares students for future roles. This model should focus on the Higher Education setting.
  • An overview of at least three existing practices that should be maintained within your model.
  • An overview of at least three new and emerging technology that should be included within your model.
  • A presentation of at least three innovative assessment methods for assessing learning outcomes.
  • A discussion on at least three strategies that prepare learners for roles that may not yet exist.

In addition, your assignment must:

  • Consist of six to eight double spaced pages in length, not including title and reference pages.
  • Use at least five scholarly and/or credible sources to support any claims, assertions, or conclusions.
  • Provide references for all quoted, paraphrased, and summarized information from scholarly and/or credible sources both in-text and in an APA references list.
  • Display attention to comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, including spelling and grammar.

Requirements: 1500   |   .doc file

Answer preview

The traditional education model is generally referred to as a “teacher-centered” approach, where teachers serve as reservoirs of knowledge that they transfer to their learners. The role of the student is to be available for classes and follow the teacher’s examples and explanations to gain knowledge. This is in stark contrast to the modern approach, which is more “student-centered.” Here, the role of the teacher is to enable learning by encouraging active student participation in the process and allowing the learners to move at their individual pace. The traditional model also places a focus on age rather than competencies Gawrisch, Richards, & Killian, (2020) posit that grouping learners based on age is an arbitrary criterion that is a rather recent reaction to social trends precipitated by the realization that children develop through stages and the inclination to efficiency that accompanied the industrial revolution and mass production. They suggest that throughout much of history, learners were rarely grouped according to age. Moreover, with the improvement in technology such as information systems, educators can carry out multiage schooling based on each student’s abilities efficiently and effectively.

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Technology-Focused Model in Education