Mental Health and Stress chapter


Read “You Make the Call: How connected should we be?” on page 59 of the Mental Health and Stress chapter.

After reading the article and the entire Mental Health & Stress Chapter, discuss your educated opinion on this topic. Whenever possible, relate your answers to our course material.

Are we as a society “too connected?” Do you think this issue of connectivity affects mental health? Do you personally find that you struggle to disconnect? Are there certain daily times / activities you feel that should be absolutely free from device connectivity? You may want to discuss the pros and cons of constant connectivity that you have experienced in your own life, or the lives of those close to you. What strategies are available to help someone who is struggling to disconnect for a healthly period of time?

Requirements: 150 words

Answer preview

There are times I feel that I should be free from device connectivity, such as when having in-person conversations, walking, or driving. This has helped me establish healthy bonds, enhance focus and minimize accidents, respectively. I acknowledge that connectivity allows me to stay updated with the world’s current trends and interact with family and friends globally (Anderson & Rainie, 2018). However, the constant connectivity affects the brain’s health and self-perceptions. For instance, the frequent use of social media makes people always seek approval for their appearance. This increases stress levels and anxiety if they receive negative comments or lack sympathizers (Anderson & Rainie, 2018). Hence, creating time for device creativity and engaging in mind-engaging activities can help an individual struggling to disconnect.

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Mental Health and Stress chapter