Multicultural identity and multicultural therapy

As you continue to prepare for the in-residence component of this course, be aware of how this week’s Learning Resources synthesize the cultural identity factors you explored in the previous weeks. Generally, no one individual assumes just one identity. An individual’s race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality orientation, socioeconomic status, class, age, and ability contribute to that individual’s multicultural identity.

For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources. Select at least one topic from the course readings on multicultural identity and multicultural therapy that you found challenging, and reflect on why you found this to be so. Also consider any other topics that have been challenging this term. Finally, think about what topics you hope are covered in more depth during the week in-residence.

Post by Day 4 a description of at least one topic from the required readings on multicultural identity and multicultural therapy that you found challenging, and explain why. Then, explain any other areas or topics that have been challenging in this course. Finally, explain what topics you hope are covered in more depth in-residence.

Be sure to support your posts with specific references to the Learning Resources.




  • Duran, E. (2006). Healing the soul wound: Counseling with American Indians and other native peoples. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
    • Chapter 3, “The Healing/Therapeutic Circle” (pp. 39–48)
    • Chapter 6, “Diagnosis: Treating Emotional Problems as Living Entities” (pp. 79–111)
  • Bernal, G., & Rodríguez, M. M. D. (2009). Advances in Latino family research: Cultural adaptations of evidence-based interventions. Family Process, 48(2), 169–178.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Bernal, G., Jimenez-Chafey, M. I., & Rodríguez, M. M. D. (2009). Cultural adaptation of treatments: A resource for considering culture in evidence-based practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40(4), 361–368.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Chavis, A. Z., & Hill, M. S. (2009). Integrating multiple intersecting identities: A multicultural conceptualization of the power and control wheel. Women & Therapy, 32(1), 121–149.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Diaz-Martinez, A. M., Interian, A., & Waters, D. M. (2010). The integration of CBT, multicultural and feminist psychotherapies with Latinas. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 20(3), 312–326.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Hays, P. A. (2009). Integrating evidence-based practice, cognitive-behavior therapy, and multicultural therapy: Ten steps for culturally competent practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40(4), 354–360.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Munsey, C. (2009). Working with Latino clients. Retrieved from
  • Owen, J., Leach, M. M., Wampold, B., & Rodolfa, E. (2011). Multicultural approaches in psychotherapy: A rejoinder. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58(1), 22–26.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Ponterotto, J. G. (2010). Multicultural personality: An evolving theory of optimal functioning in culturally heterogeneous societies. The Counseling Psychologist, 38(5), 714–758.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Sanchez-Hucles, J. V., & Davis, D. D. (2011). Women and women of color in leadership: Complexity, identity, and intersectionality. American Psychologist, 65(3), 171–181.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Thompson, V., Bazile, A., & Akbar, M. (2004). African Americans’ perceptions of psychotherapy and psychotherapists. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 35(1), 19–26.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Williams, C. (2005). Counseling African American women: Multiple identities—Multiple constraints. Journal of Counseling & Development, 83(3), 278–283.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Document: Henry Thompson Case Conceptualization and Case Demonstration Overview (Word document)
    You will use this document as a reference to the requirements of the Case Conceptualization and Case Demonstration.
  • Document: Henry Thompson Case Notes (Word document)
    You will use this document to inform your Case Conceptualization and Case Demonstration.
  • Document: Henry Thompson Case Conceptualization (Word document)
    You will use this document to complete your Case Conceptualization and inform your Case Demonstration.
  • Document: Multicultural Population Research Paper Overview (Word document)
    You will use this document to complete your Multicultural Population Research Paper.


  • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012b). Family case study [Interactive media]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

    Note: Please click on the following link for the transcript: Transcript (PDF document).

  • Microtraining Associates (Video Publisher). (2005b). Race, gender, and sexual orientation: Counseling people with multiple cultural identities [Video webcast].
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Optional Resources

  • Gone, J. P. (2010). Psychotherapy and traditional healing for American Indians: Exploring the prospects for therapeutic integration. The Counseling Psychologist, 38(2), 166–235. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Hwang, W. (2006). The psychotherapy adaptation and modification framework: Application to Asian Americans. American Psychologist, 61(7), 702–715.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Answer preview

The topic of multiple intersecting identities, especially for women at the receiving end of intimate partner violence, is another topic that still eludes me. Bouts of violence against women, especially those instigated by their loved ones, have been part and parcel of society, majorly stemming from the systemic inequalities prevalent in society (Chavis & Hill, 2009). I have challenges understanding how a woman’s cultural and structural identities might influence their perception of intimate partner abuse. The available research regarding intimate partner violence treats all women as a uniform entity rather than recognizing their diversity. Getting rid of this problem requires people to understand how the various systems of structural inequality in society intersect. I need to know how race, ethnicity, age, and sexual orientation shape the perception women have regarding the choices available to them after being victims of intimate partner violence (Chavis & Hill, 2009).

