Rhetorical critical analysis essay

You will be writing a rhetorical critical analysis essay. No first person perspective.

This is a not a first-person narrative, personal commentary, or book review. There is nothing “autobiographical” in nature, also known as an “author’s bio,” to be explored within this essay assignment. If your readers are interested in reading about Maxine Hong Kingston biography, there is plenty of information out there; this is not your focus.

Instead, your goal is to create a working thesis, based off an area you found interesting in reading the book, while using the PDFs, etc., to create a “working thesis.” However, it is your responsibility to draw connections, even when they are not so obvious, to the “Essay Prompt/Topic” below, using the primary text, academic/scholarly PDFs, and other content having been provided for you in this course, in effort to support a solid thesis statement and/or argument of the essay.

TIP: Ground your argument/position with a philosopher(s) and/or ideologies from the course text(s), especially since there is no use first-person allowed. If you elect to write in first person, you will have failed the essay assignment. Write a minimum of a five, full (5) pages, MLA-formatted essay (acceptable, but not required to go over five pages). Anything less than a full five (5) pages will result in a compromise in points. This means you did not meet the “minimum requirements.” Your Works Cited page is not considered part of the minimum five (5) full pages.

Supporting your Thesis & Minimum Sources and Citation Requirements *Six (6) Citations Total

1. Support your thesis: Use a minimum of three (3) citations from The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts, ideally to support your thesis.

2. *Select an additional two (2) resources provided: Select a minimum of one (1) citation from each source, from any of the academic/scholarly PDFs on Kingston.

3. *Select one (1) academic/scholarly source on your own: Utilize your Fresno City College Library Database skills.
a. This can be a book, film, academic/scholarly article, and more.
b. Regardless of what you select, it must be accessed it from the Library (online).
c. Disclaimer: No outside sources, other than the FCC Library requirement is allowed. Any outside commercialized, mainstream sources such as Wikipedia, Merriam-Dictionary, Walt Disney references, social media, general websites, Yahoo, etc. Instead, any and/all contributions must be academic/scholarly in nature, and through the use of the Fresno City College Library database (only).

No exceptions. In the end, it will look like this (Citations | Sources | & What’s Listed on Your Works Cited)

• Three (3) citations from The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts

• Two (2) citations, one from two (2) different sources that come from the academic/scholarly PDFs provided for you in this course.

• One (1) citation, from one (1) academic/scholarly in nature that will come from the Fresno City College Library. Minimum Total number of citations: six (6) Minimum Total number of sources: four (4)

Answer preview

Kingston uses pathos to make the reader understand how her aunt’s experience was centered on the victimization of women and girls to promote change on the stereotype towards the Asian women in America. Chinese who migrated to America risk articulating gendered expectations in the immigrant settings (Shi, 31). In other words, the No Name Woman shows how the outcomes of the act of adultery by her aunt were a subject of women’s oppression. ”It was probably a girl; there is some hope of forgiveness for boys, (Kingston, 232). Kingstone evokes sympathy from the reader to her aunt, her cousin, and women in the Chinese culture. In this version of the story, readers understand that if an illegitimate boy would be forgiven and accepted in the village, then the culture was not against adultery, but women were destabilizing the social code (Schueller, 422). Kingstone successfully portrays a new Chinese American female identity by challenging the stereotype that Asian women were committed to their oppression (Mok, pg 61).

[1705 Words]

Rhetorical critical analysis essay


Adolf Hitler

Do 5 sources with a total of 600 words

My topic is about Adolf Hitler. Why can he be considered a monster?

Please look at my proposal so you can understand my topic better

For this assignment you must find a minimum of four acceptable sources. Do not limit your sources unnecessarily. If you find more than four sources, feel free to include them. When writing your annotated bibliography, you should follow these steps:

  • When you have several sources, you will need to write a correct MLA Works Cited entry for each source.
  • Start with your first source in alphabetical order. Type the works cited entry for the source in the proper format with all of the necessary information and then begin your annotation.
  • The first part of the annotation should be a brief summary of the source based upon the thesis, main ideas, and key terms. What is the main argument?
  • The second part of the annotation should be an assessment of the source, discussing its suitability as an academic source and its applicability to your research and project. Consider the author’s purpose and reliability, including some information about who the author is and why he or she is reputable. You may wish to discuss how the source relates to some of your other sources. Is the source objective or biased? Is it useful?
  • The last part of the annotation will be your reflection on the source. Consider how it fits in with your research. How helpful is the source? How do you see it fitting in with your project? How has it informed or otherwise changed or shaped your ideas?

