Community health advisor

You will work looking for articles which can document if the training of CHWs can improve health in the specific area of your interest. I will post a rubric – outline below but for now see these instructions.


The Community Training course which is taught online introduces you to health education topics and competencies. One way this skill can be used is to train community health workers to perform a specific task within a community or a number of tasks. For this Independent Study I would like you to think of a setting or a health issue of interest to you and do a literature review finding cases where community health workers have been trained to address these issues in their communities and see if you can find some evidence of positive health outcomes as a result of training these CHWs.

As you search you may find other ‘names’ for CHWs like: health coach, community health advisor, family advocate, health educator, liaison, promoter, outreach worker, peer counselor, patient navigator, health interpreter, public health aide, etc.. Use the PHA guidelines (you can find them on the SPHTM Website) to format your paper and Word count etc. It might also help to look at the IS Guidelines that will be in Canvas to give you ideas. In the U.S. you may find these “CHWs” are persons who help patients manage specific diseases such as diabetes.

  • Course product – must be a high quality written document. Determine the type of document, length, and other expectations for the product
  • Grading rubric

I am attaching the rubric and I will use it to grade your paper. Use each section of the rubric as an “Outline – Title” which will tell me what you are doing in each section of your paper. In other words if you paper is just 15-20 paragraphs one after the other I find it difficult to determine your goal with each paragraph. If you follow this out line and title each section I just go through and check to see if you have addressed the purpose of each section and it is easier for you to get full credit on your paper. Let me know if you have any questions about this. (No need to have a bullet point for ‘written communication’ that is just a place for me to comment on the clarity of your paper.

Attached is the rubric and an example case study that you can use.

Requirements: 3-5 pages double spaced

Answer preview

One of the health challenges affecting the American health care system revolves around increasing emergency visits and readmission. Numerous communities across the country, especially in rural areas, have record-high emergency department visits and readmissions after patients have been discharged from health care facilities (Brennan et al., 2015). Normally, after patients’ health care needs are addressed after hospitalization, they will be discharged by an appropriate health care professional. Furthermore, as part of the discharge process, health care professionals are expected to provide patients with post-discharge education. This form of education seeks to ensure that patients adhere to health care professionals’ directives related to their care when at home to prevent them from coming to the emergency department for future

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Community health advisor