[675 Words]

Multicultural identity and multicultural therapy



Focusing on The Story of Stuff (SS), write a 4-5 pg. essay on one of the following questions:

  1. In view of Leonard’s arguments about the Materials Economy, why is it so important to reduce overconsumption? You may use the book, as well as examples from the Internet and your own life. You may want to address quality of life issues in the U.S. and around the world, such as environment, family, physical health, mental health, finances, employment, education, and recreation.


2.How has The Story of Stuff changed your view of many of the things you buy? Choose several of these products and trace their way through the Materials Economy using Leonard’s five stages and discuss the damage they cause and how we can reduce our use of each product. You may use the book, personal experiences, and Internet sources in your discussion.


Answer preview

Climate change is a result of overconsumption. In the production cycle, trees are destroyed when mining minerals or to create land for farming. The destruction of trees leads to an increase in carbon dioxide produced since plants that can utilize the carbon dioxide are few. After the extraction of the resources, they are processed in the industries to make consumable products. Industries are the leading producers of harmful gases that contribute to global warming. Other toxic chemicals are added to the production process during the manufacturing process, and the byproducts of the production process are harmful gases. After consumers use the products, the waste they generate is filled in landfills while others are incinerated. The majority of the products that are manufactured nowadays are designed to lose relevance after a short

[1335 Words]


Federal government in American economics


How did the role of the federal government in American life change between World War I and World War II (c. 1919-1941)? Who were the key players in this transition, and what were the key events? How might we understand and describe the shifting role of the federal government across time? How were the activities of the federal government related to the expansion or limitation of American freedom?

In formulating your answer, choose three different individuals/groups that we have discussed in the middle section of the course (modules 6-9). Explain how each of them defined, explained, and imagined the proper place of the federal government in American economics, culture, and society. You should also compare these contrasting views of the role of government. What were the points of agreement and disagreement? Could multiple perspectives coexist, or were they mutually exclusive?

Be as specific as possible, and be sure to use the assigned readings to defend your answer.


  • Be as specific as possible, and be sure to use the assigned readings to defend your answer.
  • Answers that are too short or too long (more than 50 words in either direction) will lose points.
  • Your answer must quote and cite at least three different documents from the required reading for Modules 6 through 9.
  • Your answer will be checked for plagiarism using Turn-It-In.
  • Your answer should be based on material covered in class lectures and in the assigned reading for this course. DO NOT CONSULT OTHER SOURCES. I do not want to know what Google tells you about this topic. All the information you need to answer this question can be found in the assigned reading and in your class notes.


  • 750 words is not much! It’s about three double spaced pages (1” margins, 12 point font).
  • Be brief, especially in your introductory paragraph. Get right to your argument, don’t waste words describing everything we’ve covered in the course. There’s no need to make sweeping statements like “Since the beginning of U.S. history….”
  • The prompt asks several different (but closely related) questions. You do not need to answer each and every one of them, but you should try to address most of them (at least in passing) in your essay.
  • Suggested format:
    • 75 words: Introductory paragraph that ends with a clear thesis statement (that is, your argument and your answer to the question asked in the prompt).
    • 200 words: body paragraph 1, which should contain your first example and a quotation from your first document.
    • 200 words: body paragraph 2, which should contain your second example and a quotation from your second document. A transition paragraph between paragraphs should address the similarities/differences between your first and second example.
    • 200 words: body paragraph 3, which should contain your third example and a quotation from your third document. A transition paragraph between paragraphs should address the similarities/differences between this example and your first two examples.
    • 75 words: a concluding paragraph that compares your three examples and reiterates (not word-for-word!) your thesis from the introduction.
  • You MUST introduce and contextualize your quotes. We’ve read dozens of documents this term. You must tell your reader what document you’re quoting.
    • GOOD: Southern African Americans had their own definition of freedom. “We claim freedom as our natural right,” black residents of Nashville stated in a petition, “and ask that in harmony and co-operation with the nation at large, you should cut up the roots the system of slavery.” As these petitioners noted, the work of freedom remained incomplete, even after emancipation.
    • BAD: Southern African Americans had their own definition of freedom. “We claim freedom as our natural right, and ask that in harmony and co-operation with the nation at large, you should cut up the roots the system of slavery.”
      The second example is extraordinarily confusing for your reader. Who are you quoting? Are these your words? Introduce your quotes, and then explain them in your own words.