Answer preview

The article highlights that Hitler was a true icon of evil. In this article, the author traces Hitler’s life from his childhood. The author outlines that Hitler encountered difficulty in his upbringing, which molded him into an evil person. Having moved to Germany from Austria, Hitler experienced pain creating social networks in Germany. Secondly, his bustard status made him bitter throughout his entire life. It outlines that Hitler experienced rejection in most instances. For instance, despite his devotedness to artistic works, he was rejected by the Austrian school of fine arts. Hitler denounced all philosophies and termed as lies. More so, his denouncement of the death of God affirmed his ‘superman’ believes.  The article is a suitable source for my research as it discusses factors that fueled Hitler’s actions.

[1113 Words]

Adolf Hitler

History videos

Requirement: 2Pges for each video

Watch Two Videos, and write 25 Facts from each video.

Please number your facts in the pages.

First Video, Hannibal


Barbarians Rising: Rome Clashes with Hannibal and Carthage | Full Episode | History

Note: (Ignore the definition of “barbarian” at the beginning and throughout this episode. )

Second Video: Seven Year War


sample attached

Please number each fact

Answer preview

  1. In 218 BC, Hannibal crosses the alps during winter when the conditions are harsh since it was snowy and winter.
  2. Many soldiers died while crossing the alps since the conditions were unfavorable, and the majority of the members had never faced such appalling conditions.
  3. Hannibal gets the Romans by surprise and begins fighting the Romans with the barbarians leaving dead bodies behinds.
  4. Faced with 85,000 army enemies and his army of 50,000, Hannibal strategizes such that it attracts the Roman army to the center while an elite army attacks from behind, leaving the Romans with nowhere to hide.
  5. Romans lost about 70,000 of its army that but it did not surrender to Hannibal and being fast learners, Romans defeat Hannibal at 202BC using his tactics against him.
  6. After the defeat, Hannibal lays down his weapon, but Romans still considering him a threat to their empire demands that he be given to them, but Hannibal refuses and prefers to exile himself.

[1427 Words]




History videos


Fund Development Plan

Using your fund development (approved nonprofit organization) and your course book (Fundraising Basics: A complete guide, Chapter 8, Page 138 – 139 | See Exhibit: 8-3 which is an actual example of a Stakeholders Prospect File and the format you should use), create a profile of the stakeholders or types of individuals and corporations which you would include on the following prospect lists:

Submission Requirements:

  • Cite at least one source per stream and provide an example from your Fund Development Plan Organization of each activity. Include in-text reference at bottom of the page AND be sure to list on Reference page.
  • Use the Week 2 Stakeholder Profile APA template provided. You are to create one profile per type above: Fundraising Committee, Major Donor, Special Event Participant, Corporate Partner.
  • Also required are: Cover sheet, abstract, narrative ONLY IF NEEDED to clarify/explain information in the chart, citations, and reference page.
  • This assignment is worth 5% of your total grade.

Resources for Assessment:

This activity is matched to the following Learning Outcomes: Students will examine critical fund development issues facing today’s nonprofits. Review and evaluate an agency’s existing fund development program elements with their fellow classmates. Discuss past elements and their success of an agency’s overall fund development plan. Create a return on investment model for future elements of a development plan for longevity and relevance of the programs to an agency’s mission. Prepare and submit various special events, direct mail/online and leadership giving elements for class review and evaluation. The student will review historical funding sources and determine future interest areas and niche development opportunities to support a nonprofit agency. Students will us appropriate writing and oral skills. Prepare written work using the appropriate APA style.


Answer preview

Position and Firm

Swimmer, North Baltimore Aquatic Club, Baltimore Maryland; Assistant coach volunteer Arizona State Sun Devil


Paradise Valley Arizona, 2003


Towson High School, Attended University of Michigan

Personal/ Family History

Born June 30, 1985, in Baltimore Maryland, married Nicole Johnson former Miss California USA (2010), children Boomer Robert Phelps, four years, Beckett Richard Phelps (2 years) and Maverick Nicolas Phelps (10 months)

Professional/ Financial Information

Olympic gold medal champion, endorsement deals, net worth $ 80 million

Nonprofit Affiliation

Philanthropist, Michael Phelps Foundation, focused on promoting swimming and fitness among the young ones through Boys & Girls clubs.

USMS Relation

Michael Phelps is an icon of assimilation for fitness swimmers (USMS, n.d.).

USMS Giving

Currently, Michael Phelps does not donate any funds to USMS since he is focused more on supporting swimming activities in Girls & Boys clubs.

