Adolf Hitler

Do 5 sources with a total of 600 words

My topic is about Adolf Hitler. Why can he be considered a monster?

Please look at my proposal so you can understand my topic better

For this assignment you must find a minimum of four acceptable sources. Do not limit your sources unnecessarily. If you find more than four sources, feel free to include them. When writing your annotated bibliography, you should follow these steps:

  • When you have several sources, you will need to write a correct MLA Works Cited entry for each source.
  • Start with your first source in alphabetical order. Type the works cited entry for the source in the proper format with all of the necessary information and then begin your annotation.
  • The first part of the annotation should be a brief summary of the source based upon the thesis, main ideas, and key terms. What is the main argument?
  • The second part of the annotation should be an assessment of the source, discussing its suitability as an academic source and its applicability to your research and project. Consider the author’s purpose and reliability, including some information about who the author is and why he or she is reputable. You may wish to discuss how the source relates to some of your other sources. Is the source objective or biased? Is it useful?
  • The last part of the annotation will be your reflection on the source. Consider how it fits in with your research. How helpful is the source? How do you see it fitting in with your project? How has it informed or otherwise changed or shaped your ideas?

Answer preview

The article highlights that Hitler was a true icon of evil. In this article, the author traces Hitler’s life from his childhood. The author outlines that Hitler encountered difficulty in his upbringing, which molded him into an evil person. Having moved to Germany from Austria, Hitler experienced pain creating social networks in Germany. Secondly, his bustard status made him bitter throughout his entire life. It outlines that Hitler experienced rejection in most instances. For instance, despite his devotedness to artistic works, he was rejected by the Austrian school of fine arts. Hitler denounced all philosophies and termed as lies. More so, his denouncement of the death of God affirmed his ‘superman’ believes.  The article is a suitable source for my research as it discusses factors that fueled Hitler’s actions.

[1113 Words]

Adolf Hitler

Psychology of Trauma

Interview someone who was traumatized through intimate partner violence (domestic violence). In your 2-page report discuss their coping techniques or what methods were used in their recovery or if they didn’t recover, where they are at right now and discuss why they are struggling to recover. Mention what treatment options you would consider as a therapist, to aid their recovery.

APA format with references and citing

Answer preview

One approach that helped my interviewee, Mary, used to recover from the psychological trauma was social support. Mary got social support from a community group where other victims in her neighborhood convene. The founder of the group, who was also a victim, started the initiative to help other women who needed a place they could vent their traumatic experiences. Through sharing, Mary felt she was not alone, which gave her the courage to face her fears. Also, with the support she got from her family members, this made it easy for Mary to be open-minded when communicating and expressing her feelings when happy or sad. Although she disclosed having self-deception, which is a harmful coping method, the advice she got about accepting what had happened helped Mary. In the process, my interviewee discovered the importance of engaging in activities that kept her occupied, such as jogging, volunteering in community activities, and watching comic movies that kept her happy. These activities were quite resourceful because Mary got to work on her physical fitness and learned the importance of being around people who helped her have emotional stability.

[683 Words]

Psychology of Trauma

Psychological and Behavioral

I need a college level research paper describing the psychological and behavioral factors of individual terrorists ( for example recruits and suicide bombers; not terrorist leaders such as Bin Laden).

I’m not looking to address different radicalization processes/models such as Moghaddam’s Staircase, so you only need to research and discuss individual psychological and behavioral factors in this paper. Also, “psychological” does not mean “psychotic” and we are only supposed to address those of sound mind who deliberately choose violence for a political purpose, or retribution or to instill fear (not crazy mass shooters).

Assignment Specifics:

  • The body of your report is to be at least four FULL pages in length (not counting title page and references) and is to contain the following:
  • A brief introduction, with the topic and your thesis
  • A main body, containing the “meat” of the paper, where you provide the requested information supported by class readings and with your analysis
  • A conclusion, summarizing your information clearly and concisely

Technical Requirements

  • Your paper must be at a minimum of 4 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
  • Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
  • Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
  • Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
  • Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
  • All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.

Due to the nature of this question, make sure that you provide a written answer with very strong content and grammar. Failing to do so could result in withdrawn questions and bad ratings.

I attached an example essay to reference if you’d like. All the requirements are stated above, but I would just like to stress this is more of a paper of why people join terrorist groups rather than focusing on the leaders of the terrorist organization. If you need anything else let me know. Thanks!

