Buddhist teachings and Islamic belief
The comparisment of Christianity, Buddhism and Islam
Choose Topic: English
Number of Pages: 2
Question Description: Compare the following 3 excerpts from world religions that were founded in the second half of our course: Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. While modern Western Christianity has developed different beliefs and practices, what did this early Christian text have in common with the texts from Buddhist teachings and Islamic belief? Also, what were their greatest differences based on the short excerpts below? In a 1 ½ double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font, paper (using the 3 primary documents you have been given as cited below) explain how these religious texts relate to each other. You must have a thesis statement and footnote citations.
“The Buddha: Basic Teachings,” from: Buddha, the Word. Edited by Nyanatiloka. Electronically
Enhanced Text (C) Copyright 1991, World Library, Inc. http://web.archive.org/web/
“The Gospel of Thomas” excerpt, translated by Stephen Patterson and Marvin Meyer. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/
The Holy Qur’an, excerpt from “The Holy Qur’an” translated by M.H. Shakir at CMU.
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which states that Allah is the Beneficent, Originator, and Maker of all the angels. In contrast to the Supreme Being beliefs, the Buddhism text acknowledges supreme Enlightenment, whereby the followers should seek inner peace like the Buddha and other disciples who experienced rebirths (Bussagli, Par. 3-4). Generally, achieving this Enlightened, which represents the superior aspect in the believers who have attained it, is the most crucial belief that enhances inner peace and wisdom.
In conclusion, understanding the religious beliefs endorsed in Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam helps an individual understand the driving factors that motivate the believers to adhere to the teachings firmly. This understanding informs the similarities in these religions are evident in the parables and ethical standards the believers should practice to achieve wholeness. Furthermore, the mentioned differences help an individual embrace the uniqueness of the beliefs and respect the believers’ faith.
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