USMS Interests

As the greatest Olympian of all time, Michael Phelps promotes the course of fitness through swimming.

[1063 Words]

Fund Development Plan

Right to Ride

Students need to complete a 4-5 page book critique on the monograph, Right to Ride: Streetcar Boycotts and African American Citizenship in the Era of Plessy v. Ferguson.

1. The paper should have 1″ margins, be double-spaced, written in Times New Roman + 12-point font

2. The paper should follow the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS).


Answer   preview

Kelley states that black citizens in the 1890s and 1800s were hunted like sports by the government, developing a white supremacy culture that is still felt today. Many would argue that since the author is an African American, she may be too attached in giving such sentiments but certainly not. The author based on history and facts that any other historian could have developed regardless of country, region, or race. Subjugating black citizens and developing racial segregation laws such as the southern segregation policies and Plessy V. Ferguson case were used to control the black community. Government institutions such as law enforcement and the judicial systems institutionalized legal segregation in what was referred to as ‘separate but equal.’ They were on the front to oppress the black community and deny them their civil rights.

[1366 Words]

Right to Ride

Roman Republic and the Roman Empire

Requirement: Please write a 150-word response to the following prompt providing at least two examples from the reading.

Q1:What were the differences between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire? Which do you think was more efficient and why?

(Book: History of Western Society, value edition, volume 1, 13th edition) Chapter6-7

Q2:Why did the American colonists think the British Parliament was trying to “enslave” them? What was their logic, and how was this hypocritical and ironic? (I’m going to ask that same question again … notice the running theme?) How does this relate to current American attitudes?

(Book: The American Promise: A History of the United States Value Edition) Chapter6-7

Answer preview

The American colonists care more about their property, life, and liberty. Therefore, when the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act, colonists thought that the law was meant to suppress their rights. The Stamp Act aimed at increasing the empire’s income by increasing taxes to communities and businesses. As a result, American colonists thought the increased taxes was one way used by the British Parliament to enslave them (Roark, Johnson, Furstenberg,

[484 Words]

Roman Republic and the Roman Empire

Federal government in American economics


How did the role of the federal government in American life change between World War I and World War II (c. 1919-1941)? Who were the key players in this transition, and what were the key events? How might we understand and describe the shifting role of the federal government across time? How were the activities of the federal government related to the expansion or limitation of American freedom?

In formulating your answer, choose three different individuals/groups that we have discussed in the middle section of the course (modules 6-9). Explain how each of them defined, explained, and imagined the proper place of the federal government in American economics, culture, and society. You should also compare these contrasting views of the role of government. What were the points of agreement and disagreement? Could multiple perspectives coexist, or were they mutually exclusive?

Be as specific as possible, and be sure to use the assigned readings to defend your answer.


  • Be as specific as possible, and be sure to use the assigned readings to defend your answer.
  • Answers that are too short or too long (more than 50 words in either direction) will lose points.
  • Your answer must quote and cite at least three different documents from the required reading for Modules 6 through 9.
  • Your answer will be checked for plagiarism using Turn-It-In.
  • Your answer should be based on material covered in class lectures and in the assigned reading for this course. DO NOT CONSULT OTHER SOURCES. I do not want to know what Google tells you about this topic. All the information you need to answer this question can be found in the assigned reading and in your class notes.


  • 750 words is not much! It’s about three double spaced pages (1” margins, 12 point font).
  • Be brief, especially in your introductory paragraph. Get right to your argument, don’t waste words describing everything we’ve covered in the course. There’s no need to make sweeping statements like “Since the beginning of U.S. history….”
  • The prompt asks several different (but closely related) questions. You do not need to answer each and every one of them, but you should try to address most of them (at least in passing) in your essay.
  • Suggested format:
    • 75 words: Introductory paragraph that ends with a clear thesis statement (that is, your argument and your answer to the question asked in the prompt).
    • 200 words: body paragraph 1, which should contain your first example and a quotation from your first document.
    • 200 words: body paragraph 2, which should contain your second example and a quotation from your second document. A transition paragraph between paragraphs should address the similarities/differences between your first and second example.
    • 200 words: body paragraph 3, which should contain your third example and a quotation from your third document. A transition paragraph between paragraphs should address the similarities/differences between this example and your first two examples.
    • 75 words: a concluding paragraph that compares your three examples and reiterates (not word-for-word!) your thesis from the introduction.
  • You MUST introduce and contextualize your quotes. We’ve read dozens of documents this term. You must tell your reader what document you’re quoting.
    • GOOD: Southern African Americans had their own definition of freedom. “We claim freedom as our natural right,” black residents of Nashville stated in a petition, “and ask that in harmony and co-operation with the nation at large, you should cut up the roots the system of slavery.” As these petitioners noted, the work of freedom remained incomplete, even after emancipation.
    • BAD: Southern African Americans had their own definition of freedom. “We claim freedom as our natural right, and ask that in harmony and co-operation with the nation at large, you should cut up the roots the system of slavery.”
      The second example is extraordinarily confusing for your reader. Who are you quoting? Are these your words? Introduce your quotes, and then explain them in your own words.