You should also try to avoid extended quotations. In almost all circumstances, you shouldn’t be quoting more than one or two sentences at a time. When you’re trying to quote a longer passage, intersperse your own words as necessary. When I see paragraph-length citations I start to worry that you’re just trying to fill up space…

Historians use Chicago Manual of Style, Humanities format. Use footnotes, not parenthetical/in-text citations.


Elizabeth Cady Stanton, “Home Life,” in Eric Foner, ed. Voices of Freedom, Vol. 2, 6th Edition (New York: W.W. Norton, 2020), 14-17.

  • You do not need to cite my video lectures. Consider these to be common knowledge shared by the class.
  • Submit your document as a Microsoft Word file – or a similar word processing file. Do not convert the file to a PDF.
  • Late papers will lose 1/3 of a letter grade per 24 hours (i.e. A- becomes B+, C+ becomes C).
  • Please include a word count on your paper.

Module 6 reading:

Document 126 – Woodrow Wilson, A World “Safe for Democracy” (1917)

Document 127 – Randolph Bourne, “War is the Health of the State” (1918)

Document 128 – A Critique of the Versailles Peace Conference (1919)

  • Document 129 – Carrie Chapman Catt, Address to Congress Women’s Suffrage (1917)
  • Document 130 – Eugene V. Debs, Speech to the Jury (1918)
  • Document 131 – Rubie Bond, The Great Migration (1917)

Module 7 reading:

Document 118 – Manuel Gamio on a Mexican-Amerian Family and American Freedom (c. 1926)

Document 133 – John A. Fitch on the Great Steel Strike (1919)

Document 136 – The Fight for Civil Liberties (1921)

  • Document 134 – Immigration Quotas Under the Johnson-Reed Act (1924)
  • Document 138 – Congress Debates Immigration (1921)
  • Document 140 – Alain Locke, The New Negro (1925)
  • Document 141 – Elsie Hill and Florence Kelley Debate the Equal Rights Amendment (1922)

Module 8 reading:

Document 142 – Letter to Francis Perkins (1937)

Document 143 – John Steinbeck, “The Harvest Gypsies” (1936)

Document 144 – John L. Lewis on Labor’s Great Upheaval (1937)

Document 145 – Franklin D. Roosevelt, “Great Security for the Average Man” (1934)

  • Document 146 – Herbert Hoover on the New Deal and Liberty (1936)
  • Document 148 – Frank H. Hill on the Indian New Deal (1935)
  • Document 149 – W.E.B. DuBois, “A Negro Nation Within A Nation” (1935)

Module 9 reading :

Document 150 – Franklin Roosevelt on the Four Freedoms (1941)

Document 151 – Will Durant, “Freedom of Worship” (1943)

Document 152 – Henry R. Luce, “The American Century” (1941)

Answer preview

of defending democracy, which Catt pushed for women.

Furthermore, President Franklin Roosevelt, in his Four Freedom Speech, addressed Congress revealing the need for having laws on internal affairs. Hence, his speech pushed for citizens’ freedom of speech, freedom from want, the liberty to worship, and freedom from fear. Roosevelt urged, “Our actions and our policy should be devoted primarily–almost exclusively–to meeting this foreign peril. For all our domestic problems are now a part of the great emergency” (Document 150). In this case, the president was worried that the national policies provided decent rights that respected other nations, and yet the United States internal affairs were in shackles. As much as the citizens had chosen to avoid war, the president needed them to be ready for tough situations. Hence, the federal government worked together with Mrs.

[872 Words]

Federal government in American economics

International Political Economy

2 pages single space


Literature sources


Link for the source

all the question like an essay form

Answer preview

Public foreign aid has contributed both positively and negatively in the economic and social progress in developing nations. The assistance has enabled these countries to embark on ambitious government projects that have boosted economic growth. According to Yiew and Lau, aid improves not only infrastructure but also energy transport and communications systems in the recipient countries (21). The aid has also helped developing nations during crises such as drought, famine, and floods to cater to those affected people’s needs. They reduce the impact of poverty and contribute to developing strong ties between the giver and the recipient nations.

On the other hand, foreign aid is at times offered as a political tool, which ends up undermining the sovereignty of the nation as leaders are forced to act per the donor’s wishes rather than the good of their citizens. Yiew and Lau note that excessive foreign aid can lead to a negative impact on economic growth as a whole (27). Foreign aid affects price mechanism since the laws of supply and demand are affected by the creation of more supply in resources or money for spending.

