culturally responsive teaching.


Ms. Hasbro has taught high-school Spanish for ten years. She would like to start differentiating instruction and needs to make some changes. Six of Ms. Hasbro’s current classroom practices are listed below. For each practice (a) explain why it is not a differentiated practice and (b) describe what Ms. Hasbro can do differently. When discussing what Ms. Hasbro can do differently, be sure to include components of culturally responsive teaching.


Use the following chart to complete the assignment and upload the answers in the essay quiz Blackboard.


Current classroom practice Explanation of how it isn’t differentiated What Ms. Hasbro can do differently
Delivers instruction primarily by lecturing    
Does not permit students to retake tests they have failed    
Records zeros for missing assignments    
Groups students at the beginning of the year based on the previous year’s achievement test scores    
Gives bonus points for classroom participation    
Gives a test every Friday    

Answer preview

That does not give the students a chance to assess their knowledge, but it only makes them move forwards without fully understanding the previous topics


Ms. Hasbro should give a second chance to the students to do the tests so that she may understand the students’ level of understanding. That will let her know if to repeat the teaching subject or move forward.


Past test scores will not determine students’ level of understanding this year. Therefore, Ms. Hasbro should not use last year’s scores to grade students.


Instead, she should group students into a mixture of intelligent and promising ones so they can share knowledge and improve the overall performance of the whole class
Giving students too many extra bonuses for class participation creates an imbalance in grading. That can enable a student to pass a course even if they have not attained the learning level of understanding Ms. Hasbro should ensure the extra credits align with classroom studying to strengthen the objectives of learning. That will enable all students to learn and prepare for tests without basing o classroom participation

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culturally responsive teaching.