You should also try to avoid extended quotations. In almost all circumstances, you shouldn’t be quoting more than one or two sentences at a time. When you’re trying to quote a longer passage, intersperse your own words as necessary. When I see paragraph-length citations I start to worry that you’re just trying to fill up space…

Historians use Chicago Manual of Style, Humanities format. Use footnotes, not parenthetical/in-text citations.


Elizabeth Cady Stanton, “Home Life,” in Eric Foner, ed. Voices of Freedom, Vol. 2, 6th Edition (New York: W.W. Norton, 2020), 14-17.

  • You do not need to cite my video lectures. Consider these to be common knowledge shared by the class.
  • Submit your document as a Microsoft Word file – or a similar word processing file. Do not convert the file to a PDF.
  • Late papers will lose 1/3 of a letter grade per 24 hours (i.e. A- becomes B+, C+ becomes C).
  • Please include a word count on your paper.

Module 6 reading:

Document 126 – Woodrow Wilson, A World “Safe for Democracy” (1917)

Document 127 – Randolph Bourne, “War is the Health of the State” (1918)

Document 128 – A Critique of the Versailles Peace Conference (1919)

  • Document 129 – Carrie Chapman Catt, Address to Congress Women’s Suffrage (1917)
  • Document 130 – Eugene V. Debs, Speech to the Jury (1918)
  • Document 131 – Rubie Bond, The Great Migration (1917)

Module 7 reading:

Document 118 – Manuel Gamio on a Mexican-Amerian Family and American Freedom (c. 1926)

Document 133 – John A. Fitch on the Great Steel Strike (1919)

Document 136 – The Fight for Civil Liberties (1921)

  • Document 134 – Immigration Quotas Under the Johnson-Reed Act (1924)
  • Document 138 – Congress Debates Immigration (1921)
  • Document 140 – Alain Locke, The New Negro (1925)
  • Document 141 – Elsie Hill and Florence Kelley Debate the Equal Rights Amendment (1922)

Module 8 reading:

Document 142 – Letter to Francis Perkins (1937)

Document 143 – John Steinbeck, “The Harvest Gypsies” (1936)

Document 144 – John L. Lewis on Labor’s Great Upheaval (1937)

Document 145 – Franklin D. Roosevelt, “Great Security for the Average Man” (1934)

  • Document 146 – Herbert Hoover on the New Deal and Liberty (1936)
  • Document 148 – Frank H. Hill on the Indian New Deal (1935)
  • Document 149 – W.E.B. DuBois, “A Negro Nation Within A Nation” (1935)

Module 9 reading :

Document 150 – Franklin Roosevelt on the Four Freedoms (1941)

Document 151 – Will Durant, “Freedom of Worship” (1943)

Document 152 – Henry R. Luce, “The American Century” (1941)

Answer preview

of defending democracy, which Catt pushed for women.

Furthermore, President Franklin Roosevelt, in his Four Freedom Speech, addressed Congress revealing the need for having laws on internal affairs. Hence, his speech pushed for citizens’ freedom of speech, freedom from want, the liberty to worship, and freedom from fear. Roosevelt urged, “Our actions and our policy should be devoted primarily–almost exclusively–to meeting this foreign peril. For all our domestic problems are now a part of the great emergency” (Document 150). In this case, the president was worried that the national policies provided decent rights that respected other nations, and yet the United States internal affairs were in shackles. As much as the citizens had chosen to avoid war, the president needed them to be ready for tough situations. Hence, the federal government worked together with Mrs.

[872 Words]

Federal government in American economics

Health history

Conduct a health history on a family member or friend. Be sure they give you permission. Using the interviewing techniques learned in Module 2, gather the following information
**Please note: List the health history in BULLET POINT form, not a narrative. Thank you!**Please note: List the health history in BULLET POINT form, not a narrative. Thank you!**Please note: List the health history in BULLET POINT form, not a narrative. Thank you!Conduct a health history on a family member or friend. Be sure they give you permission. Using the interviewing techniques learned in Module 2, gather the following information. Use your textbook as your guide.