Answer preview

Perceived threats of beliefs and situations considered unfair and inconsistent with one’s religious teachings is one reason that motivates individuals to join terrorism. Perceived threats drive one to use suicide bombers with the ultimate goal to improve the situation and bring happiness to others and become a bride in heaven (Takdir, 2020). The indoctrination process of the terrorism ideology plays a significant role in influencing individuals’ mental states to carry out the terrorism acts by giving them confidence about the outcomes. The process alters the mental-state level processes and meanings of reality to embrace violence and hostility. That is, the ideology changes the cognition and behaviors of the participants.

[1425 Words]

Psychological and behavioral

The Code of Switching- Bilingualism

Often bilingual speakers talking to each other will code switch ( (Links to an external site.)) – they will go back and forth between speaking both of the languages they are fluent in.

Please provide an example of where you have seen this (describing it, asking a friend who does it, or showing a clip/video is fine) and try to come up with reasons why you think bilinguals often do this. What contexts do you think it is most likely to occur in? When do you think it is less likely to occur? Can you think of any social implications for code switching?

When commenting on classmates’ posts comment on how it is different or similar to the examples and reasons you provided.

Question will be proven after disc

You can do the discussion board first. And then I will give you the questions to an

this is the material you can read for discussion. About chapter 9

Answer preview

I believe code-switching phenomena usually happens in uncontrolled environments where there is less supervision. Furtherly, Harley (2010) opined that code-switching is most likely to occur during a series of explanations between two or more bilingual people of the same language. Likewise, code-switching happens during unmarked language choice, which is used mostly during comparisons. Clarification and emphasis are other factors that influence the code-switching model during communication.

When Do you think Code Switching is Less Likely to Occur?

Code-switching is less likely to occur in a controlled environment whereby the first language is commanded, such as in official meetings. Secondly, code-switching is less likely to happen when there is no group identity. It means that no one can understand the second language of the bilingual, limiting the use of code switch.

[396 Words]

The Code of Switching- Bilingualism

Multicultural identity and multicultural therapy

As you continue to prepare for the in-residence component of this course, be aware of how this week’s Learning Resources synthesize the cultural identity factors you explored in the previous weeks. Generally, no one individual assumes just one identity. An individual’s race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality orientation, socioeconomic status, class, age, and ability contribute to that individual’s multicultural identity.

For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources. Select at least one topic from the course readings on multicultural identity and multicultural therapy that you found challenging, and reflect on why you found this to be so. Also consider any other topics that have been challenging this term. Finally, think about what topics you hope are covered in more depth during the week in-residence.

Post by Day 4 a description of at least one topic from the required readings on multicultural identity and multicultural therapy that you found challenging, and explain why. Then, explain any other areas or topics that have been challenging in this course. Finally, explain what topics you hope are covered in more depth in-residence.

Be sure to support your posts with specific references to the Learning Resources.




  • Duran, E. (2006). Healing the soul wound: Counseling with American Indians and other native peoples. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
    • Chapter 3, “The Healing/Therapeutic Circle” (pp. 39–48)
    • Chapter 6, “Diagnosis: Treating Emotional Problems as Living Entities” (pp. 79–111)
  • Bernal, G., & Rodríguez, M. M. D. (2009). Advances in Latino family research: Cultural adaptations of evidence-based interventions. Family Process, 48(2), 169–178.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Bernal, G., Jimenez-Chafey, M. I., & Rodríguez, M. M. D. (2009). Cultural adaptation of treatments: A resource for considering culture in evidence-based practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40(4), 361–368.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Chavis, A. Z., & Hill, M. S. (2009). Integrating multiple intersecting identities: A multicultural conceptualization of the power and control wheel. Women & Therapy, 32(1), 121–149.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Diaz-Martinez, A. M., Interian, A., & Waters, D. M. (2010). The integration of CBT, multicultural and feminist psychotherapies with Latinas. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 20(3), 312–326.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Hays, P. A. (2009). Integrating evidence-based practice, cognitive-behavior therapy, and multicultural therapy: Ten steps for culturally competent practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40(4), 354–360.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Munsey, C. (2009). Working with Latino clients. Retrieved from
  • Owen, J., Leach, M. M., Wampold, B., & Rodolfa, E. (2011). Multicultural approaches in psychotherapy: A rejoinder. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58(1), 22–26.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Ponterotto, J. G. (2010). Multicultural personality: An evolving theory of optimal functioning in culturally heterogeneous societies. The Counseling Psychologist, 38(5), 714–758.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Sanchez-Hucles, J. V., & Davis, D. D. (2011). Women and women of color in leadership: Complexity, identity, and intersectionality. American Psychologist, 65(3), 171–181.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Thompson, V., Bazile, A., & Akbar, M. (2004). African Americans’ perceptions of psychotherapy and psychotherapists. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 35(1), 19–26.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Williams, C. (2005). Counseling African American women: Multiple identities—Multiple constraints. Journal of Counseling & Development, 83(3), 278–283.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Document: Henry Thompson Case Conceptualization and Case Demonstration Overview (Word document)
    You will use this document as a reference to the requirements of the Case Conceptualization and Case Demonstration.
  • Document: Henry Thompson Case Notes (Word document)
    You will use this document to inform your Case Conceptualization and Case Demonstration.
  • Document: Henry Thompson Case Conceptualization (Word document)
    You will use this document to complete your Case Conceptualization and inform your Case Demonstration.
  • Document: Multicultural Population Research Paper Overview (Word document)
    You will use this document to complete your Multicultural Population Research Paper.


  • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012b). Family case study [Interactive media]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

    Note: Please click on the following link for the transcript: Transcript (PDF document).

  • Microtraining Associates (Video Publisher). (2005b). Race, gender, and sexual orientation: Counseling people with multiple cultural identities [Video webcast].
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Optional Resources

  • Gone, J. P. (2010). Psychotherapy and traditional healing for American Indians: Exploring the prospects for therapeutic integration. The Counseling Psychologist, 38(2), 166–235. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Hwang, W. (2006). The psychotherapy adaptation and modification framework: Application to Asian Americans. American Psychologist, 61(7), 702–715.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Answer preview

The topic of multiple intersecting identities, especially for women at the receiving end of intimate partner violence, is another topic that still eludes me. Bouts of violence against women, especially those instigated by their loved ones, have been part and parcel of society, majorly stemming from the systemic inequalities prevalent in society (Chavis & Hill, 2009). I have challenges understanding how a woman’s cultural and structural identities might influence their perception of intimate partner abuse. The available research regarding intimate partner violence treats all women as a uniform entity rather than recognizing their diversity. Getting rid of this problem requires people to understand how the various systems of structural inequality in society intersect. I need to know how race, ethnicity, age, and sexual orientation shape the perception women have regarding the choices available to them after being victims of intimate partner violence (Chavis & Hill, 2009).

[675 Words]

Multicultural identity and multicultural therapy

Relational violence

Develop a vignette and researched-based treatment plan of someone experiencing symptoms related to relational violence. In your discussion of the case:

  • compare and contrast the different forms of relational violence and the implications for treatment and how it relates to your client;
  • assess various responses to trauma as it pertains to relational violence from the resilience, recovery, and medical models;
  • integrate the process of recovery with community-based resources for support for your proposed case, for example Victims of Violent Crimes and various other support groups.

Provide a clinical summary that includes the presenting problem, trauma event(s) symptom profile, diagnosis and relevant history and background information of the “client” presenting for therapy. Your summary information should be consistent with known research on the effects and impact of trauma, common symptom expression and interpersonal difficulties.

Develop and formulate a comprehensive, inter-disciplinary treatment plan where you integrate the process of recovery with community-based resources for support for your proposed case, for example Victims of Violent Crimes and various other support groups to address your client’s presenting problem.

Use a traditional format that includes problem statements, goals, specific objectives and appropriate interventions, including relevant referrals. Include a minimum of two problems, 3-4 objectives and 3-5 interventions for each defined problem. Remember to use SMART criteria when developing your objectives (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-limited).

Lastly, support your choice of goals, objectives and interventions with empirical evidence from at least two relevant resources specific to trauma therapy techniques and recovery tasks. Explain how the chosen interventions specifically aid in trauma recovery.

Write your clinical summary in a paper that will be a minimum of 5 pages excluding cover and reference pages. Cite your references in APA format. Include a cover page. You will be graded on content, form, thoroughness and quality of writing.

