IT management

After a Lakewood IT management team meeting, they decided there is a need for even more information about the the IT service solutions you researched last week. The management team asked for more detail about the solutions you identified as the best selections. Revisit the solutions you selected in week 2’s paper in order to compare and contrast, at least five, features and functions in each solution. In addition, be sure to identify risks associated with implementing each recommended solution. Lastly, make sure to gather and include the capital costs and any on-going operational costs for the hardware/software associated with each solution.

The paper must not exceed 5 pages of content (the title page, abstract [if required], reference pages, figures/tables, and appendices are not content pages). In addition, the paper must use:After a Lakewood IT management team meeting, they decided there is a need for even more information about the the IT service solutions you researched last week. The management team asked for more detail about the solutions you identified as the best selections. Revisit the solutions you selected in week 2’s paper in order to compare and contrast, at least five, features and functions in each solution. In addition, be sure to identify risks associated with implementing each recommended solution. Lastly, make sure to gather and include the capital costs and any on-going operational costs for the hardware/software associated with each solution.

The paper must not exceed 5 pages of content (the title page, abstract [if required], reference pages, figures/tables, and appendices are not content pages). In addition, the paper must use:

Requirements: 3-5 pages

Answer preview

Some risks associated with implementing AWS. AWS is expensive compared to the cost of accessing the cloud-based services from other providers. For instance, a company may be required to pay up to $15,000 per month to access AWS services (Narula, & Jain, 2015, February). Another risk is data breaching threats. Although AWS provides maximum security protection, it is also exposed to some cyber threats. Although the Dropbox application offers numerous services to its users, it is associated with some data security issues. The application is exposed to data theft risks which are associated with a lack of oversight (Drago et al.2012, November). Another security issue is data loss. Lack of visibility over the movement of files or file versions across endpoints is one of the issues affecting the program. It is also associated with the corruption of the data.

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IT management