  • Present Health
  • Past Health
  • Family History

While this is only a partial health history, summarize in 3 -5 pages the information you gathered. Also, answer the following questions in about 1 page.

  1. Was the person willing to share the information? If they were not, what did you do to encourage them?
  2. Was there any part of the interview that was more challenging? If so, what part and how did you deal with it?
  3. How comfortable were you taking a health history?
  4. What interviewing techniques did you use? Were there any that were difficult and if so, how did you overcome the difficulty?
  5. Now that you have taken a health history discuss how this information can assist the nurse in determining the health status of a client.

Your assignment must have accurate spelling and grammar

.**Please note: List the health history in BULLET POINT form, not a narrative. Thank you!

Please use grammarly to correct grammatical errors .

No plagiarism.

Answer preview

  • There is a history of breast cancer and MI in her family. The incidences are not related to major environmental conditions.
  • Her mother died at 66 and her sister at 52 due to breast cancer. Her mother survived cancer mortality for 3 years. Her sister’s survival was 2 years. Treatment efforts in her mother and sister were less comprehensive.
  • Also, there is a history of other forms of cancer. Her father died of prostate cancer at 71 years after surviving for eight years through aggressive treatment options.
  • Her father was diagnosed with MI. Father had a history of valvular heart disease. Her paternal grandfather died of congestive heart failure (CHF). Her maternal grandmother had a history of cervical cancer.
  • His brother, at the age of 54, was diagnosed with MI but is alive. Brother has a BMI of 25. Smoke cigarette. Regularly takes beer and wine. Brother work as a production manager in construction and mining.

[1295 Words]

Health history

American History and Society

Directions: Please provide an analysis for each of the terms/questions below. Each answer must be at least 200 words.

Please do not copy books or websites, please summarize in your own words. It need submissions toTurnitin.com.

Book: The American Promise: History of Western Society, value edition,

read chapter 5-6

1) Who were the Gracchus brothers and what were they trying to achieve? What were their fates?

2) “Five Good Emperors” and why they were considered so.

Extra Credit: What did Augustus and his successors put everywhere? (only one or two sentence)


Book: The American Promise: A History of the United States

Read chapter 6-7

1) What were the Coercive Acts and why did Parliament pass them?

2) Lexington and Concord


Please, Think about “How, When, Who, What happen” more details
There are have Sample question in Word.

Answer preview

. The Acts constituted the four policies. The first policy was Boston Port law, which ordered the closing of all shipping activities at the harbor of Boston until the day the damaged tea was compensated. The second policy was the Impartial Administration of Justice law. The parliament introduced this policy to warn the officials of British authorities that they would be taken to court if they participated in crimes. The fourth Act was the amendment of Quartering law. The policy was passed to permit the leaders of military groups to use military solders in enforcing the law even in private places, like a personal homestead. All the four laws aimed at reducing the resistance that the imperial government received from the colonists.

[1002 Words]

American History and Society

Development of the automobile in the world

1-Research on the first development of the automobile in the world. Along with researching the first steam, electric, and gasoline (these won’t be in the U.S). Give details on the development of these machinery (especially first gasoline powered car). Enter each of these in a timeline so that its emergence date is well clarified.

2-Investigate about the first Automobile in America.

-Charles and Frank Duryea

Who they were

How they did it

Did it differ from Karl Benz’s creation of the automobile? If yes, then how?

Talk about how they were inspired / pulled inspiration from.

PLEASE copy and paste the resources from which you obtained the information.

if you can follow every step of the required by the teacher it would be great. Separate the information obtained from the first creation of automobiles in the world, from the first automobile created in the United States. All this in an essay of around 700 words

Answer preview
Karl Benz, the German engineer, created the first automobile that used the internal-combustion engine in 1885. The car was a three-wheeler, and it was named Motorwagen. In 1891, Benz built the first automobile with four wheels, and in 1900, Benz started the Benz & Company that late became the largest automobile manufacturer. The creation of cars between Duryea and Benz different paths. One difference is on the background of the inventors and their inspirations. The Duryea’s developed their idea of creating a vehicle after Charles saw the gasoline-powered engine while in the trade fair (Martinez, 2018). Karl Benz was inspired in school by his professor, Ferdinand Redtenbacher, who told the students that steam engines were outdated and hence the need for innovative engines. Benz also had gone to school, and he had a mechanical engineering degree and had worked in a company that manufactures wagons and cranes. At the time, Benz made the car, there were not such cars in existence, and therefore, everything he created was from scratch.
[846 Words]

Development of the automobile in the world