As long as you follow the prompt it should be all good
Answer preview
After assessing Noni’s case, her mental health state needs to be stable. However, this can only be achieved by ensuring that the patient gets trauma-care, which addresses the PSTD problem. Moreover, Noni presented harmful behavioral coping mechanisms by using alcohol as a stress reliever. The coping mechanism has adverse health effects that could worsen Noni’s initial PSTD problem. Additionally, the aspect of safety lacks in Noni’s abusive relationship, thus increasing her feeling of insecurity, thus triggering more stress. Solving these problems will require an interdisciplinary treatment plan. In this case, working with community agencies would make it easier to administer treatment with constant patient monitoring. Hence, ensuring Noni’s safety during and after the treatment and recovery process will require involving a community organization to provide shelter to IPV victims.
[1605 Words]

Relational violence

Emotional intelligence

My question is “is emotional intelligence valid?” And I am arguing the side of YES it IS valid. I must talk about emotional intelligence and self-awareness. Please use these two articles to write a 2-3 page paper on why emotional intelligence is valid – and talk about how self awareness relates.

Answer preview

Notably, the lack of EI is contributed by faulty learning or being in an environment that does not educate people on how to cope with challenging situations that they come across. Hence, emotional education is essential because it increases one’s emotional knowledge of strategic ways of regulating emotion. For instance, social interactions between children and caregivers impact the child’s social engagement in life. Matthews et al. (2014) inform that children with emotional distress reflect the poor parenting they get from their primary caregivers. These children develop emotional regulation challenges that counter their EI during social engagements. However, caregivers who implement good parenting help shape their children’s emotional development, which helps them have self-awareness regarding their emotions. This means that as the children grow up, they gradually gain the ability to self-evaluate their feelings and self-reflect on different emotion regulation strategies. In the process,

[666 Words]

Emotional intelligence

Emerging terrorist threat

Question Description: In this discussion, you will identify an emerging terrorist threat and begin to explore the different ways in which it may evolve. Begin by researching a current news article on an emerging terrorist threat. Use this article as the basis for your initial post. In your initial post, briefly summarize the article focusing on the emerging terrorist threat. Then, present a minimum of three alternative futures related to how this threat may evolve over time.

Answer preview

Despite the popularization of cyberterrorism by international news media, the threat such a form of terrorism poses is too significant to get ignored. Terrorists are diversifying their points of attack by adopting modern methods of warfare. The evolution of warfare has seen most wars getting fought on the cyberspace (Jarvis et al., 2015). Such circumstances resulted in the emergence of cyberterrorism. Dealing with cyberterrorism will not be easy, considering the evolution of technology. Technology is a rapidly changing phenomenon, which means that the technological advancements that currently seem progressive will appear redundant in a few years (Jarvis et al., 2015). With respect to cyberterrorism, advancements in technology that will happen in the future will allow for more sophisticated attacks.

[432 Words]

Emerging terrorist threat

Human behavior

Each student will select a question (problem) associated with human behavior and examine different explanations for the behavior. (Examples: Why are some people evil? Why are more children diagnosed with ADHD or Autism now than previously? Why do people lie? Why do people XYZ? What causes XYZ in humans? How does XYZ behavior in humans develop?)

Each student will a) research, b) analyze possible explanations, and c) evaluate answers to his/her question using at least two prominent psychological theoretical perspectives that we have studied in this course: biological, evolutionary, cognitive, behavioral, psychodynamic, sociocultural, and humanistic. The student will also form conclusions about which psychological perspective best explains the identified problem and address ethical issues associated with the problem.

The student will document the information in the form of an essay (4-5 pages) using APA style. The essay will be submitted through the assignment link on the course Blackboard site.

Steps to assignment completion:

  1. Statement of the problem: Identify and explain your question of interest regarding human behavior. Why is this of interest to you? Why is this question important? Why is this behavior considered a problem (include supporting data)?
  2. Evidence: Select (and thoroughly describe) two prominent psychological theoretical perspectives which address the problems.

After describing the psychological perspectives, research and identify one source for each perspective (total: 2 sources) which address the question. List and summarize each of the sources. These sources should be written by professionals who have expertise in the subject.

  1. Influence of Contexts and Assumptions: Using the information from these sources, thoroughly explain how a psychologist working within each perspective views the problem, and how she or he would try to answer the question. (IN-TEXT CITATIONS AND REFERENCE PAGE ARE TO BE COMPLETED IN APA STYLE.)
  2. Student’s Position: Evaluate the information you’ve described and form personal conclusions. Explain why you agree with one perspective over the other or offer an alternative psychological perspective as the explanation. You must select only one perspective and support your position with evidence. How do your conclusions impact you? Why are your conclusions important for you?
  3. Conclusions and Related Outcomes: Expand beyond your personal conclusions and further evaluate the information. What implications or impact do your conclusions have for psychologists and society at large? For example, do your conclusions suggest different areas for psychologists to investigate or study? Could what you have concluded be used to help society at large, or do your conclusions suggest dangers or warnings for society? What might be the economic, political, social, or educational implications of what you’ve concluded?
  4. Ethical Considerations: Psychologists often encounter ethical issues/concerns when addressing human problems. Using the 8 key ethical questions as presented by James Madison University (fairness, outcomes, responsibility, character, liberty, empathy, authority, and rights) think about the ethical issues that may result from the problem you have identified. Select at least 3 of the most appropriate questions and explain how each applies to your selected problem about human behavior. (The questions provided below are examples of possible ethical issues/concerns associated with depression.)