[1319 Words]

International Political Economy

Free of Fair Trade

Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

The importance of trade continues to be a debated topic because the gains are not always quantifiable by those involved. Some would argue that due to a significant difference in wages and regulations, free trade is not always fair trade and that free trade agreements are used by companies to simply chase lower wages and fewer regulations. In the United States, this has been an ongoing debate in regard to both the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the normalized trade relationship with China. Take some time to read the following articles before beginning your post:

Based on what you have read, please address the following questions:

  • Which do you feel is a better approach, free or fair trade, and why?
  • Given the concept of comparative advantage, should we even be discussing free versus fair trade?

Answer preview

Comparative advantage refers to one nation’s ability to produce specific goods at a lower opportunity cost than other potential producers. The theory implies that countries should import products whenever importation guarantees a lower opportunity cost than the production of the same goods. Adhering to principles of comparative advantage ensures that resources are distributed equitably across the market. Comparative advantage removes the sting out of the debate pitting fair trade against free trade because it standardizes the market conditions and reduces the susceptibility of small-scale producers and workers to exploitation.

[577 Words]

Free of Fair Trade

Economics of Education.

Hello, Attached are the five Peer reviewed Journal Articles related to Economics of Education.

Please review the articles and summarize each article with 150 words each.

•Write a concise summary – in your own words, no copying – of no less than 150 words for each assigned article that complies with the following:

•the authority or background of the author, including why we should trust the source of the material,

•summarize the information presented in the journal article

•Possible shortcomings or biases of the work

•What you found most interesting in this work.

•Do not use words that relate to you personally such as “I”, others “you”, or reference your personal opinion

•Remember that these articles have been peer reviewed by others in the field.

• The article presented first should be based upon alphabetical order of the article title.


I.          “Christian ministry and theological education as instruments for economic survival in Africa” Article Summary

II.          “Education as a Vehicle for Socio-Economic Change in Kenya” Article Summary

III.          “Higher education, collaboration, and a new economics” Article Summary

IV.          “Promoting low socio-economic participation in higher education: A comparison of area-based and individual measures” Article Summary

V.          “Theological education and economic revitalization: Creating sustainable organizations through authentic engagement” Article Summary

Answer preview

Amanda Fulford, the author of the above article, is an affiliate of Leeds Trinity University. Their article is trustworthy because it was given a copyright license in 2015, and users can use it for personal use. The author evaluates the claims about collaborative commons made by the President of the Foundation on Economic Trends, Jeremy Rifkin. According to Rifkin, the capitalist grip will loosen in contemporary society because of the emerging new economic paradigms. The Fulford (2016) considers how the current market has influenced cost-negative and technology-driven services in higher education. Fulford (2016) states that collaborations are at every level of education, where they aim at providing certain outputs. After some evaluations, the author states that Rifkin’s claims are somehow true but said that the concept of collaborations remains messy because responsibility and obligation were missing in Rifkin’s claims.

[1109 Words]

Economics of Education.

International economics

individual Project

Pricing and Exchange Rates

900 words

Assignment Description

One of the more important measures in regard to international economics is the balance of payments. Think of it as a national accounting measure that looks at the flow of goods and services into and out of an economy in a given period of time. It also shows capital flows into and out of a country. Until 1980, the United States tended to run a positive-to-neutral balance of payments position and was a creditor nation. In the course of the past 30 years, the United States has moved to a negative balance of payments and to being a debtor nation.

Review and discuss the following:

Here are some relevant articles to help you with this assignment:

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.


Hellerstein, R., & Tille, C. (2008, June). The changing nature of the U.S. balance of payments. Current Issues in Economics and Finance, 14(4). Retrieved from…

Stein, H. (2008). Balance of payments. The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics. Retrieved from…

Answer preview

The balance of payments revolves around the transactions taking place in their current and capital accounts (Terra, 2015). Current accounts house transactions related to the exported and imported goods and services, remittances made by citizens working in foreign countries, as well as returns earned on investments made in foreign nations. Countries typically engage in numerous trades and monetary transfers. Some of them are visible, while others are invisible. They can also be unilateral transfers or other forms of payments. Visible trades encompass transactions centered on tangible goods. Imported and exported services form part of the invisible trade (Terra, 2015). Unilateral transactions are monies received by citizens from people in foreign destinations and funds obtained by citizens due to them liquidating investments they made in other countries.