Fairness How can I act equitably and balance legitimate interests? What if I am unable to care for my family and continue my employment? Do I have to reveal my illness to my employer?

Outcomes What achieves the best short- and long-term outcomes for me and all others? What happens if I get treatment for my depression? What if I choose not to accept treatment? How does the treatment or lack of treatment impact my family, friends, and coworkers? Will the depression eventually go away? Are there advantages to getting treatment sooner rather than later? What types of treatment seems to work best?

Responsibilities – What duties and/or obligations apply? Even though my friend/family member has not admitted directly to me they are suicidal, should I contact a professional if I suspect someone is suicidal? What professional should I contact?

Character – What action best reflects who I am and the person I want to become? Those who suffer from depression experience many negative symptoms; irritability, lack of interest, intense sadness, confusion, fatigue, sleep difficulties, thoughts of suicide, etc. Could depression impact who a person becomes? Can depression influence relationships at home, school, or work? Does depression own the sufferer or can the sufferer learn to own the depression?

Liberty How does respect for freedom, personal autonomy, or consent apply? Can those who experience severe depression be forced to seek help and receive treatment for depression? What should I do if someone confides they are suffering from depression? Should I call someone? Who do I call? Is my call confidential?

Empathy – What would I do if I cared deeply about those involved?Would I want to see those I care about suffer from the negative symptoms of depression? How can I help since I am not a therapist?

Authority – What do legitimate authorities (e.g. experts, law, my religion/god) expect of me? Can I be forced into treatment? Will my parents/family support me getting help?

Rights – What rights (e.g. innate, legal, social) apply? Should insurance companies be required to cover mental health services? Should counseling centers be required to provide services to individuals who do not have insurance or available funds?

After you have written your essay (4-5 pages) in APA style, save it as a WORD or PDF file and submit through the Critical Thinking Assignment Link on Blackboard. In addition to content, students will be graded on preparation and planning, APA formatting, written product, level of engagement, and overall attitude. Refer to the GRADING rubric for specific

Please please follow the instructions and send me quality work. This assignment is very important to me. Use proper and correct citations.

Answer preview

The theory is about how people can use their individualized qualities for the wellbeing of others. Bland & DeRobertis (2017) says that the humanistic perspective contends that personality development is an ongoing process, and it is motivated by choice, expanding consciousness, and the need for relative integration. Individuals are unique, and everybody is responsible for the decisions that they make. People are capable of making radical changes, and human behaviors can best be understood from the internal frame of an individual. Human behavior grows as a result of a personal desire for growth, the need to be competent, and the need to bond with other people.

[1387 Words]

Human behavior

Consulting partnership

Within the Discussion Board area, write 500–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Focus on the following questions:

It is important for the client and the consultant to understand what is expected of each other and what each other wants and needs. This goes beyond the written contract to a state of the relationship. As you reflect on your consulting partnership, describe how you have established this psychological contract along the way and what insight you have gained regarding its importance to consulting work.

Answer preview

The term psychological contract denotes the reality that there is more to sustaining a good business relationship with clients that mere contractual terms (Curuksu, 2018). Trust is an essential element for the formation of robust connections, and the consulting partner ought to take measures that create a good working relationship with the clients. The first step needed to achieve this outcome entails facilitating more client involvement in the decision-making process. The rationale for open dialogue in action research is that it provides the consulting partner with an opportunity to obtain hidden data and use it to make the most appropriate judgment in the situation. Even in the presence of a detailed written contract, the client often has a vast array of unspoken expectations and often hopes that the consulting partner has enough expertise to resolve them. In creating strategies for advisory and training engagements, a consulting partner has to discern the unspoken expectations through dialogue and determine whether they can be feasibly met (Palus & McGuire, 2015).

[799 Words ]

Consulting partnership