[1107 Words]

International economics

Mixed economies

Most economies today are “mixed economies,” in which there is a both a public sector and a private sector. Explain the following two justifications for government intervention in the economy: public goods and externalities. What is the relationship between the availability of public goods and private goods? In so doing, consider the production possibilities schedule.

Answer preview

From the case study, it is clear that William Thompson is laboring under the weight of immense stress due to financial challenges and trauma resulting from spending many years in the war in Iraq. William Thompson’s biggest fear is having his family and other relatives perceive him differently because of the mental anguish that is affecting him. In the case study, Mr. Thompson communicates superficially with his wife because he thinks it is the best way to protect her from the horrors he experienced during his service in Iraq. Similarly, he has resorted to drinking to address his issues rather than opening up to the members of his family. In light of the highlighted facts, Mr. Thompson may retrogress on the healing journey he has taken. He perceives that the close relationship between his psychologist and his brother Henry may lead to sharing confidential information passed during the therapy sessions. The psychologist’s failure to disclose the professional link to Andrew’s TV show may foster a perception of betrayal in Thompson’s view. The perceived betrayal may cause Thompson to drop out of the therapy engagement and taint his image of psychologists by portraying them as deceptive and dishonest.

[3801 Words]

Mixed economies

Discrimination against Hispanic immigrants in the US

Discrimination against Hispanic immigrants in the US”

the following is some of my ideas on this paper

1. the internet enlarge the hatred in the US. Sinse a repeated slander makes others believe, more and more people begin to join the discriminate team. Meanwhile, the social influence including the foreign cultural invasion cause panic and the conformity on some US social group let them dicriminate with others together.

2. Due to the result-oriented, the Hispanic immigrants threat the benefit of citizens in the US., they repel the entry of Hispanic immigrants. From the objective phenomenon, plus the subjective thoughts, the social influence shapes behavior.

please include the following in your work

A resourse:

“The key insight from this model is that high proportions of similarcultured individuals in a community retard the rate of assimilation. This

effect goes part of the way to explaining the slow assimilation of Mexicans

into American society. Because Mexicans live in communities with other

Mexicans to a larger degree (by far) than other ethnic groups, Mexicans incentives to assimilate are reduced relative to other immigrants. ”

(This is the original paragraph, we should paraphrase it)

Answer preview

The prosperity of a nation depends on its people’s capacity to co-exist peacefully and attain a shared vision. A country is just like a big organization that comprises diverse people who need each other to sustain the broader structure. In the place of organizational objectives, however, a nation has a set of ideas that it seeks to transform them into tangible realities for all persons to enjoy. The United States of America’s ideals are embodied in the concept of the American Dream. This concept underlines the broader societal desire to provide every individual with ample opportunity to attain success by rewarding them fairly for the effort they have put in. The idea is to accord each person an equal chance at succeeding in life without having their ethnic or racial identity playing a significant part in determining their progress compared to their peers.

[2851 Words]

Discrimination against Hispanic immigrants in the US


Minimum Wage


You are a lobbyist for an issue that you find important. For example, you would like to see the banning of smoking in federal buildings (Note: This policy has already been enacted.) You are going to make an informational pamphlet to highlight your points to prominent members of Congress. Research members of Congress that you will target in your lobbying. Explain why these members are critical to your goal. Make a plan of action and produce a pamphlet supporting your cause. Who will you be reaching out to? Why? Write a cover letter to a Congressional member and include your reasoning for reaching out to them in particular in the letter. Remember a lobbyist is only as good as the information they provide. A lobbyist who provides incomplete or unreliable information will soon be unemployed, or lose access to officials.

Cover letter should:

Pamphlet should:

Submit your cover letter and pamphlet for grading.

Writing Requirements (APA format).

  • Length: Cover letter to Congressman should be only 1 page
  • Pamphlet should be 5 pages in length
  • 1-inch margins
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Reference page (minimum of 4 scholarly sources)

Answer preview

Studies reveal that increasing the minimum wage reduces available jobs as employers will work on ensuring that the few highly paid employees show increased productivity. Ghani (2016) cites a 2014 Congressional Budget Office study that found that setting the minimum wage at $10.10 per hour benefits more than 16.5 million people but eliminates 500,000 jobs. Despite the job losses, the wage increase will lift more than 16 million people from poverty. Besides, the majority of employees surviving at the current minimum wage also depends on government support programs like housing subsidies, food assistance, and health support, among other programs. Uplifting millions of people by increasing the minimum wage to $15 per hour empowers the people to support themselves, and this reduces reliance on government programs. Therefore, the government can redirect the money that is used to support the people to resolve other social problems faced in the nation.

[1797 Words]

Minimum wage